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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5774


Chapter 5,774: Advancing

Long Chen looked at Bi Yingxue with a half-smile, saying, "Taking advantage of someone's weakness is a habit of your Bi family. We, the Luo family, don't stoop so low."

Upon hearing Long Chen's words and seeing that Luo Yanfeng and the others didn't make any aggressive moves, the tension in Bi Yingxue's group eased somewhat. However, Long Chen's words carried a strong sense of humiliation, which infuriated Bi Yingxue.

Nevertheless, they had just experienced a major battle and were severely wounded. Engaging in a direct conflict with Long Chen's group at this moment would undoubtedly result in significant losses and possibly total annihilation.

Bi Yingxue snorted and led her group to bypass Long Chen's group, swiftly departing. Observing the icy gaze in Bi Yingxue's eyes as she left, Luo Jiang bitterly muttered, "If the roles were reversed, they wouldn't let us leave. Why should they be heartless while we have to act virtuously?"

"Jiang!" Luo Ying scolded Luo Jiang with a glare, as his complaint was tantamount to accusing Long Chen of being too soft-hearted.

Luo Jiang realized he had misspoken and was about to apologize to Long Chen when Long Chen waved his hand and said, "Your thoughts are quite good, and it's better to speak your mind. Being honest and straightforward is not wrong."

Luo Jiang thought Long Chen was angry and quickly said, "Long Chen, I'm just frustrated."

Long Chen nodded and explained, "I spared them not because I'm softhearted or concerned about my reputation, but for everyone's sake."

Seeing the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Long Chen continued, "I spared them because, in my eyes, they pose no real threat. Whether we kill them or not, it doesn't make much difference. But if they can pose a threat to my brothers and sisters, they will die today. I spared them to give them a chance, an opportunity to strike at us. Because to have the courage to kill one's own kin, you need your opponent to give it to you."

Long Chen understood human nature well. Most of the Luo family's disciples were kind-hearted and valued honor and righteousness. Fighting for their family, they could face death without fear. But killing their own kin would undoubtedly leave many of them with psychological scars. To avoid these scars, they needed an opportunity that would force them to wield their weapons.

Although not everyone fully grasped Long Chen's explanation, he didn't elaborate further. Instead, he led the group deeper into the territory of the demon race.

Soon, they encountered a group of demon troops resting. These were the same demon experts who had been pursuing Bi Yingxue earlier. They had killed many powerful members of the Purple Blood clan and were still reveling in their victory when Long Chen's group arrived.

The disciples of the Luo family immediately drew their weapons and attacked the demon experts like hungry wolves. Meanwhile, Luo Yanfeng went straight for their leader.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Blessed by the ancestors, the Luo family disciples displayed unprecedented terrifying power. Purple blood energy surged, sword qi filled the air, and countless demon experts were turned into pieces.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Luo Yanfeng and the demon leader clashed repeatedly. After six exchanges, the demon leader was sent flying by Luo Yanfeng, blood spraying from his wounds.


Luo Yanfeng took a step forward, performed a powerful spin, and struck with his seventh sword. However, the demon leader had already disappeared, leaving Luo Yanfeng's attack to cleave through empty space.

Luo Yanfeng was shocked and looked around, only to find that the demon leader had fallen into Long Chen's hands.

"Long Chen..."

Luo Yanfeng was dumbfounded by Long Chen's actions and didn't understand his intentions.


Long Chen pointed his finger at the demon leader's head and activated his soul-searching ability, attempting to glean information.


In an instant, the runes all over the demon leader's body ignited and exploded.

"Long Chen, be careful!" Luo Yanfeng exclaimed. It was dangerous to attempt soul-searching on demon experts; they would self-detonate upon discovery. Their detonation would trigger curse runes that were troublesome to deal with.


Countless curse runes rushed toward Long Chen, but he was surrounded by a purple flame that instantly burned the runes to ashes. The terrifying aspect of the curse was its speed, which left no room for reaction. However, this speed meant nothing before Long Chen.

Long Chen's actions startled Luo Yanfeng and the others. Soul-searching a demon expert was pointless and risked danger. They would gain no information and only put themselves at risk.

"Why did you do that?" Luo Yanfeng couldn't help but ask. Risking self-detonation was not worth it if they couldn't obtain any information.

"Through the soul search, I saw an image that confirmed one thing," Long Chen said.

"What is it?" The others were curious.

"Bi Yingxue's injuries have nothing to do with this group of demon experts," Long Chen said.

"What?" They were surprised.

Long Chen continued, "Bi Yingxue probably led her group directly into the deeper part of the battlefield. After being severely wounded by the enemies there, they managed to escape back. These demon experts were just a part of those pursuing them


From the demon leader's soul, Long Chen deduced a rough situation. Although it might not be entirely accurate, it shouldn't be far off.

Long Chen decided to soul-search because he had noticed that the demon leader wasn't very powerful and had no capability to severely wound Bi Yingxue. When he sensed the aura on Bi Yingxue's wounds, he thought of the top demon experts guarding alone, which led him to wonder about Bi Yingxue's judgment. Why would she take a group of people to their deaths like that?

It was somewhat amusing, as Bi Yingxue didn't seem to grasp the gravity of the situation. She led a group into a hopeless battle, but thanks to the strict battle awareness of the demon race, they couldn't enter others' territories. Otherwise, she would have had no way to escape and would have been wiped out completely.

Thinking about it, Long Chen found it rather amusing. Bi Yingxue had no idea of the difference in power between them. Furthermore, she seemed to have little regard for her own kin.

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