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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5759

Long chen

Chapter 5759 - The Methods of the Demon Clan

Chapter 759: The Seventh Battlefield, Deep within the Demon Realm

Located in the depths of the Demon Realm, the seventh battlefield was even deeper than where Long Chen and his companions were originally ensnared. 

Seemingly having reached some kind of unspoken agreement, the Purple Blood Clan and the Demon Clan had divided their roles. The Purple Blood Clan was responsible for offense, while the Demon Clan defended. Throughout the bloody battle, both sides had suffered casualties, but the Demon Clan's losses were over a hundredfold greater than those of the Purple Blood Clan.

Superficially, the Purple Blood Clan held a significant advantage, yet in reality, the numerous numbers of the Demon Clan made it difficult to determine who truly had the upper hand.


Warriors from the Luo Family were transported to the seventh battlefield, and as soon as they appeared, countless powerful demons rushed towards them.


Without the need for Long Chen's command, Luo Yanfeng swung his broadsword and led the charge. Long Chen had previously stated that he wouldn't direct the group until they encountered a crisis. The formation's choices and changes were left to their own discretion.

Facing the scattered demon powerhouses, the group spread out and engaged in battle, utilizing a scattered formation to face them. This approach exerted pressure, allowing them to be challenged. Their goal wasn't solely to rack up kills; they aimed to hone themselves with minimal expenditure.

However, unlike the previous encounter, Long Chen instructed them to maintain at least 80% of their combat power no matter what, to avoid being caught off guard by unforeseen situations.

After the previous betrayal and several near-death experiences, they deeply regretted not having conserved their energy and having been so reckless. Now at their peak state, they were more frugal in their expenditures, constantly considering how to defeat the enemy with the least amount of resources.

Simultaneously, the fear of death heightened their senses on the battlefield. Especially when facing attacks from multiple demon powerhouses, their minds were no longer a chaotic mess, but rather they could clearly analyze which attacks were lethal and how to overcome dire situations.

Luo Family disciples engaged in chaotic combat with demon powerhouses, while Long Chen left the group to search for something.


Suddenly, Long Chen arrived at an open space. He pressed his large hand against the ground, and in his mind, he saw an underground river. Within the river flowed a dark liquid.

In the black liquid floated purple light orbs, each the size of a fist. They drifted along with the current, slowly flowing towards the depths of the battlefield.

"As expected..."

Long Chen's heart trembled. He had sensed these underground rivers before, but due to time constraints, he hadn't examined them closely.

Now, as he looked, his suspicions were confirmed. The reason the Demon Clan was focused on defense was due to these underground rivers. They formed a formation designed to collect the power of the Purple Blood Clan.

When disciples of the Purple Blood lineage were slain, the demons would consume them, sending their bloodline power into these underground rivers. However, the higher-ranked demon powerhouses would directly absorb the Purple Blood power for themselves.

For these demons, the power of the Purple Blood lineage was extremely valuable. They were willing to trade the lives of lower-ranking demons for this precious power.


Long Chen extended his soul power, racing along the underground river. Soon, he saw numerous branches of the river, like the roots of giant trees, spread throughout the battlefield.

Following the source, he quickly came across an altar. Dozens of sacks hung in the air above the altar.

The sacks resembled enormous gallbladders, covered in thick blood vessels. Faintly visible, a purple liquid slowly flowed into the sacks.

At the center of the altar, one sack was several times larger than the others. It absorbed the most Purple Blood and emitted the strongest aura.


Just as Long Chen attempted to use his perception to touch the sacks, he instantly felt his hair stand on end. A sense of extreme danger caused him to immediately retract his consciousness.

In the moment Long Chen withdrew his awareness, a massive eye appeared on the altar. It looked around suspiciously, seemingly not detecting anything amiss, and then slowly vanished.

"This kind of mutual utilization seems disadvantageous for the Purple Blood Clan, doesn't it? They're using the Purple Blood to nurture their monsters." Long Chen's heart trembled.

Although he couldn't see the contents of the sacks, the waves of pressure emanating from them filled Long Chen with trepidation. Something extraordinary must be inside.

"Boom, boom..."

Luo Yanfeng and the others engaged in fierce combat with the demon powerhouses, creating an appearance of chaos. However, everything was under control.

"Hahaha, Long Chen, you little beast, you're actually alone. Prepare to die…"

Just then, a sinister voice sounded, followed by the appearance of Luo Shenghui. He led thousands of Luo Family disciples charging forward.

"Brothers, attack together! Kill Long Chen, kill Luo Yanfeng! We will be the main force of the Luo Family, and from now on, we will control it!" Luo Shenghui shouted.


The Luo Family disciples yelled and drew their weapons, rushing towards Long Chen like a tide.

"This isn't good."

Luo Yanfeng and the others were alarmed. They hadn't noticed when Long Chen had moved so far away from them. Trying to rush over to save him was impossible in the given time.

"Luo Shenghui, you bunch of animals, stop this now!" Luo Yanfeng roared.


Luo Shenghui's face twisted into a sinister smile. He had not forgotten the slap Long Chen had given him last time. His sword struck like lightning, aiming directly for Long Chen's face, as if he wished to cleave him in half.


However, just when the sword was about half a foot away from Long Chen's face, two fingers radiating a purple brilliance clamped down on Luo Shenghui's sword.


At that moment, everyone, friend and foe alike, was left dumbfounded. Long Chen had managed to stop Luo Shenghui's full-force strike with just two fingers.

Luo Shenghui's pupils contracted, and he suddenly roared. Thirteen strands of Heavenly Dao Dragon Qi surged behind him.



However, just as Luo Shenghui began to feel a sense of danger and was about to ignite his Dragon Vein, his sword was snapped in half. Long Chen's two fingers gripped the broken sword and made a swift motion through the air.

The fabric of the heavens was split apart, and Luo Shenghui's head soared into the sky, instantly decapitated. As his lifeless body fell to the ground, the Luo Family disciples who had charged with Luo Shenghui stood there like statues.

The ferocity they had displayed earlier vanished completely. Their eyes were now filled with terror, and amidst their frightened gazes, the broken sword at Long Chen's fingertip was dropped to the ground. His large hand slowly gripped the longsword at his waist.

"Thank you, Luo Shenghui. You helped me weed out most of the trash from the Luo Family ranks, saving me quite a bit of effort," Long Chen said with a sinister expression.


Suddenly, Long Chen's arm, gripping the sword, was enveloped by countless purple runes. An intense killing intent instantly locked onto the Luo Family disciples.


As the sword was unsheathed, a purple lightning bolt seemed to cross the sky, cutting through the Milky Way. In an instant, the disciples of the Luo Family aligned in a line vanished, reduced to nothingness by a single strike.

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