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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5775


Chapter 5,775: Unlucky Encounters


The powerful members of the demonic clan and the disciples of the Luo family simultaneously roared in anger, charging directly towards each other. This was already the seventh wave of demonic clan strongmen that the disciples of the Luo family had slain. As they moved forward, the demonic clan strongmen grew stronger and more ferocious with each wave.

Initially, the number of demonic clan strongmen exceeded that of the Luo family disciples. By the third wave, the numbers were roughly equal, but starting from the fourth wave, the number of demonic clan strongmen began to decrease rapidly. 

Simultaneously, as their numbers decreased, their strength increased exponentially. By the time they faced the sixth wave of enemies, they were all formidable opponents.

The number of demonic clan strongmen was only one-third of the Luo family disciples, with three of them fighting against one Luo family disciple. The situation remained precarious, with many sustaining severe injuries and several nearly losing their lives. Eventually, they had no choice but to form defensive formations to withstand the onslaught.

The enemies in front of them numbered only a few hundred, but each emitted an overwhelmingly powerful aura, shrouding the sun and the moon. With every move, their destructive power was suffocating.

At this point, Luo Yanfeng and the others were still managing, but without forming formations, the other disciples were in dire straits. They gradually showed signs of being unable to hold their ground.

However, the last time they formed formations, they were scolded by Long Chen. They hadn't even encountered real strong opponents, and they were expected to form formations. Even Bi Yingsnow and her group faced stronger enemies and managed to come back alive. Did the Luo family disciples really lag behind the Bi family that much?

The disciples of the Luo family also had their pride. When Long Chen provoked them like this, they couldn't bear it. They silently vowed that as long as Long Chen didn't give the order, even if it meant death, they would not form formations.

The Luo family disciples roared angrily, gritting their teeth. Several people teamed up to deal with a single opponent, and it was a great shame for them to still struggle in such a situation.

The thought of Bi Yingsnow leading the Bi family disciples to face even stronger demonic clan strongmen ignited their ferocity. They fought fiercely with every move.

Finally, after an hour of battle, they managed to slay all the enemies. Given their numerical advantage from the beginning, they had surrounded the enemy forces. If they had let the enemy escape under such circumstances, the Luo family disciples would have felt utterly humiliated.

"The usual rule: take a break and adjust for the time it takes an incense stick to burn," Long Chen said.

Throughout the battle, Long Chen hadn't made a move. Although the others were in dire straits, everything was under control, and he didn't need to intervene to save lives.

As long as it wasn't a life-threatening situation, Long Chen would not take action. Only by doing so could he maximize the benefits.

Hearing Long Chen's words, the others didn't say much. They immediately sat cross-legged to recover their strength quickly.

The growth rate of the current Luo family disciples was extremely fast. On the battlefield, they tried to conserve their strength and not waste a single bit. This allowed them to recover quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the time for one incense stick to burn had passed. Long Chen led the group forward again. When they encountered a group with only dozens of people, Long Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Form formations to face the enemy!" Long Chen shouted, and the Luo family disciples immediately formed a formation and charged towards the group.

This group consisted of only a few dozen people, sitting cross-legged on the ground as if resting. When they saw the Luo family disciples approaching, the leader of the group couldn't help but grin.

"It's interesting. Just now, a crazy woman with her remaining troops fled from here. Now, a complete team has arrived. Did the Demon God bless us? We're in for some good fortune, huh?"

"Haha, powerful purple blood and a delicious taste. It's all been delivered to us," another demonic clan strongman said, licking his sharp teeth. There were even traces of purple blood on his teeth.

This place was their territory, and after Bi Yingsnow escaped with her injuries, she brought the Bi family disciples here. As a result, they entered their territory, and they were ecstatic. They immediately attacked, but what they didn't expect was that Bi Yingsnow was incredibly powerful. Despite her injuries, she broke through their blockade.

Although she broke the blockade, several hundred elite disciples were left behind and devoured by these demonic clan strongmen.

They were sitting here, digesting the purple blood they had absorbed just now. They hadn't finished digesting it when another wave of enemies arrived, numbering in the thousands. They were overjoyed.


Luo Yanfeng took the lead and recognized the leader among them. He rushed forward to engage him. The demonic clan leader wielded a large bloodthirsty sword and clashed head-on with Luo Yanfeng. 

Under a deafening explosion, the demonic clan leader's body trembled, while Luo Yanfeng was pushed back five or six steps, almost falling to the ground. Luo Yanfeng's face couldn't help but change.

"No wonder you dared to charge here. It seems you have some skills. However, with just this level of strength, you won't see your parents again! Hahaha!" The demonic clan leader, pushed back by Luo Yanfeng, didn't get angry but laughed instead. Bloodstains appeared on the corners of his mouth, and his face was filled with excitement and ferocity.

"Cut the nonsense!"

Luo Yanfeng shouted coldly, and purple energy surged all around him. He transformed into a purple lightning bolt and charged forward.

"Boom boom boom..."

Luo Yanfeng's attack was fierce, and in one breath, he slashed sixty-six times. The powerful gust of wind roared, and the momentum was terrifying. The demonic clan leader was instantly suppressed by him and could only defend and retreat.

Luo Ying, Luo Jiang, Zimo, and other team leaders each dealt with a demonic clan strongman. These strongmen were slightly weaker than the leader but still extremely formidable, leading to a fierce battle.

As for the other strongmen, they used formations to their advantage, cooperating with each other to fight against the demonic clan strongmen. These formations weren't the ones taught to them by Long Chen; they were basic formations meant for handling chaotic battles against opponents of similar strength.

Under the effect of these formations, they could barely hold their ground, and their opponents, seeing that they were taking a defensive stance, became even more reckless in their attacks. If the formation was broken, they would be killed instantly.

At that moment, everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they finally understood just how terrifying the top-level demonic clan strongmen were.

The battle raged on, with each person giving their all. Luo Yanfeng and the others burned their purple blood to quickly defeat their opponents, intending to come to the aid of the others.

In other words, if they could defeat their opponents, the balance of the battle would be instantly broken, and victory would tilt in their favor.

Both sides fought fiercely, and everyone showed their utmost strength.

 Luo Yanfeng and the others even burned their purple blood. If they could quickly defeat their opponents, they could come to help the others.

However, they were currently dealing with formations, and these formations were not the ones taught by Long Chen. They were basic formations used to handle chaotic battles against opponents of similar strength.

These formations were capable of handling enemies numbering several times or even dozens of times more than their own group. However, when facing top-level opponents with fewer numbers, their offensive power was not as strong.

At this moment, they could only defend themselves under the influence of the formations. Their opponents, seeing them taking a defensive stance, became even more reckless in their attacks. If the formation was broken, they would be killed instantly.

At that moment, everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they finally understood just how terrifying the top-level demonic clan strongmen were.

The battle raged on, with each person giving their all. Luo Yanfeng and the others even burned their purple blood to quickly defeat their opponents, intending to come to the aid of the others.

Meanwhile, Long Chen stood in the air with his hands behind his back, observing the entire battlefield.


Suddenly, one of the demonic clan strongmen noticed him and charged towards Long Chen with a white bone spear in hand.

"Are you looking for trouble?" Seeing the demonic clan strongman approaching, Long Chen opened his hand, and purple runes instantly covered it.

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