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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5826


Chapter 5826: Spending Quite Extravagantly

"Boom rumble rumble..."

The golden war chariot rolled through the skies, its imposing presence boundless, exuding a ferocious pressure that made the world tremble, domineering and overbearing.

Along the way, many forces cast sidelong glances at it, but no one dared to intervene. The pressure emanating from the golden war chariot was too terrifying, and no one knew the nature of the beings inside. In case they provoked a terrifying entity, it could spell the doom of their entire army. Therefore, even when they encountered numerous forces along the way, and the golden war chariot blatantly soared over their heads, no one dared to make a move.

"Haha, this war chariot is amazing!"

Inside the golden war chariot, members of the Undying Clan excitedly exclaimed. They had never seen such a powerful and luxurious war chariot before.

Within the war chariot, there were not only palaces but also gardens, sleeping chambers, and even artificial hills and flowing water in the rear, with pavilions and towers—all crafted from gold. Even the flowing water was a golden hue.

The disciples of the Undying Clan, upon entering the palace, did not hold back and ran around like a group of children who had never seen the world. They picked up things and explored with wide-eyed wonder.

"Long Chen, what's this thing, an eye mask? It looks quite large!"

A young woman from the Undying Clan held up a peculiar item, put it over her eyes, and found it didn't quite fit.

Long Chen, seeing the item, couldn't help but stare. He glanced at the Night Chilling Wind in his hand. The Night Chilling Wind had a gloomy expression, to begin with, and remained silent, but when he saw that item, his mouth twitched, and veins popped on his forehead.

"Long Chen, what is this?"

The young woman, seeing Long Chen's silence, thought he hadn't heard her and asked again.

"Cough, I don't know what that is either," Long Chen cleared his throat.

The young woman furrowed her brow, scrutinized the item for a while, and suddenly covered her chest. An expression of realization dawned on her face.

"Wow, the Night Demon Clan is so clever to design such clothing."

"Nonsense. This was made by humans, what does it have to do with our Night Demon Clan?" The Night Chilling Wind couldn't contain his anger any longer and shouted.

"You're lying! If it were made by humans, how could Long Chen not know?" The young woman pouted.

"Human-made things should not be found on your carriage," Long Chen countered.

The Night Chilling Wind suddenly found himself speechless. This item was from his sleeping chamber. In the Night Demon Clan, he enjoyed nightly revelries with the serving girls. However, due to the dangerous journey, he decided not to bring his concubines along, but his sleeping chamber still held many remnants of those nights.

He hadn't expected these Undying Clan fellows to be as impolite as mischievous children, running amok and showing no manners.

"What's this now?"

Another Undying Clan disciple held a small whip in one hand and a candle holder in the other.

"Seems like you're splurging," Long Chen couldn't help but look at the Night Chilling Wind with a strange expression.

The Night Chilling Wind's eyes were almost green with fury. He simply closed his eyes, saying coldly, "You are also a formidable warrior. I hope you keep your word."

"No need to flatter me, and I don't need any tricks from you. If you were really clever, you wouldn't have fallen into my hands," Long Chen sneered.

"That's because you used despicable tricks," the Night Chilling Wind retorted.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Long Chen reached out and gently patted Night Chilling Wind's face a few times, wearing a peculiar expression as he said, "You're considered a skilled member of the Night Demon Clan, so why do you speak so childishly? Who started the shamelessness? Was it not you who ambushed us? Is outnumbering your enemies not shameless? Bullying the weaker isn't shameless?"

Night Chilling Wind was both surprised and angry, clenching his teeth. "If you're a real man, face me one-on-one."

"Fool, why didn't you call for one-on-one combat when you had an absolute advantage before? Why did you order a direct siege on us? Alright, enough chattering. If you keep it up, you might provoke me. If my temper flares up, you might just end up dead," Long Chen said nonchalantly.

This guy was undoubtedly strong, but he was still a flower that grew in a greenhouse. His words were incredibly childish, and Long Chen couldn't be bothered to talk to him.

In fact, Long Chen had no interest in asking about his background because it was irrelevant. He was simply waiting for Huai Yushan to recover.


An hour later, the entire war chariot trembled slightly, and Huai Yushan's body emitted a radiant glow. She had returned to her peak state.

It had to be admitted that the Undying Clan's regenerative abilities were astonishing. When the golden war chariot suddenly self-destructed, Huai Yushan didn't have time to use her magical arts and techniques. Instead, she had to rely on her innate power to withstand it, resulting in damage to her origin.

If a member of the human race suffered damage to their origin, it would be troublesome. They would need to recuperate for at least ten days, possibly even half a year to fully recover.

"Let him go somewhere. The reputation of our Undying Dragon Huai Clan is at stake," Huai Yushan said.

Hearing Huai Yushan's words, Night Chilling Wind's eyes briefly flickered with a cold and fierce light, although it was a fleeting moment. He couldn't hide it from Long Chen, though.

Long Chen shook his head. "Once we release this person, he will undoubtedly turn against us immediately. I suggest we kill him."

Upon hearing Long Chen's words, Night Chilling Wind's face changed.

"No, our Undying Dragon Huai Clan's reputation is more important," Huai Yushan said, frowning. Evidently, she couldn't see that Long Chen was deliberately intimidating Night Chilling Wind.

"This man was captured by me, and I'll be the one to kill him. What does it have to do with the Undying Dragon Huai Clan?" Long Chen retorted.


Huai Yushan was momentarily speechless, unable to counter Long Chen's argument.

"What do you mean, it has nothing to do with you? You're all in this together, having acted treacherously and unscrupulously. The Undying Dragon Huai Clan will never wash away this stain," Night Chilling Wind shouted.


Long Chen's palm landed on Night Chilling Wind's face, and he said angrily, "Did I ask you to speak?"


Night Chilling Wind was infuriated.

"Not only do you answer back, but you also dare to glare?" 

"Smack, smack, smack..."

Long Chen extended his hand, delivering a series of blows, and the resounding slaps left Night Chilling Wind's face resembling a pig's head, with his mouth corners torn and blood streaming.

"Long Chen, release him. Consider it a favor I'm asking from you," even though Long Chen's argument was unassailable, this matter involved the reputation of the Undying Dragon Huai Clan, and she had to be cautious.

In reality, Long Chen had no intention of killing this man, but this guy had been acting arrogantly from start to finish. Long Chen was irritated and felt the need to let off some steam.

He knew that the members of the Undying Dragon Huai Clan were stubborn and lacked flexibility, and he didn't expect Huai Yushan to heed his advice.

The golden war chariot slowed down and came to a stop in a desert. Everyone stepped out of the chariot. Long Chen grabbed Night Chilling Wind, kicked him in the backside, and he shot out like a meteor.


As soon as he was freed from Long Chen's restraints, Night Chilling Wind's aura erupted. A malevolent energy that rivaled a Late-stage God Emperor surged into the sky.

"You bunch of wretched ants, you shall all die!"

At that moment, Night Chilling Wind's roar resounded through the heavens, and an overwhelming murderous intent blanketed the world.

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