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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5776


Chapter 5,776 - The Dual Spirit Transformation

Here is the translation of the passage into English:


Contained within that full-force strike of the Thirteen-Vein Celestial Demon Clan's powerhouse, it was unexpectedly caught barehanded by Long Chen.

When Long Chen's large hand grasped the bone spear, countless magic runes lit up on the spear's shaft, and a vast power surged forth.

"Explode for me!"

The demon clan powerhouse roared, and the endless runic power on the spear instantly rushed towards the spearhead, unleashing a devastating force.

In the demon clan powerhouse's estimation, this strike's power was unparalleled and something that a mere mortal body couldn't withstand. Long Chen would undoubtedly shatter instantly, leaving no trace behind.

However, at the moment of his eruption, Long Chen's palm trembled slightly. With each tremor, a significant portion of the bone spear's power would mysteriously vanish. After three times, all his runic power disappeared without a trace.

The demon clan powerhouse was horrified. This was a situation he had never dreamt of. His power had inexplicably vanished.

Just as he was shocked, Long Chen's big hand pulled him involuntarily in front of Long Chen. Without giving him a chance to react, Long Chen raised his hand and delivered a slap.


"Still want a hug? Hug your sister!"

As Long Chen struck, his purple blood aura enveloped his big hand. This was no ordinary slap; it was a highly concentrated force. The demon clan powerhouse's head was instantly shattered because all his power had been concentrated on the spear, leaving no strength to protect his soul.

Long Chen's actions left the demon clan powerhouses shocked and furious. They realized that there was a terrifying presence hidden among them.

Previously, Long Chen's aura seemed ordinary, and his bloodline power was weak, so no one paid him much attention. But now, they discovered that the most dangerous person in the group was this seemingly harmless guy.

"I advise you not to attack me. That way, at least you can buy a little more time. After all, life as a demon is beautiful, and even a moment of time is worth cherishing... Hey, hey, are you deaf? Can't you hear what I'm saying?"

While Long Chen spoke, five demon clan powerhouses attacked him from five different directions. They completely ignored Long Chen's words, only knowing that they had to eliminate this dangerous guy first.

The previous demon clan powerhouse's death had an element of carelessness, but now, these five individuals attacked simultaneously, coordinating with each other to test Long Chen's true strength.

"Why won't you listen?"

Long Chen formed a single-handed seal, and suddenly, five fist-sized flames appeared around him. When these flames emerged, the scorching temperature seared the sky.

Then, the flames exploded, and five golden divine birds burst forth. As they spread their wings, golden flames poured down like a divine rain, exceptionally majestic. These divine birds were none other than the Three-Legged Golden Crows.

The five Golden Crows appeared with wingspans of ten zhang (a Chinese unit of length), carrying the boundless fire of the sun, and they directly pounced on the demon clan powerhouses.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The five demon clan powerhouses were astonished and hurriedly defended themselves, but they were sent flying.

"So strong?"

When Long Chen saw this scene, he was also taken aback.

When Long Chen brought the disciples of the Luo family onto the battlefield, Huo Ling'er had mentioned showing him something and taught him a seal.

At that time, Long Chen hadn't paid much attention, thinking that Huo Ling'er had comprehended some new skill. Now that he had used it, he realized it was the summoning of the Golden Crows.

And these five Golden Crows had become so powerful. Even Long Chen was amazed.

"Hehe, what do you think? Surprised?" At this moment, Huo Ling'er's playful laughter came.

"This is simply astonishing. It's too powerful. How did you do it?" Long Chen couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe, when Dad was teaching Long Chen big brother all kinds of techniques, I was eavesdropping," Huo Ling'er replied with a giggle.

"Based on what Dad taught and my own insights, I fused the power of flames to create something unique to myself. I compressed the sun runes to the extreme and separately imbued them into nine Golden Crow warriors. I erased all their original life runes, allowing them to completely transform and become brand new Golden Crow warriors. These Golden Crow warriors possess the purest Sunfire and have reached an unprecedented level of control. Hehe, Long Chen, am I amazing?" Huo Ling'er said, clearly excited and eager for Long Chen's approval.

"More than amazing, it's simply incredible. One Golden Crow warrior has the strength to rival a Thirteen-Vein Celestial, so if you summon an army of Golden Crows..." Long Chen couldn't continue, as even the thought of it was too mind-boggling.

Huo Ling'er is truly a genius; she not only came up with this idea but also executed it successfully. 

"Hehe, it's all Dad's credit; Dad is the most amazing person in the world," Huo Ling'er giggled, clearly considering Long ZhanTian (Long Chen's father) as her own and admiring him greatly.

After laughing, Huo Ling'er continued, "And this is just the first step for me. Next, I will cultivate my Jade Rabbit warriors. Hehe, combining the Yin and Yang, Jade Rabbit and Golden Crow, just thinking about it is so exciting. When the time comes, I can summon them for battle or use them as the source of my power. When my brother uses the 'Return of Ten Thousand Laws' again, its power will definitely be far beyond what it was last time."

As Huo Ling'er spoke, she grew more and more excited, and Long Chen was equally thrilled as he listened. From the sound of it, Huo Ling'er's reunion with her father had been even more fruitful than his.

"Moreover, I've been contemplating the source runes of the Icefire Divine Flame and have made some progress," Huo Ling'er added.

"Amazing, truly amazing. In the future, I'll entrust my safety to you. If anyone refuses to accept it, you can help me teach them a lesson," Long Chen praised with a smile.

"Alright, I'll protect my brother," Huo Ling'er pledged earnestly.

Just like Lei Ling'er, they always thought of protecting Long Chen. Whenever Long Chen mentioned needing their protection, they would be overjoyed.

While Huo Ling'er was excited, Long Chen suddenly thought of Lei Ling'er. It seemed that Lei Ling'er hadn't been active for quite a while. Since she had come out of the Heavenly Vein Realm, she hadn't communicated with him.

Long Chen quietly immersed his divine sense in the chaotic space, searching around. Finally, in a secluded corner, he spotted Lei Ling'er's figure.

However, when he saw Lei Ling'er, Long Chen was taken aback. At this moment, Lei Ling'er had transformed into a giant thunderous egg, with countless lightning runes flickering on its surface.

"She's actually undergoing Nirvana."

Long Chen's heart raced. This girl didn't even say a word before undergoing Nirvana. She must be waiting for me to kill a few top experts again.

Long Chen looked at the constantly flickering runes on the giant egg, but the fluctuations seemed weak, indicating a lack of energy.

"No, Lei Ling'er needs energy. We can't keep fooling around like this. I need to gain some benefits for myself," Long Chen suddenly turned his gaze towards the demon clan powerhouses, and those demon clan powerhouses suddenly felt a shiver run down their spines.

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