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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5800


Chapter 5800: The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

"Buzz... "

Another round of alarms sounded, and the formidable members of the Purple Blood Clan once again gathered. As they looked beyond their protective barrier at the endless hordes of demonic warriors, the members of the Purple Blood Clan couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

"How can this be? We've just suffered so many losses, and they're already attacking us," remarked a disciple of the Purple Blood Clan, their face filled with terror, and their bodies trembling involuntarily.

The elite fighters of the Luo family rapidly assembled and joined forces with Long Chen. However, when they saw the countless God-Emperor-level demonic warriors outside, they couldn't help but shiver as if plunged into an icy abyss.

"These bastards, they certainly know when to strike!" Lo Yanfeng and others clenched their teeth in frustration. They had just endured a relentless battle and barely had a chance to catch their breath before the demonic forces attacked.

What made it even more terrifying was that the demonic forces were not just a few; they had tens of thousands of God-Emperor-level warriors alone. In contrast, the Purple Blood Clan had at most a few thousand members, including those who were not combat-ready God-Emperors.

The other demonic forces, from various ranks, were countless, making it impossible to estimate their numbers. This time, the demons were unleashing their full might and had completely encircled the Purple Blood Clan.

"Ha-ha-ha, humans are truly foolish. Even at a time like this, they are still fighting amongst themselves. They really don't know their own limits," mocked one of the demonic beings, none other than the three-eyed elder of the demonic clan.

At this moment, he held a golden staff and wore a bone-white helmet, with a smug expression on his elderly face. They had just given orders to launch a full-scale attack on the Purple Blood Clan in three days. Unexpectedly, less than half a day had passed, and the opportunity had presented itself.

The bloodshed in the battle between the Luo and Bi families had triggered an alarm. Although Long Chen had slain the prying demonic warriors, such incidents could not remain hidden. When Long Chen entered the Bi family's territory, it triggered the alarm, and all the defending forces were withdrawn to their clan. The demonic forces, like scavengers, smelled an opportunity and attacked.

However, when they first arrived, Long Chen and his group were still engaged in combat, so they didn't immediately take action. Instead, they established a formation around them, encompassing the entire Purple Blood Clan. This so-called formation was none other than the underground blood river; in their eyes, the Purple Blood Clan was a treasure trove, and they intended to transport all of the Purple Blood to their altar, using it to create a new batch of the strongest demonic warriors.

"I told you not to fight among ourselves. I told you, and now look what's happened," the elder who had earlier advised Long Chen's men to show mercy couldn't help but complain.

However, the moment he finished his complaint, Long Chen struck him with a palm strike from a distance, sending him flying. Long Chen's face turned dark, and he said, "Stop chattering away; if you're here, we're a group of fifty-eight; if you're not, we're forty. Don't talk nonsense here. If anyone is afraid, feel free to leave and hide. Today's battle will be carried out by the Luo family alone."

This statement from Long Chen immediately caused an uproar among the members of other clans. The Luo family was going to face the demonic forces alone? Had they gone insane? However, many believed that Long Chen was just letting off steam, as the elder's complaints had indeed been annoying.

"Nine God-Emperor-late stage opponents are a bit too much!" Lo Zichuan gazed at the battlefield, furrowing his brows. Although he was at the early stage of God-Emperor, he wasn't afraid to face a God-Emperor-late stage opponent one-on-one and could be counted as a God-Emperor-late stage force.

At this level of power, the Purple Blood Clan had only three members: the old clan leader, the Shadow Guards, and Lo Zichuan, while the opposing side had nine. As for the mid-level God Emperors, the Purple Blood Clan had around twenty, but the demonic clan had more than four hundred. As for the early-stage God Emperors, the gap was even more significant.

Members below the God Emperor realm and those at the Heaven Saint realm didn't even need to be mentioned. By proportion, they were likely outnumbered a thousand to one.

"Our plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The kill points we've collected can only activate some of the divine symbols on the Sealing Demon Chart. At most, we can weaken their strength by about 20%, and the rest will be up to us," sighed the old clan leader as he took out a scroll.

The scroll was covered in intricate and peculiar runes, and when Long Chen saw those runes, he had a faint sense of familiarity.

"The Origin Demon Runes?" Long Chen suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, you're right, they are the Origin Demon Runes. This is the divine chart that the Origin Demon Clan used to suppress the demonic clan. The kill points we've been collecting are meant to absorb the power of the demonic clan's blood souls for activating this divine chart. Originally, according to my plan, after the preliminary attacks from both sides, the collected blood soul power would activate more than fifty runes. This way, we could suppress nearly half of their strength. Unfortunately, only around twenty runes have been activated now, at most weakening 20% of their power," the old clan leader explained.

At this moment, the Shadow Guards suddenly understood why the old clan leader had appeared so confident. It seemed he had a powerful card up his sleeve. However, Long Chen had disrupted this plan, leaving the old clan leader quite helpless.

"If I kill those demonic clan powerhouses now, can we quickly activate the Sealing Demon Chart?" Long Chen inquired.

"It's too late; the conversion of blood soul power takes a certain amount of time. Right now, we can only rely on a head-on confrontation," the old clan leader shook his head.

"Weakening them by 20% is enough. I can handle a one-on-three battle. I wonder if the young talents from our Luo family can match the dominance they displayed earlier," the Shadow Guard said coldly. Clearly, he still harbored resentment towards Lo Zichuan and Long Chen.

"If you're both fine with it, I have no objections," Lo Zichuan replied calmly.

"You..." The Shadow Guard suddenly flared up. What did Lo Zichuan mean by "if you're both fine with it, I have no objections"? Was he suggesting that he was stronger than him?

"How old are you, Lord Shadow Guard?" The old clan leader couldn't help but speak up.

The Shadow Guard fell silent. The old clan leader was indirectly saying, "You're at this age, and you're still arguing with a group of youngsters. Can't you be more mature?"

"If you can hold off those nine late-stage God Emperors, then I'll take care of the rest of the God Emperor-level powerhouses," Long Chen said.

Long Chen's words surprised the three of them. Lo Zichuan was about to speak, but Long Chen continued, "Don't worry, Grandfather, we're not frogs at the bottom of the well."

"Who are you calling frogs at the bottom of the well?" The Shadow Guard was furious when he heard Long Chen's words, and everyone in the vicinity heard it too. They were all angered, finding Long Chen's words hard to accept.

"Don't get angry; I'm not singling anyone out. I'm speaking to all the members of the Purple Blood Clan who've never ventured beyond this land," Long Chen explained.

"You..." The Shadow Guard was on the verge of losing his temper. With Long Chen's words, he had essentially insulted everyone in the Purple Blood Clan, except for the Lo family lineage.

"It's not an insult, it's a fact," Long Chen said calmly. "Of course, I know you might not accept it, but I will prove with facts that you are indeed frogs at the bottom of the well. As someone with Purple Blood flowing within, I have a responsibility to teach you a lesson."

"Buzz!" Long Chen's figure flickered, disappearing from the crowd. When he reappeared, he was outside the protective barrier.

"Splat!" Long Chen was seen holding a brick, which he viciously slammed onto the head of a demonic clan leader. Blood splattered as the leader's head was directly smashed.


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