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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5827


Chapter 5827: Huaishan vs. Night Cold Wind

When Night Cold Wind broke free from Dragon Dust's control, he unleashed all his power. Thirteen dragon veins circulated, his blood surged, and an overwhelming pressure emanated from him, forcing Dragon Dust's golden war chariot to continuously retreat.

The howling winds were like blades, cleaving through the heavens. The sight was terrifying, and people finally witnessed the terror of this top-tier member of the Night Demon Clan.

Previously, he had fallen into Dragon Dust's hands due to his carelessness, but now he was like a dragon returning to the sea, instantly becoming ferocious.

"Dragon Dust, you vile scoundrel, today, I'll be the first to kill you!" Night Cold Wind roared, his large hand opening wide, and the space around Dragon Dust exploded, with an invisible giant hand reaching for him.


However, just as the giant hand began to form, it exploded with a thunderous sound, and a graceful figure appeared, and it was none other than Huaishan.

She stood in front of Dragon Dust, her long hair fluttering, her clothes billowing, and she looked at Night Cold Wind coldly, saying, "Night Cold Wind, we have fulfilled our previous promise and will let you go. If you still don't know what's good for you and choose the path of death, don't blame the heavens and others."

"You wretched woman, shut up! Today, all of you will die!" Night Cold Wind roared, his large hand opening, and an obscure yellow battle halberd appeared in his hand. The halberd exuded a fierce and killing intent that swept through the world.

"Since you're so unrepentant, don't blame me for not being polite!" Even with Huaishan's good temper, she couldn't hold back when she saw Night Cold Wind's insolence.


Thirteen celestial dragon veins and dragon energies appeared behind her, and then a giant tree propped open the sky. This was her omen.

But the giant tree had just appeared and rapidly shrank. With its reduction, the heavenly force in the world was rapidly compressed. Finally, the giant tree's illusion merged with Huaishan herself.


At the moment of this merged omen, Huaishan's aura instantly erupted, and a violent pressure sent Dragon Dust and his golden war chariot flying far away.

Even the golden war chariot, which had its own divine light barrier, was continuously trembling due to her terrifying aura.

"Die!" Night Cold Wind roared, stepping into the void, moving like lightning, and instantly reached Huaishan. The battle halberd pierced through the void and struck towards Huaishan.

"Hum." Huaishan let out a cold snort, extending her left hand as a wooden pattern shield appeared, directly blocking the halberd's strike.

"Like an arm blocking a car, you're overestimating yourself!" Seeing Huaishan using a small wooden shield to block his halberd, Night Cold Wind coldly shouted, and the golden battle halberd attacked fiercely.


However, when the halberd struck the shield, the originally three-foot-wide shield rapidly expanded, covering the sky, and with Night Cold Wind's released power, it continued to grow.

"What?!" Night Cold Wind's expression changed. The shield's power was actually changing according to his own strength.

What was even more terrifying was that he felt his own power being absorbed by the shield, which was why it had become so huge.


Suddenly, the ground under Night Cold Wind's feet exploded. Countless thick branches, like giant pythons, surged out, rapidly entwining around him.

Everything happened too quickly, and Night Cold Wind was still immersed in Huaishan's extraordinary technique. When he finally reacted, the endless branches, like ribbons, had ensnared his legs.

"Not good!" Night Cold Wind's face changed. Runes appeared on his feet, booming and shattering the branches entwined around him. However, just as he had shattered the branches on his feet, countless more branches had already enveloped him.

At that moment, the giant shield covering the sky rapidly shrank and eventually turned into a spear about ten feet long in Huaishan's hand.

The wooden spear was jet black, covered in endless runes, sharp thorns, and a chilling gleam, making it intimidating to behold.

When the wooden spear appeared, Dragon Dust immediately noticed that the space around Huaishan began to warp rapidly.

"What an incredible technique! It absorbed Night Cold Wind's full strength and sealed it within this wooden spear. This guy is in for a tough time," Dragon Dust silently praised.

Huaishan not only possessed formidable strength but also had exceptional control over her power. Her reaction speed was impressive, making her a true expert.

"Be careful, little Windy. She's going to stab you in the rear!" Dragon Dust pretended to shout.


Just as Dragon Dust finished speaking, the jet-black spear in Huaishan's hand, like a black lightning bolt, traversed the vast emptiness and instantly arrived in front of Night Cold Wind.

At that moment, Night Cold Wind was desperately trying to free himself from the entwining branches and had felt the dreadful lock onto him.


The jet-black spear, as fast as lightning, had barely left Huaishan's hand when it reached Night Cold Wind. A deafening explosion shattered the branches around Night Cold Wind.

Amidst the raging winds, a disheveled figure flew out, and it was none other than Night Cold Wind. At this moment, his clothing was torn, revealing the golden battle armor beneath.

When he had just used the battle halberd to block, Huaishan's attack had been too powerful. It not only contained the power of Night Cold Wind but also her own strength.


Suddenly, Night Cold Wind spewed a mouthful of blood. Although his battle armor helped to partially mitigate the force, he was still injured.

"Little Windy, stop! Look at all the blood you're losing. If you keep going, you'll end up dead," Dragon Dust kindly reminded.

Night Cold Wind was on the verge of going mad. He let out a furious roar, and his demonic blood ignited, with red flames flickering on his halberd.


Like a blood-burning demon, Night Cold Wind took a step forward, and because of his incredible speed, a long series of afterimages appeared in the void. In his rage, he began to fight desperately.

In reality, if he were rational, he should have left immediately. When Dragon Dust captured him, he had used the ferocious power of the dragon blood to lock his meridians and suppress his soul. At that time, he was already injured, and now he could only exert eighty percent of his strength at most. But today, he had suffered a great humiliation, and he couldn't swallow this insult.

"See if you can borrow strength now!" Night Cold Wind roared. With his demonic blood burning, his strength was as solid as iron, rendering Huaishan's previous techniques useless.

"Do I only know how to borrow strength? You underestimate me." Huaishan sneered, and her jade-like hand opened, reaching out directly for Night Cold Wind's halberd. This action completely infuriated Night Cold Wind, who roared, and the full power of his blood surged into the halberd.

"Idiot," Dragon Dust muttered under his breath. If it were him, he would simply evade this attack and slap him across the face with a big palm. It would definitely shatter half of his brain. Night Cold Wind had placed all his power onto the halberd, and he did so too early. As long as Huaishan changed her move, he was undoubtedly dead.


However, to Dragon Dust's astonishment, Huaishan did not change her move. She fiercely slapped her left hand onto the halberd. Her arm, along with half her body, exploded into fragments with a resounding crash.

"Haha, die!" Seeing Huaishan suffer a massive loss due to her carelessness, Night Cold Wind burst into maniacal laughter. He swung his halberd horizontally and struck Huaishan hard.


Huaishan's body burst into pieces, but in the moment her body shattered, a wooden spike viciously pierced through Night Cold Wind from behind. Then, another Huaishan appeared behind Night Cold Wind, and she said coldly, "Next, it's your turn!"

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