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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5760

Long chen

Chapter 5760: Purple Blood Heavenly Dao Fruit

With a horizontal slash, purple lightning pierced through the clouds, and the heavens and earth were cleaved apart by a single sword. Everyone on that line was cut into nothingness by that sword.

In that moment, mouths hung open in astonishment, and eyes were filled with horror on the faces of Luo Yanfeng and the others. This sword, astonishingly powerful, was beyond anything they had ever witnessed in terms of terror.


As the Long Chen's dragon-patterned longsword returned to its sheath, gazing at the shattered void, a glint of divine light flickered in his eyes.

"Father was right. Sword cultivators are the strongest within the Nine Heavens, precisely because they can concentrate all their power into a single strike."

When Long Zhan Tian taught Long Chen techniques, he specifically mentioned why Yue Zifeng's attacks were so sharp. It was because Yue Zifeng could instantly compress all his power into a single sword strike. At the moment of release, all the power erupted along a single line, forming a force capable of shattering the heavens and earth.

Long Zhan Tian's teachings to Long Chen were summed up in two words: "control" and "compression." He often spoke of sword cultivators and why they were so formidable. 

Thus, this time, Long Chen chose a longsword and also learned sword techniques, aiming to better comprehend the feeling of highly concentrated power.

This sword swept across the sky, and purple lightning spread in all directions like reaching tentacles. Long Chen couldn't help but sigh inwardly, "If Zifeng were to strike with this sword, the power definitely wouldn't leak out."

Long Chen had tried his best to control it, but the moment the sword energy was unleashed, it began to uncontrollably leak out. Since he had known Yue Zifeng, every sword he had struck produced a neat and orderly line of sword energy. Clearly, when it came to sword techniques, he was leagues behind Yue Zifeng.

However, he had never aspired to be a sword cultivator; he only used the sword as a reminder to concentrate his power.

But the sword strike that disappointed Long Chen appeared as a world-shaking, earth-quaking blow in the eyes of Luo Yanfeng and the others. When Luo Shenghui and the others were killed, they didn't feel an ounce of sympathy. Instead, they cheered with exhilaration. The malignant tumor of the Luo family had finally been eradicated, which was a huge relief for the Luo family.

"Long Chen, this sword is so powerful. Can you teach it to us?" The nearby demonic clan powerhouses, escaping after being defeated, gathered around Long Chen with excited expressions.

"What's there to teach? Within a month, every one of you can unleash such an attack." Long Chen shook his head.


The crowd was both amazed and delighted, finding it hard to believe their ears.

"Of course, we are the Purple Blood Clan, one of the strongest bloodlines among humans. How can we be mere empty talk? The reason you're currently weak is that your bloodline abilities haven't awakened yet. Your power is scattered and not concentrated, your bloodline is chaotic and not cohesive. But don't worry, awakening is a process, and with me here, it's not a problem." Long Chen smiled faintly.

Hearing that they could reach this level within a month, the crowd was suddenly filled with enthusiasm, wholeheartedly believing Long Chen's words.

"However, this month won't be easy. Not only will we face the ferocious demonic clans, but also the fools within our own clan. But you don't need to worry. Just focus on improving yourselves relentlessly, ensuring that you're making progress every moment. As for those fools, I'll take care of them." Long Chen said.

With Long Chen's promise, Luo Yanfeng and the others were immediately motivated. After driving away the powerful demonic clansmen in the area, they began actively searching for traces of the demonic clan.

Meanwhile, Long Chen immersed his consciousness in the chaotic space. As he expected, the Heavenly Dao Tree was covered with fruits shimmering with purple radiance, and the Heavenly Dao Fruits under the tree had already piled up like mountains.

After Luo Shenghui and the others were killed, the Heavenly Dao Tree automatically extracted energy and condensed these Purple Blood Heavenly Dao Fruits.

The Heavenly Dao Fruits had either nine dragon patterns or thirteen dragon patterns, which meant Long Chen could directly elevate ordinary disciples to become Nine Meridians Celestial Saints or Thirteen Meridians Celestial Saints.

However, there was also a problem. Ordinary Celestial Saint disciples who consumed these fruits would gain the potential to condense nine inherent meridians, but potential alone was not enough; they needed an immense amount of Heavenly Dao energy.

"I might have to discuss this with Grandfather."

If there were suddenly so many new strong disciples from the Luo family, it would undoubtedly raise suspicions. A solution needed to be found.

Fortunately, the disciples of this branch of the family, known as "free-loaders," were not very attention-grabbing due to their low-key behavior. If they were secretly cultivated, there shouldn't be any issues. However, they would need the help of the God Pool; otherwise, even if they had the potential, they wouldn't be able to achieve such high levels of cultivation.

The incident of Long Chen's God Pool baptism had initially been expected to cause a sensation, but in the end, it had happened without a sound. This left Long Chen feeling somewhat puzzled; it seemed that the matter had been suppressed secretly.


Suddenly, Long Chen's Heavenly Dao Tree trembled, and hundreds of Purple Blood Heavenly Dao Fruits fell down, causing new Heavenly Dao Fruits to grow in their place.

Long Chen was startled and thought that something might have happened to Luo Yanfeng and the others. However, after focusing his consciousness, he saw that Luo Yanfeng and the others were killing demonic clan powerhouses without any problems.

"Could it be…"

Long Chen immediately understood. It seemed that other strong members of the Purple Blood clan who had been killed were captured by the Heavenly Dao Tree and condensed into new Heavenly Dao Fruits.

Quickly, Long Chen moved many of the Heavenly Dao Fruits from under the Heavenly Dao Tree. The number of Heavenly Dao Fruits in the chaotic space had already become overwhelming, forming mountains of them.

Considering how many strong individuals Long Chen had killed within the Heaven Meridian realm, and how diligently the Heavenly Dao Tree had been accumulating Heavenly Dao Fruits, the number of these fruits had reached an astronomical level.

Long Chen threw all the Heavenly Dao Fruits that were for disciples below the Nine Meridians Celestial Saint level into the black soil, retaining only the ones for those above Nine Meridians.

As for these Heavenly Dao Fruits, Long Chen treated them like trash and piled them up in the distance. He currently didn't need them; he saved the space to store Purple Blood Heavenly Dao Fruits.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…"

Suddenly, another batch of Heavenly Dao Fruits fell from the tree. Long Chen's divine sense quickly spread out, and then he felt relieved. He saw a group of Bi family experts not far away, being besieged by demonic clan powerhouses. The situation was extremely dire, with Bi family members being killed from time to time.

"Impossible! How can the demons here be so powerful? How can the Luo family hold on while we can't?" A Bi family expert roared in anger.

"Retreat quickly! Break through! Hurry!" Among the Bi family disciples, a man holding an array disc urgently shouted.

Long Chen noticed that there was a pointer on the man's array disc, pointing in the direction of Luo Yanfeng and the others.

"Truly, those who court death will die!"

Seeing this scene, Long Chen finally understood. It seemed that this group of fools was causing trouble for everyone. As they rushed along, they attracted the attention of several demonic clan groups and ended up being surrounded.


Suddenly, the void burst open, and a surge of Purple Blood energy filled the air. A Bi family expert at the level of a Purple Crown God Emperor appeared, evidently intending to save the Bi family disciples.


However, as soon as the Bi family's Purple Crown God Emperor appeared, a bone spear pierced through the endless void, aiming directly for him.

"Purple Blood Clan, are you trying to break the rules?" came a cold roar.

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