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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5819


Chapter 5819 - Karma

Long Chen, accompanied by eight hundred undying Dragon Huaí young disciples, emerged from the Dragon Huaí forest, filled with deep emotion. He may not have known what the old clan leader had said to Huai Yushan, but he knew that the clan leader had changed their plans temporarily because of his arrival, allowing Huai Yushan to escort him directly to the Undying Demon Woods.

Meeting someone for the first time and earning such trust solely because of a mark left a wonderful feeling. At the same time, Long Chen felt a tinge of guilt. If the roles were reversed, could he trust the Dragon Huaí clan as they did?

What kind of faith allowed them to trust the Butterfly Spirit clan so unquestioningly, while humans always seemed filled with doubt and suspicion? Was this skepticism and mistrust born from a lifetime of deception and pain, or was it inherent?

"Long Chen, don't worry. Lady Yushan will escort you, and no one can threaten our safety. You should know that Lady Yushan is the first genius of the Undying Dragon Huaí clan in a billion years. She can single-handedly take on a mid-stage Divine Emperor, and even against a late-stage Divine Emperor, she can hold her own. Even if she can't win, she can easily escape. Your safety is nothing you need to concern yourself with," a male member of the Undying Dragon Huaí clan reassured Long Chen, seeing his furrowed brows as he deepened into thought.

"Exactly, in your human terms, there's that saying… what is it? Oh right, 'borrowing trouble from the future,'" added a young female from the Dragon Huaí clan.

"That's right, if anyone dares to block our path, it's their misfortune. Even without Lady Yushan's help, we can teach them a lesson," another short, dark-skinned male member of the clan confidently chimed in.

Seeing Long Chen's gloomy expression, they all tried to comfort him. Long Chen couldn't help but smile wryly. Did he really appear so fragile to them? The disciples of the Undying Dragon Huaí clan lacked a bit of subtlety. They all expressed their willingness to help Long Chen should an enemy appear. They were all incredibly excited because this was the first time they were leaving the watchful eyes of their elders to act on their own. Essentially, this was their chance to be free, just like wild horses breaking free from their reins.

"Don't be too overconfident. Remember, there's always someone better, and there are masters hidden beyond the skies and the earth. We, the Undying Dragon Huaí clan, are just a small, insignificant tribe among countless others. Underestimating the experts of the world can easily lead to great losses," Huai Yushan warned them as they started to sound a bit too boastful.

Hearing her words, the disciples suddenly felt very embarrassed. One of them coughed and said, "We just thought that Long Chen might be feeling a bit nervous, and we wanted to lighten the mood."

Huai Yushan's expression remained cold and emotionless as she replied, "But you all look so arrogant, with 'I'm invincible' written all over your faces. That doesn't seem like lightening the mood."

Please keep in mind that this translation is a basic interpretation of the text. To create a more polished and engaging translation, it would be helpful to know the intended audience and tone preferences, as these factors can significantly impact the final translation.

Long Chen couldn't help but smile, surprised to find that Huai Yushan had a hint of dark humor. Seeing everyone's embarrassment, he spoke up:

"Thank you, everyone. Actually, I'm not afraid; I'm just contemplating. It would be wonderful if our human race could one day be as united and loving as your clan. I often like to brag, saying that I'm invincible, that I've emerged from mountains of corpses and seas of blood. But when I think back, it seems like many of those in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood were my own kind."

As he spoke, Long Chen couldn't help but reveal a touch of loneliness and helplessness. He may not fear the fierce demon race, but deep down, he despised dealing with the human race. He dreamt of one day living a carefree life hidden away in the realm of the spirit race, far from the political maneuvering, deceit, and the constant wear and tear on the mind and body that defined the human world.

"Wow, you can brag this much even with your current strength? Then it seems like we're not bragging that much," a man couldn't help but say.

After the man finished speaking, he was met with a glare from Huai Yushan, as it was apparent that he had completely missed the point of Long Chen's words and only heard the part about boasting.

Huai Yushan looked at Long Chen and said, "Our Ancestor once said that the human race is the most complex of all species in this world. Your lack of unity can be a good thing. If the human race were united, the entire world would likely be under your control."

"Would the human race ruling the world be equivalent to doomsday?" Long Chen couldn't help but wryly smile.

"It would indeed be doomsday," Huai Yushan nodded.

"Awkward," Long Chen said, feeling somewhat at a loss. Could they really continue this conversation? If they did, would they end up fighting before even leaving the Dragon Huaí territory?

"Because our Ancestors have said that the most complicated race in this world is your human race. You lack reverence, have enormous ambition, and insatiable desires. When the human race gains control over the nine heavens, it will mark the coming of doomsday, and the Great War of Chaos is the best example of this," Huai Yushan explained.

Long Chen furrowed his brow, "You mentioned that the human race lacks reverence, has grand ambitions, and strong desires, and I don't necessarily disagree. However, to say that the human race controlling the nine heavens leads to doomsday, I'm not so sure about that. What do you know about the Great War of Chaos? If you don't understand the causes, it seems unfair to place the blame solely on the human race."

There was a moment of silence before Huai Yushan nodded and said, "You're right. But everything I said comes from the teachings of our Ancestors, and I believe in what they say."

Long Chen didn't want to pursue this topic further to avoid getting too emotional, making everyone uncomfortable. He changed the subject, "Regarding the Great War of Chaos, what do you know? Can you share some information?"

Huai Yushan replied, "I only know that the Great War of Chaos was caused by the human race's dissatisfaction with the restrictions of the nine heavens. They rebelled against the laws of heaven and earth, which ultimately led to divine punishment. When divine punishment struck, malevolent demons from beyond the heavens invaded, and the human race caused a great calamity, with immense suffering, rivers of blood, and severe damage to the qi of the nine heavens and ten lands, ushering in the era of the Last Law."

Rebellion? Divine punishment? Malevolent demons? Great calamity? Last Law era? A series of images flashed through Long Chen's mind. Huai Yushan's words came from what she had heard and were based on the history of the Undying Dragon Huaí clan. However, could history really be as straightforward as she had described it?

"Can we not talk about such serious topics?" someone spoke up softly upon seeing Long Chen's gloomy expression.

Long Chen waved his hand and said, "It's okay. At least I now know how the Undying Dragon Huaí clan views the causes of that great war. Thank you."

Regardless of whether this information was true or not, Long Chen knew that Huai Yushan wouldn't lie. So, if the Undying Dragon Huaí clan held this perspective, it was likely not a minority view.

Just as they had left the Dragon Huaí forest for less than an hour, the surrounding space suddenly changed. Semi-transparent figures appeared from the air, encircling them.

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