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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5818


Chapter 5818 - Huai Yushan

The old clan leader's actions left Long Chen stunned, and Huai Minjun was equally incredulous. The other powerful members of the Undying Dragon Huai clan couldn't believe their eyes. The old clan leader had actually bowed to a young human, and not just any bow, but one of the most ancient and solemn rituals. Who was this guy?

"Senior, you are too kind," Long Chen hastily reciprocated.

The old clan leader smiled faintly and said, "You don't need to be surprised. Anyone blessed by the Butterfly Spirit clan is the most esteemed guest in our Undying Dragon Huai clan. Even if you were a heinous demon, we would still receive you sincerely when you come here."

Hearing about the blessing from the Butterfly Spirit clan, Long Chen suddenly understood. He looked at the towering ancient tree above and then at the old man before him. In that moment, it seemed he had grasped something.

Could it be that the Undying Dragon Huai clan had some connection with the Spirit clan? The Butterfly Spirit clan had a close relationship with the Spirit clan, which was why the Spirit clan always treated Long Chen as their closest and most trusted person, willing to go to great lengths for him.

If the Undying Dragon Huai clan could sense the Butterfly Spirit clan's mark, the relationship between them might not be so simple.

"The Butterfly Spirit clan's blessing?" Huai Minjun looked at Long Chen in disbelief. She had never sensed such a blessing on him, and Long Chen had never mentioned it to her. If he had told her about the blessing earlier, she wouldn't have had to worry so much.

Upon learning that Long Chen had received the blessing of the Butterfly Spirit clan, the members of the Undying Dragon Huai clan instantly let go of their guard and looked at Long Chen with a sense of closeness in their eyes. Long Chen was immediately considered one of their own.

The emotions of the Undying Dragon Huai clan were straightforward. When they disliked you, regardless of your behavior, they remained wary of you. But once they considered you one of their own, they would let their guard down completely. Long Chen couldn't help but silently compare them to humans, who were much more complicated.

"Hello, I'm Huai Yushan," at that moment, a young disciple of the Undying Dragon Huai clan stepped forward. She wore a green robe, and while her appearance was beautiful, her pretty face rarely displayed a smile, exuding a sense of dignity.

Her aura was elusive, and she had mastered control to perfection. If it weren't for Long Zhan Tian's guidance, he might not have sensed her true strength. Her aura was vast as the sea, concealed within the world itself. She had an invisible domain, something Long Chen had never seen before—a terrifying powerhouse.

This was a genuine powerhouse, not a hothouse flower, but someone who had emerged victorious amidst countless warriors. Her sharp gaze and the air of an authority she carried indicated that she was a leader among the younger generation of the Undying Dragon Huai clan.

The woman approached Long Chen and extended her jade hand, surprisingly using the human etiquette to shake hands with him. Long Chen was initially taken aback but then extended his hand, saying, "I'm Long Chen."

As Long Chen's large hand met Huai Yushan's, he immediately felt an unstoppable surge of power that coursed through his limbs and body. Long Chen was taken aback. What was this person's intention?

Long Chen was about to retaliate, but he hesitated for a moment and suppressed his instinctive response. He allowed her subtle power to roam within him. Huai Yushan's aura moved through Long Chen's meridians at lightning speed, swiftly withdrawing without probing into Long Chen's dantian.

"Your strength is decent, sufficient against regular opponents, but when facing top-tier experts, you're helpless. In the future, stay by my side, and I'll protect you," Huai Yushan told Long Chen.

Only then did Long Chen understand that Huai Yushan's impolite behavior was merely a way to assess his strength. Long Chen intentionally sealed off his power, leaving Huai Yushan to judge his strength based on the intensity of his meridians. In doing so, she evaluated Long Chen as an upper-middle-tier member among the Undying Dragon Huai clan's disciples.

"The Undying Dragon Huai clan members truly lack tact. What if there had been a misunderstanding? It would have been so awkward," Long Chen thought to himself. He had never encountered people like this before. If he hadn't sensed that Huai Yushan harbored no ill intentions, he might have instinctively retaliated, leading to an uncomfortable situation for everyone.

"Of course, my strength is quite average. I usually rely on a few treasures to get by in life. Thanks for your concern," Long Chen responded, now content with being considered as an average member.

Since his goal was to reach the Undying Shadow Willow clan, not to steal the limelight, having someone look out for him seemed like a good deal.

Huai Yushan nodded and directly took Long Chen's hand, leading him to the younger generation of the Undying Dragon Huai clan. At the same time, she said, "In a moment, the elder clan leader will activate the ancestral blessing. You won't be suitable to stay there."

Long Chen felt a bit awkward. When he arrived, he was led by Huai Minjun, and now, Huai Yushan was guiding him. It felt as if he were a child being passed from one guardian to another.

As Long Chen held Huai Yushan's hand, he noticed that her touch had a fleshy sensation but was cool, lacking the warmth of human flesh. Long Chen pondered whether only the tree spirits with sufficiently strong power or bloodlines could possess nearly human-like physical bodies.

Long Chen couldn't help but think of Liu Ruyan. When she assumed a human form in the mortal realm, she had appeared almost indistinguishable from a normal person. Could it be...

Just then, the colossal tree that blocked the sky trembled, and a downpour of golden light poured down, forming a golden sea that enveloped Huai Minjun and the others. They slowly knelt to the ground, their hands clasped in prayer, their faces devout. In the golden light rain, they chanted a song that Long Chen couldn't understand, its low and mournful tune evoking a sense of spiritual sorrow.

"This is a unique prayer of our Undying Dragon Huai clan. The sound of our prayer ascends to the heavens and reaches the underworld, resounding throughout every corner of the nine realms. When those lingering souls filled with regrets hear it, they can let go of their attachments and rest in peace," Huai Yushan explained.

Though her voice remained calm, two tears rolled down her face as she spoke. Long Chen watched the towering tree swaying and Huai Minjun and the others praying sincerely. He couldn't help but feel envious and wondered when the human race would embrace such unwavering faith.

Following the prayer came the ancestral blessing ceremony, which took several hours to complete. After the ritual, the elder clan leader spoke in hushed tones with Huai Minjun and the others before gesturing for Long Chen and the rest.

Huai Yushan and Long Chen hurried over, and the elder clan leader said, "Get ready; you will head to the Undying Demon Forest ahead of time."

"Clan Leader..." Huai Yushan was surprised.

"Go," the elder clan leader waved his hand.

Although Huai Yushan wanted to say something, she glanced at Long Chen beside her and ultimately nodded, leading Long Chen and several hundred young members of the Undying Dragon Huai clan as they walked out of the Dragon Huai Forest.

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