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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5798


Chapter 5798: Blood Debt

"Want to kill me? Dream on, the Bi family will never sit idly by."

Biyin Xiong couldn't help but be surprised and furious when he saw the old patriarch compromise. His face contorted as he shouted in anger, "I really don't want you to sit idly by, really. Struggle, struggle to the end, and be sure to endure to the very end."

Long Chen looked at Biyin Xiong, a sinister smile creeping across his face. 

At this moment, the disciples and elders of the Bi family had all gathered around Biyin Xiong. Their faces no longer displayed their former arrogance; instead, they were filled with fear and confusion.

They seemed to be trapped in a nightmare. The once-weak Luo family had suddenly become powerful, so powerful that it was frightening.

The square was filled with the bodies of the Bi family members. Ninety percent of them lay dead. The stench of blood in the air made it clear that this was not a dream; it was all too real.

The strong members of the Luo family had also gathered together, led by Long Chen. They stood ready, their hands on their weapons. At Long Chen's command, they would charge forward without hesitation.

Luo Zichuan held a long knife and coldly watched the Shadow Guards. Although the old patriarch had already switched sides to support Long Chen, the Shadow Guards had not made their stance clear. Luo Zichuan could only keep a close eye on them.

The two major families were once again on the brink of a deadly conflict, and the battle could erupt at any moment. Other powerful members of the Purple Blood Clan, witnessing the situation, couldn't help but sigh.

"Why this unnecessary conflict? With such a formidable enemy at our doorstep, can't the Luo family make some concessions? Is there something that can't wait until after the battle with the demon race?" one elder couldn't help but speak out.


Hearing the elder's words, Long Chen laughed in anger. "The Bi family has bullied the Luo family for countless years. Were your eyes closed back then? Why didn't you make the Bi family take a step back? The Luo family has been compromising for so many years. Now, we have no room left to retreat, and yet, you still expect us to make concessions? Is it because we've gotten used to conceding? We endured and endured, and what we got in return was endless humiliation. When the day comes that we can't endure anymore, we'll become the villains without any consideration for the bigger picture."

The elder was red-faced and struggled to argue, "You've endured for so many years, can't you endure one more time? You must understand that we're in a war against the demon race..."

"Shut your foul mouth!" Long Chen could no longer contain his anger and shouted, "You old coot, stop spouting nonsense. There's a kind of generosity called generosity towards others. If you keep blabbering, I'll kill your clan's disciples right now and see if you can endure it."

The elder was trembling with anger, but Long Chen's gaze was sharp, and his killing intent was overwhelming. He was someone who feared nothing and no one. If the elder dared to provoke him again, Long Chen would truly take action.

At this moment, the elder's disciples were so frightened that their faces turned green. They almost wanted to curse their ancestor for getting themselves into trouble. The Bi family was so powerful, yet they were not even worth a finger. Weren't they asking for death?

Initially, the strong members of other clans had considered coming forward to plead, not because they had a particularly good relationship with the Bi family, but because they were currently at war with the demon race, and self-destruction was inadvisable. However, upon hearing Long Chen's insults towards the elder, they all fell silent, realizing that even the old patriarch had to compromise. Advising was pointless.

"I promised Long Chen to leave a trace of bloodline for your Bi family. If you insist on your own way, the entire Bi clan will be burdened by you, and there might not be a blade of grass left."

As the old patriarch spoke, numerous strong individuals present suddenly understood. No wonder Long Chen had just told Biyin Xiong to hold out to the end, so that Long Chen would have an excuse to wipe out the entire Bi family.

Long Chen snorted, realizing that the old patriarch was advising Biyin Xiong. However, Biyin Xiong was selfish and cowardly, always choosing to save his own life. He would never step up to take responsibility.

Long Chen gripped his sword, took a deep breath, and felt the Dragon Blood energy coursing through him. His eyes were as sharp as blades, and his fierce killing intent locked onto Biyin Xiong.

At the moment when Biyin Xiong was locked in place by Long Chen's killing intent, he felt a shiver in his soul, his hair standing on end. With the power of the Qiankun Cauldron boosting him, his Emperor's pressure had become ineffective against Long Chen.


Suddenly, a sharp sword pierced out from Biyin Xiong's chest. In that moment, even Long Chen was stunned. He never expected that the one attacking would be an elder of the Bi family.

Seizing the moment when Biyin Xiong was immobilized, the elder had successfully launched a sneak attack from behind. Biyin Xiong stared at the sword in his chest, his face full of disbelief.

"Lord Patriarch, you can't be so selfish, even in death, you're going to burden so many innocent people," the elder said with a pained expression.

"Biyang, are you insane?" Several other Bi family elders shouted and rushed towards him.

"Lord Patriarch, I'm sorry!"


That Bi family elder actually used the power of his bloodline to detonate his divine weapon. There was a deafening explosion, and he and Biyin Xiong were turned into dust at the same time.

The other elders who had rushed toward Biyin Xiong couldn't evade in time and were splattered with blood. In that moment, they were all stunned.

"Elders, we are innocent! We didn't participate in the conspiracy to slaughter the Luo family disciples. Each person should bear their own responsibility. Please, don't involve us!" 

"There have been enough deaths already. What more do you want? We don't know anything, and we don't want to die. Please, for the sake of our future generations, spare us!"

At this moment, the disciples of the Bi family were wailing, and they weren't fools. From the conversation, they had a rough understanding of the situation. The key was that none of them knew what had actually happened. Facing death now, they were overwhelmed by fear.

Long Chen was so powerful that even the old patriarch had to compromise, and Luo Zichuan could confront the Shadow Guards. How could the Bi family resist them?

Continuing to resist would only give Long Chen an excuse to exterminate them. In the battle just now, people had witnessed what it meant to be ruthless. Long Chen had thoroughly frightened them.

A group of Bi family disciples knelt on the ground, weeping and begging the elders. These elders had not committed suicide because they lacked the courage, and they still held a glimmer of hope.

At this moment, the elite disciples who had participated in the attack on the Luo family disciples appeared. Bi Tianxing and others had ashen faces. They had managed to escape but couldn't evade their fate.

The moment they appeared, Luo Yanfeng and the others ground their teeth in hatred. Old enemies meeting was particularly intense.

All the elders and disciples involved in this matter were exposed. Because Long Chen had made it clear that if the Bi family harbored a killer, he would annihilate the entire Bi family, there was an element of intimidation, but the people of the Bi family dared not take the risk. In order to survive, the people within the Bi family reported each other and left no room for escape.

In the end, more than 20,000 disciples who had escaped from the battlefield and dozens of core elders all appeared in the square.

At that moment, the entire square fell into a deathly silence. Long Chen looked at Luo Zichuan and said, "Let me handle this."


However, at that moment, a divine light radiated from the War God's Drum, illuminating the square. All the bodies in the square trembled, and they all fell to the ground, becoming lifeless corpses.

"Old patriarch..."

Luo Zichuan was dumbfounded.

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