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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5761


Long chen

Chapter 5761: No Way Out, Dead End.

A bone spear, carrying the aura of the God Emperor, pierced through the void. The God Emperor from the Bi family had just appeared but was sent flying by the bone spear before they could make a move.

"The Purple Blood Clan is known as one of the most powerful bloodlines among humans, yet now they don't even have the guts to show their faces?" A demonic strongman with golden wings spread across the sky, emanating the aura of the Purple Crowned God Emperor. His immense figure blocked the Bi family elder.

Two Purple Crowned God Emperor powerhouses appeared, and it was only then that Luo Yanfeng and the others noticed the situation over there. However, the distance was too great, and they didn't know the specifics of what had happened.

At this moment, the Bi family elder's face darkened. According to the mutually agreed-upon rules, he couldn't intervene in the affairs of the battlefield, but he couldn't watch all of the Bi family's disciples die.

"Luo Yanfeng, the Bi family disciples are in trouble, hurry and come to support," the Bi family elder roared.

"You're asking for help and still acting so arrogant?" Long Chen couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Without waiting for Luo Yanfeng's response, Long Chen shouted loudly, "Luo family disciples, listen up. The demons are about to unleash their ultimate attack. Take up absolute defense."

Even though Luo Yanfeng and the others had been killing the demonic powerhouses, suddenly adopting absolute defense clearly meant they were going to watch others die.

"Long Chen, do you know what crime it is to watch others die on the battlefield? Remember, they are your blood relatives," the Bi family elder roared.

"To hell with blood relatives. When the Bi family bastards wanted to kill us, did you ever think about blood relations? The idiot from the demon clan has already broken the rules, and you're still standing there like a fool. Is the bone spear in your hand meant for your father's grave?" Long Chen angrily retorted, feeling infuriated by the moral manipulation of the Bi family elder. Under his rage, he even cursed at the demonic powerhouse.

The demonic powerhouse was suddenly cursed at by a human, making him tremble with anger, but he couldn't make a move against a Transcendent like Long Chen.


In his fury, the demonic powerhouse, wielding a bone spear, charged toward the Bi family expert.


A loud explosion occurred, and the Bi family elder was no match for the demonic powerhouse. With a single strike, he was sent flying, coughing up blood as he retreated.

"Long Chen, you better wait for me!" The Bi family elder roared and swiftly retreated from the battlefield.

"You dare threaten me when you can't even handle the enemy?" Long Chen couldn't help but seethe with anger. Didn't these idiots know that when he, Long San, got angry, the demons would have to kneel and beg for mercy?

"Kid, you better wait for me, don't let me catch you." The demonic God Emperor pointed at Long Chen through gritted teeth after seeing the Bi family elder retreat.

"Get lost, damn it!" Faced with the threat from the demonic God Emperor, Long Chen retorted without hesitation.

The demonic powerhouse was almost driven to spew blood, but in the end, he disappeared from the battlefield with a swift movement.


Once the demonic powerhouse vanished, countless demonic powerhouses roared and charged in from all directions to the west. It was clear that they had received orders from the demonic God Emperor to kill Long Chen.

The Bi family disciples were already on the brink of exhaustion, and these surging demonic powerhouses swept over them, instantly wiping them all out.

"Oh my God, there are too many of them!" When the Luo family disciples saw the endless sea of demonic forces, they were stunned.

"They're just a bunch of ragtag troops. If you can't even deal with them, why should you be called the strongest bloodline? Without formations, without forming squads, and presenting a hundred-mile battle circle, if we can't even clean up this trash from the demons, do we still have the face to shout slogans about the revival of the Purple Blood Clan?" Long Chen shouted loudly.


Upon hearing Long Chen's resolute command, the warriors of the Luo family were filled with determination. They admired Long Chen and regarded him as a deity. In Long Chen's words, the current demons before them were nothing more than trash. If they couldn't defeat even them, wouldn't they be inferior to trash?

"No need to hold back, unleash all firepower, and exterminate these demon brats," Long Chen ordered firmly.


Upon hearing Long Chen's command not to hold back, the disciples of the Luo family immediately unleashed the power of their Dragon Veins. At that moment, they were astonished to discover the terrifying strength they had gained. Opponents who had once required immense effort to defeat now fell in swathes with a single strike. It was then that they realized they had unknowingly grown to this level of power.


Just then, the void slightly distorted, and a massive eye appeared.

Upon seeing that eye, Long Chen snorted coldly, drew his sword, and unleashed a sword qi. The eye had barely begun to open when Long Chen's strike obliterated it.

"Trying to spy on this side? Dream on!" Long Chen sneered.

Even with their full firepower, Long Chen knew that the disciples of the Luo family still felt somewhat restrained, as if they couldn't fully let loose. In other words, they lacked experience. They needed to completely let go to gain more experience.

"Faster, more exaggerated movements, and bolder actions!" Long Chen shouted loudly.

Long Chen noticed that the disciples of the Luo family were becoming more courageous as he encouraged them. Their actions were smoother, and their techniques less rigid. They began to flow like a river in battle.

The disciples of the Luo family finally understood what true combat was at this moment.

"Forget everything you've accumulated on the arena and in the academy. Remember the feeling in your body, listen to the sound of your weapon, and accept the guidance of your senses..." Long Chen's voice echoed across the battlefield.

His words resonated deeply with the ears of the Luo family disciples, like the evening drum and morning bell, profound and thought-provoking. Amidst the endless slaughter, they felt as though they had stepped into a completely new world, a feeling beyond words.

The battle had been going on for half an hour, and the ground was already covered with corpses. It was unclear how many powerful demons had been killed. Long Chen kept collecting the bodies, but just as he finished clearing them, in a matter of moments, the bodies would once again cover the land.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer strong demons from the demon clan, their forces couldn't hold on any longer, and they scattered and fled.

Long Chen noticed that when more than half of the demon clan's forces were killed, they would scatter and run away. It seemed like a rule they followed.


As the demon clan's army was defeated, the disciples of the Luo family erupted into a thunderous cheer.

They had won, they had actually won. Without relying on teamwork or clever formations, they had defeated the endless demon clan with just their basic strength. In that moment, an overwhelming sense of pride surged within them.

The intense battle had drained them of their bloodline power, but the exhilaration they felt was beyond compare.

"Brothers, let's go back and collect our rewards!" Long Chen called out.

The disciples of the Luo family cheered. They had realized that this wild battle had earned them an endless amount of slaughter points.

And the slaughter points of strong individuals like Luo Yanfeng had skyrocketed to over a million. What excited them even more was that for some reason, their identity badges had changed from their original transparent state to a bronze color.

No one knew why this had happened, but they were sure it wasn't a bad thing.

When Long Chen and the others returned to their clan, they immediately sensed an unusual atmosphere. The four elders were waiting for them.

"Long Chen, the Clan Chief wants to see you."

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