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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5870


**Chapter 5870: The Eye of Immortality**

In the grand hall, Liu Changtian sat on the throne, surveying over a thousand immortals of the Undying Clan. Although his expression remained unchanged, his eyes revealed profound astonishment.

He had previously observed the Seven Treasure Crystal Tree with Lady Xihua, but the tree had its own spatial barriers, preventing him from entering. All he could witness were the painful wails, terrified screams, and indignant roars of the Undying Clan disciples.

Since he couldn't discern much, he chose not to bother, lest Dragon Dust find out and think he was trying to learn without permission, diminishing his reputation.

Now, a month later, upon seeing everyone again, they had all undergone a remarkable transformation. Their eyes were resolute, sharp, and no longer submissive in his presence as they once were.

They dared to meet Liu Changtian's gaze, a stark contrast to the past when they would have considered it disrespectful. Having experienced countless cycles of life and death, they had grown indifferent to conventional etiquette.

Their courage to meet Liu Changtian's eyes was a proclamation of their growth and strength. They wanted him to see their progress, to witness that they were no longer fragile flowers sheltered in a greenhouse but had truly matured, ready to protect the Undying Clan from any adversity.

Dragon Dust stood before the crowd, facing Liu Changtian directly, with Liu Ruyan and Chu Yao on either side.

As they looked at Dragon Dust's back, the Undying Clan disciples displayed a complex array of emotions in their eyes. Alongside admiration and worship, there lingered resentment and grievance. They still couldn't believe Dragon Dust had managed to defeat such a terrifying opponent.

Though all were in the Saintly Realm, the vast gap between heaven and earth left them unable to rejoice fully despite their rebirth.

"Very good, excellent. This is the appearance the new generation of strong Undying Clan members should have," nodded Liu Changtian, sweeping his gaze over each Emperor Sprout-level warrior.

Liu Changtian rarely praised people in his lifetime, but now, he used the words "very good, excellent" to describe everyone. The disciples present were instantly filled with excitement at gaining Liu Changtian's approval.

Some female disciples couldn't help but choke up. The past month felt like struggling in hell, and there were countless moments they wanted to give up. If it weren't for mutual encouragement and support, they wouldn't have persevered.

Now, with Liu Changtian's affirmation, they felt that everything was worthwhile.

Lady Xihua stood beside Liu Changtian, wearing a benevolent smile. Seeing the rapid growth of the new generation of disciples, she found solace.

Despite the Undying Clan's enduring reputation, they faced a fatal problem: a lack of successors. While Liu Changtian and a few fossil-level existences could deter some, the future of the Undying Clan rested with the new generation of disciples. The older generation, including Lady Xihua, would eventually be replaced.

Before their elimination, it was imperative for the younger generation to step up. Liu Ruyan was closely watched because Liu Changtian recognized her limitless potential as the best candidate for succession.

The relationship between Liu Ruyan and Dragon Dust made Liu Changtian headache-inducing. However, seeing over a thousand Emperor Sprout-level warriors reborn today filled him with hope for the future.

"There was originally something I planned to do after you advanced to the Emperor of Humanity. I intended to use my own life essence to seek blessings from our ancestors before proceeding. However, Dragon Dust's arrival has expedited this plan. I feel ashamed to admit that the Undying Clan possesses a treasure, a crucial part of which has been lost and is currently outside. It's time to reclaim it," declared Liu Changtian.

"What treasure?" Everyone was shocked upon hearing this revelation, but no one dared to interrupt. To avoid an awkward silence, Dragon Dust hastily inquired, "What do you mean, Emperor?"

"Our clan's sacred item, the gem on the Undying Scepter—the Eye of Immortality," Liu Changtian explained.

"What?" The mention of the Eye of Immortality astonished everyone. They stared at Liu Changtian in disbelief.

"That's correct. The Eye of Immortality that blessed you during your baptism is just one of the four secondary eyes. The true Eye of Immortality has always been in the hands of the Demon Eye Water Lily Clan. During the chaos of the Primordial War, the Undying Scepter shattered, and we could only salvage one of its secondary eyes. The Demon Eye Water Lily Clan mistakenly believed we were unaware of this, attempting to subdue it for countless years. Little did they know, their attempts were merely aiding the Eye of Immortality's recovery from its injuries.

Now that you have shown your potential, there's no need for us to remain hidden. Especially with the turmoil and internal strife within the Tree Demon series, it's time for us to reveal our fangs to prevent internal divisions caused by figures like Dafan Tian and Yan Xu. We must expose ourselves sooner rather than later."

After hearing about dealing with the Demon Eye Water Lily Clan, the Undying Clan disciples were instantly filled with zeal. The previous provocation from the Dalo Green Lotus Clan had infuriated them, even though Dragon Dust's encouragement had led to the demise of those challengers.

If the Demon Eye Water Lily Clan had directly challenged them, it would have been acceptable, considering their comparable strengths. However, the Demon Eye Water Lily Clan had instigated the Dalo Green Lotus Clan to provoke them deliberately. Although Dragon Dust had persuaded and helped kill them all, the lingering resentment was hard to quell.

If not for Liu Changtian's presence, they would have eagerly prepared to face their enemies.

"Dragon Dust, you have many ideas. This matter is now in your hands," Liu Changtian said, looking at Dragon Dust.

"No, Your Majesty..." Dragon Dust was stunned, utterly unprepared for such responsibility.

"I won't allow you to decline. We await good news from you," Liu Changtian said before disappearing, leaving a dumbfounded Dragon Dust and a bewildered crowd behind.

"You can't be serious, right? I'm just a minor Saintly Realm individual. Are you asking me to single-handedly infiltrate the Demon Eye Water Lily Clan and snatch back the treasure?" Dragon Dust couldn't help exclaiming.

Even Liu Minghao and others wore expressions of confusion. Why had such an important task been entrusted to Dragon Dust? What did that make the rest of them? What was the purpose of their visit?

Liu Ruyan and Chu Yao also felt that this was too much for Dragon Dust. It seemed like an impossible task.

Seeing Dragon Dust spread his hands with an innocent expression, Lady Xihua couldn't help but smile and said, "Rest assured. His Majesty merely meant for you to lead this time. During the event, both the high-ranking members of the Undying Clan and you will participate. However, you will be in charge. If we encounter formidable opponents, the Undying Clan has its own experts to deal with them. You can relax."

Upon hearing that Lady Xihua would also be present and that experts would accompany them, Dragon Dust's confidence surged. He laughed and said, "That makes it easier. I'm good at wielding authority while

 holding a chicken feather as a command token. I guarantee everything will be arranged clearly."

(End of Chapter)

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