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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5832


Chapter 5832: The Protagonist's Debut?

Perhaps it's because they've been influenced by humanity for too long, but even among the Tree Demon clan, dogs were considered a derogatory term. 

Previously, although the beautiful woman was somewhat angry, she had been suppressing her anger. It wasn't until the old man mentioned their alliance with the Vedic lineage and the Blaze Illusion lineage that her face turned cold.


However, in the face of the beautiful woman's scolding, he seemed entirely unbothered. In fact, he seemed quite content as he said, "The great generals protect their lords, and the sharp bird ascends to a high branch. Back then, the Undying Ming Willow clan did not know what's good for them and dared to oppose Lord Veda and Lord Blaze Illusion. Not only did you suffer heavy losses, but you also greatly harmed the vitality of the entire Tree Demon clan. All of this was caused by your foolishness. Now, our Great Luo Green Lotus clan has formed an alliance with them, a wise and enlightened choice. After a long period of concealment, the power of Lord Veda and Lord Blaze Illusion has spread throughout the Nine Heavens' realm. Now that the Nine Heavens are open, their power is converging even faster. 

In contrast, what about you? Your former rulers have withered to the extent that your overall strength is no different from one of our Great Luo Green Lotus clan's branches. Are you still basking in the glory of the past? Do you still think the Undying Ming Willow clan is the same as before? Wake up; this world has changed."

Seemingly seeing the anger in the beautiful woman, the old man's mood appeared particularly good. A sly smile never left his face as he looked like a petty, triumphant figure.

"This old coot talks too much nonsense. What's his point? If they want to fight, they should just do it!" Behind Long Chen, a member of the Undying Ming Willow clan gritted his teeth.

Watching the arrogance of the Great Luo Green Lotus clan, he was filled with rage and had been waiting for the order to attack. Although he knew that once the battle began, there was almost no hope for the disciples positioned here, they still showed no fear. It was unclear whether the Undying clan were natural warriors, whether they were simply unaware of the pain that death brought, or whether, in their eyes, the glory of the Undying Ming Willow clan could surpass everything, including life.

Long Chen said, "This old coot is talking so much nonsense to introduce his master properly and create pressure on us. Perhaps they came this time with the intention of convincing us to join them."

"Join them? They must be dreaming. The proud Undying Ming Willow clan will never submit, even if they have to fight to the last man," Huai Yushan said through gritted teeth.

Previously, Huai Yushan had remained calm, but now her emotions were clearly getting out of control. Undoubtedly, the glory of the Undying Ming Willow clan was a sensitive topic for them, one they would not allow to be tarnished.

When Huai Yushan said this, many of the strong members of the Undying Ming Willow clan in the vicinity cast appreciative glances at her. No matter how strong the enemy might be, the pride of the Undying Ming Willow clan would never bend. The Great Luo Green Lotus clan had clearly underestimated them. They treated them like dogs, and now they wanted to see if the Undying Ming Willow clan would also be willing. This was what angered them the most.

"Hmph, Lord Veda and Blaze Illusion, one is a traitor who betrayed his mentor and clan, and the other is a fusion of evil and filth, a monster that only knows greed and slaughter. Back then, they wanted to use force to subjugate the Tree Demon clan, and the Undying Ming Willow clan united all the tree demons to oppose them. If I recall correctly, the Great Luo clan fled without a fight and hid in a small world. However, the entrance was discovered by the Blaze Illusion lineage, and over thirty branch tribes were completely wiped out. With such a deep-seated grudge, you say we should just forget it and even form an alliance with them? I truly admire you." The beautiful woman's eyes were fixed on the old man, filled with mockery.

By directly exposing their dark history, the beautiful woman made the old man twitch in his facial expression. It was evident that her words had struck a chord. From his expression, it was clear that everything she had said was factual and irrefutable.

"At this moment, in human terms, in this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. The Nine Heavens are now open, and myriad paths are reviving. This also signifies the impending calamity. If we want our races to endure, we must make the right choices. As for the grievances between us and the Blaze Illusion lineage, there are some misunderstandings, and those misunderstandings, of course, won't be shared with you," the old man sneered.

"Misunderstandings?" Long Chen's lips curved into a mocking smile. The term was well chosen. Almost all their clan members had been nearly wiped out, and they tried to pass it off as a mere misunderstanding? Okay, they certainly had a broad mind.

Hearing this, Long Chen had a rough idea of the situation. The Great Luo Green Lotus clan had fled the battle and was captured by the Blaze Illusion lineage. However, they had suddenly stopped. It was easy to deduce that the Great Luo Green Lotus clan must have been forced to their knees and integrated into the Blaze Illusion lineage. However, something didn't add up. The Great Luo Green Lotus clan was just a third-rate power at the time, but now their strength had skyrocketed to this level. There must be some hidden secrets.

"Hidden secrets?" Thinking of hidden secrets, Long Chen suddenly thought of the Great Veda. When he thought of the Great Veda, he immediately thought of alchemy.

Long Chen quickly looked at the strong members of the Great Luo Green Lotus clan, and sure enough, he sensed faint alchemical fluctuations from them.

"I see. The Great Luo Green Lotus clan's rapid development must be due to alchemical support," Long Chen realized.

However, the Great Luo Green Lotus clan was a plant-based demon race, so eating alchemical pills was essentially like consuming their own kind. But thinking about it, he was a human and still consumed meat, right? However, plant-based cultivators certainly couldn't ingest alchemical pills meant for human use. These had to be highly specialized pills.

Thinking of this, everything became clear. The Great Veda and the Blaze Illusion lineage had a close relationship, and it was clear that the Blaze Illusion lineage looked down on races like the Great Luo Green Lotus clan. If it weren't for the Great Veda's intervention, the Blaze Illusion lineage would have exterminated the Great Luo Green Lotus clan. Therefore, it was the Great Veda who was pulling the strings behind the scenes. If this deduction was correct, then races like the Great Luo Green Lotus clan must not be the minority.

During the Chaos War, the Great Veda had already begun to lay the groundwork. Now, the seeds sown by the Great Veda had matured. This guy had some deep schemes. Even though Long Chen and the Great Veda were mortal enemies, he had to admire the Great Veda's patience and determination. Furthermore, the Great Veda's plan was undoubtedly far more extensive than what Long Chen could see. What Long Chen was witnessing was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Don't waste time talking to them. Get straight to the point!" Just then, a cold voice came from the midst of the Great Luo Green Lotus clan's strong members, followed by a group of young figures.

When they saw these figures, Huai Yushan and the others' pupils constricted, and Long Chen silently watched them, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It seems like they are the real protagonists! The good show is finally about to begin."

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