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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5799


Chapter 5799: Adding Insult to Injury

Long Chen initially wanted to take matters into his own hands, but he realized that he wouldn't stay here indefinitely. He thought it would be more appropriate for Luo Zichuan to handle this situation. If he intervened, it might make people question whether Luo Zichuan had the courage to avenge his family, or if he was relying on his grandson to do it, potentially fearing future retaliation from the Bi family and lacking the resolve.

Luo Zichuan was the future head of the Luo family. If he didn't have the courage to eliminate their enemies, it might not be explicitly stated, but it could leave a negative impression. The Luo family had already engaged in a brutal conflict with the Bi family, and showing hesitation would be seen as lacking determination.

Long Chen was willing to kill more, as this situation was of the Bi family's making, and it was not the fault of others. However, he believed that if his grandfather took the lead, it would further establish the family's authority and unity, while also serving as a deterrent to other clans. It was a multi-faceted decision.

Unexpectedly, the old patriarch acted before Long Chen. This took Long Chen by surprise, and he couldn't help but reveal a complex expression in his eyes.

Long Chen and Luo Zichuan exchanged a glance, and both of them had never expected that the old patriarch would ultimately stand with the Luo family.

The top disciples of the Bi family were all killed, including the family head and the core elders. The Bi family's former glory was completely extinguished, and they were destined to live with their tails between their legs within the Purple Blood Clan.

"Long Chen, we'll remember this vendetta," a Bi family disciple roared. His shout terrified other Bi family members, who were afraid that Long Chen would eliminate them all in a fit of anger.

Long Chen coldly said, "Remember it well. Forgetting one's hatred is equivalent to betrayal, just as the Bi family has bullied our Luo family for countless years. We already know who was behind the deaths of so many talented individuals from our Luo family. Do you really think we're that naive? When you venture into the world, you'll eventually have to pay your debts. Today, I've merely collected what your Bi family owes us. The past grudges, thanks to the actions of people like Biyin Xiong, have been settled. But if you want revenge, that's fine. We'll open a new account. I never show any mercy to my enemies. Don't give me an opportunity, otherwise..."

Long Chen raised his sword, which was now stained with thick blood, and the blade was sheathed with a resonant sound, and its lingering echo reverberated in the sky, not dissipating for a long time.

The sound was like the cold cry of a celestial being, yet also the mutterings of a demon, and it seemed to carry the cries of agony from the slain elders.

Long Chen didn't continue speaking, but that single sword sound had conveyed everything. If the Bi family gave him an opportunity for a thorough reckoning, he wouldn't hesitate.

The Shadow Guards disappeared with gloomy expressions, and Long Chen also put away the Qiankun Cauldron. In fact, he had summoned it as a bluff.

It couldn't directly participate in battle, but Long Chen didn't need it to fight. He only needed it to suppress the War God's Drum.

Because the old patriarch wouldn't take action, only the Shadow Guards would. But according to Long Chen's estimate, his grandfather's strength wasn't inferior to his. Moreover, his grandfather was in the prime of his life, while the Shadow Guards had clearly suffered a decline in vital energy. As long as his grandfather could withstand the initial fierce attack, victory would be assured.

Furthermore, Long Chen had the God-Killing Cauldron, Fanyue Ding, and the Overturning Seal in his hands, especially the Overturning Seal. A sneak attack from it would be hard for the Shadow Guards to defend against.

Long Chen had so many cards in his hands. If he had to make concessions to the Bi family, he might as well just be weak-willed.

In fact, the Shadow Guards knew that the Bi family was at fault in this matter, and they should have been cleaned up. But Long Chen's methods were too ruthless, and his attitude was too arrogant, which made them uncomfortable.

But there was nothing they could do about it. Long Chen's strength was there for all to see. Moreover, he wouldn't actually take action and fight Luo Zichuan to the death. Otherwise, why would he be called "brainless"? In the end, he left with a stomach full of anger.

The strong members of other clans, seeing this scene, felt uneasy. Although the Bi family had brought this upon themselves, such internal strife was difficult to accept, especially at this crucial juncture.

Leaders of various major families led their people and left. Their moods were very heavy, as this battle had dealt a significant blow to the morale of the Purple Blood Clan.

The Bi family disciples either had expressions of fear, anger, or were dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

In the end, with the reminder of others, they began to gather the bodies on the square. The Bi family elders were about to order the cleaning of the square, but the old patriarch stopped them.

"No need to clean it. In no time, we'll be moving," the old patriarch said.

Hearing this, the Bi family members left. Luo Zichuan, seeing that the old patriarch had not left, signaled to Luo Yingchen and the others to leave. In a moment, the vast square was left with only the old patriarch, Long Chen, and Luo Zichuan.

"Old patriarch, why bother with this? In our Luo family, everyone takes responsibility for their own actions. Why did you have to intervene?" Now that everyone had left, Long Chen couldn't help but speak up.

Originally, whether Long Chen or Luo Zichuan took action, it had nothing to do with the old patriarch. When they entered the legendary Emperor's Mountain, the Bi family would surely complain to other Bi family branches. Such matters could not be kept secret.

However, even so, it had nothing to do with the old patriarch. But the old patriarch taking action and killing Bi family members meant that a significant portion of the responsibility, if not the majority, would fall on him. This is why Long Chen and Luo Zichuan were so shocked.

The old patriarch sighed, "I am truly inadequate, and that is why I hold the position of patriarch. I have always been striving to balance the grievances of the major families, waiting for the day when I could safely lead everyone into the Emperor's Mountain. But now, it has come to this. In the end, it's all my fault. If I had been tougher and more severe with the Bi family, perhaps they wouldn't have dared to be so insolent. Their wrongs are also my wrongs, so how can I evade responsibility?"

"Old patriarch, please don't say that. Lord Yingchen has been saying for many years that you have been silently looking after us. Otherwise, how could our Luo family have survived all these years? After all, back then, the Bi family's old ancestor was still alive, and you couldn't do much. We understand your difficulties," Luo Zichuan hurriedly said.

At that time, the Bi family also had a powerful late-stage Divine Sovereign. So, even the old patriarch was cautious.

Later, for some unknown reason, the Bi family's old ancestor suddenly died, and they kept it a secret, falsely claiming that the old ancestor was in seclusion while continuing to use his reputation to act recklessly.

While the old patriarch sensed something was wrong, he didn't expose them. Instead, at the right time, he would secretly assist the Luo family, making things a bit easier for them.

The old patriarch shook his head and said, "Now is not the time to discuss this."

Boom! At that moment, a loud noise shook the entire Purple Blood Clan's territory.

"The Mozu army has swarmed out and surrounded this place."

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