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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5820


Chapter 5820 - The Mighty Huai Yushan

"It's the Nightshade Evil Spirits tribe. Everyone, be cautious!" When she saw those figures, Huai Yushan's expression subtly changed, and she softly warned the others.

The Nightshade Evil Spirits were a notorious group within the Nightshade tribe, possessing the power of darkness. They were natural assassins skilled in the art of assassination, making them formidable opponents.

Huai Yushan hadn't anticipated encountering such formidable adversaries right after leaving the Undying Dragon Huaí clan's territory.

"At last, the opportunity has arrived. Swift and decisive!" At that moment, an elder appeared, holding a blood-red orb. The orb trembled and enveloped the space for tens of thousands of miles.

This elder was a late-stage Divine Emperor, and they had been lying in wait nearby for a long time, waiting for the right moment to strike. The Dragon Huaí Tree Heart was a precious treasure, and for the Nightshade tribe, it was the ultimate treasure, holding an irresistible temptation for them. So, even though they knew this place was highly dangerous, they remained hidden, ready to seize the opportunity.

Previously, when many strong members of the Undying Dragon Huaí clan returned, their numbers were too overwhelming, and the Nightshade Evil Spirits didn't have a chance to act.

They had been waiting for more than half a month for a smaller tribe to appear and then make their move. They never expected that what they would find wouldn't be their own tribe members but outsiders. Furthermore, while these outsiders had lower cultivations, their life forces were incredibly pure, and their tree hearts were exceptionally valuable, greatly exciting the Nightshade Evil Spirits.


With the formation complete, tens of thousands of Nightshade Evil Spirits experts appeared. Seeing these figures, Long Chen's face revealed a look of comprehension.

A late-stage Divine Emperor was leading dozens of experts at mid-stage Divine Emperor and below. Their overall strength wasn't remarkable, which explained their reluctance to make a move.

When Long Chen and Huai Minjun returned, Long Chen had sensed strange fluctuations, as if someone were observing them. At the time, Huai Minjun hadn't reacted, so Long Chen didn't say anything to avoid revealing his true strength. Now, it appeared these people were the ones who had been observing them.

"End the battle within three breaths, no matter the outcome. Immediately retreat and do not linger in battle!" The elder from the Nightshade Evil Spirits clan ordered after setting up the barrier.

He stood in the void, holding the blood-red orb. His Divine Emperor's power continuously flowed to support the barrier, preventing any changes from alerting the Undying Dragon Huaí clan.

Although he blocked off external fluctuations, once these people died, the Undying Dragon Huaí clan would immediately become aware. So, they had only three breaths' worth of time.

For the Nightshade Evil Spirits, who excelled in ambushes, three breaths was more than enough.

"Hum, hum, hum..."

The Nightshade Evil Spirits experts charged towards Huai Yushan and the others like shooting stars, but midway, their figures suddenly disappeared.

Then, figures flickered in the void, overwhelming the space with a blinding array of forms. One by one, they wielded sharp swords, gleaming with icy light, slicing through the void.


Suddenly, Huai Yushan pointed her finger, and in the void, a rain of blood erupted. An attempt by a Nightshade Evil Spirits expert to assassinate her was met with a hole drilled through his forehead, instantly killing him.

As Huai Yushan executed this kill, her pupils displayed patterns that resembled the veins of leaves. Powerful soul energy radiated from her.

"This is..."

Seeing this, Long Chen was taken aback. Huai Yushan had managed to extract the memories of the Nightshade Evil Spirits expert. Ancient tribes like the Nightshade clan always sealed their memories, and when someone attempted to extract them, their soul would instantly explode, producing a powerful backlash to harm the extractor. While Long Chen could withstand this backlash, he could only extract vague images each time.

However, Huai Yushan had read those memories in their entirety.

As Huai Yushan read the memories, she surprisingly did not experience the usual backlash. This indicated that she possessed a unique talent and was immune to such backlash.

Suddenly, all the Undying Dragon Huaí clan's strong members began to emit divine radiance, and the same patterns as those in Huai Yushan's eyes appeared on their bodies.

"Soul sharing?" Long Chen exclaimed in surprise. After Huai Yushan killed the Nightshade Evil Spirits member and extracted his memories, she instantly shared what she had learned with everyone. This sharing method astounded Long Chen because it meant that the enemies' origins, strategies, targets, attack methods, combat habits, strengths, and weaknesses were all exposed.

"You insignificant Red Blooded Evil Spirits, the lower beings of the Nightshade clan. Where do you get the courage to provoke the mighty Undying Dragon Huaí clan?" Huai Yushan coldly rebuked.


Huai Yushan extended her jade-like hand, and a dark-red wooden sword appeared in her grasp. Stepping forward, she swung the long sword.


One Nightshade Evil Spirits member was severed, both him and his weapon cut in half by what seemed like a wooden sword, though it cleaved through iron like mud.

"A bunch of fools, go to hell!" After learning the identity of their foes, the eight hundred Undying Dragon Huaí clan members immediately sprang into action. Their weapons differed, including swords, bows, hammers, and whips, but regardless of the type of weapon, they were all made of wood. However, these wooden weapons were harder than steel. When the two sides clashed, numerous Nightshade Evil Spirits members were immediately slain.

The Nightshade Evil Spirits experts had tried to give credit to the young disciples while keeping themselves in the background. Yet, when they finally attacked, they found they were no match at all.

There was a mid-stage Divine Emperor expert assisting the leader by maintaining the formation. However, as the situation changed, this mid-stage Divine Emperor expert realized something was wrong and joined the battle.

"Splut, splut, splut..."

But then, Huai Yushan snorted coldly, her mouth uttering incomprehensible incantations. Her whole body ignited in a strange flame, and when she swung her long sword, the roar of thunder and wind reverberated through the heavens and earth. Mid-stage Divine Emperor experts fell one after another.

Long Chen stared wide-eyed. When Huai Yushan's long sword made contact with the enemy's weapon, he could see a strange energy infiltrating the foe's weapon and entering their body. The moment that energy entered the enemy's body, their life force became imbalanced, and they were shocked to death.

"Incredible, she's directly targeting their fatal weaknesses," Long Chen's heart pounded. It appeared that when Huai Yushan extracted information from the enemy's memories, she had discovered their fatal weaknesses, allowing her to effortlessly make one-hit kills.

"Splut, splut, splut..."

One mid-stage Divine Emperor expert after another was killed in a bizarre manner. The late-stage Divine Emperor expert's face paled as he realized something was amiss.


He immediately stowed the glowing orb, blurred his form, and shockingly abandoned his fellow clan members, fleeing directly.

"Trying to escape?" Huai Yushan snorted, and with a wave of her sword, she formed a seal with one hand. However, she didn't have the chance to complete her incantation.


A loud bang rang out, and in the void, a person wielding a brick struck the old expert on the back of his head.

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