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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5753

Chapter 5753 - Commander-in-chief

"Long Chen, are you okay? I'm sorry, I forgot about you," Luo Jiang said apologetically, relieved to see Long Chen safe and sound.

Although Luo Yanfeng was usually lenient and forgiving, when it came to matters of life and death, he was extremely strict. He had repeatedly reminded everyone to take care of Long Chen, but both Luo Jiang and the disciple named Zimo had forgotten about it.

In reality, it wasn't entirely their fault. Under Long Chen's manipulation, everyone had become bloodthirsty, and Long Chen's commanding presence, which controlled everything like a military god, made no one concerned about his safety.

Long Chen smiled and said, "I told you, I'm pretty capable. Leading the charge might be a stretch, but I can definitely protect myself. Don't worry about me, everyone."

"Long Chen, you can actually command battles? Impressive!" Luo Ying exclaimed with admiration.

When they first landed here and were surrounded by so many powerful demons, everyone was taken aback. Luo Yanfeng was also quite nervous. While he himself was fearless against these powerful demons, he couldn't protect so many people. If it weren't for Long Chen's reminder, there would have been significant casualties, which he didn't want to see.

Upon assessment, only a few hundred people were injured, and the injuries were not severe. This battle could be considered a great victory.

"It's not bad. Back when I was broke, I used to do some part-time work as a battlefield commander to earn some hard-earned money," Long Chen joked again.

Luo Yanfeng and the others didn't doubt Long Chen's words at all, and since they were unfamiliar with the outside world, they believed whatever Long Chen said.

Upon hearing that Long Chen was skilled in tactical command, their spirits were lifted, and they immediately handed over command of the entire team to him. Long Chen didn't hesitate to take control and made it clear that since he was in charge, no one was allowed to disobey his orders. If he made a wrong command, he would bear all consequences, but anyone who refused to follow his orders would face severe consequences.

As Long Chen delivered this message, his expression turned stern, as if he had become a different person. However, his previous command had completely convinced them, and they all promised to obey without question.

Seeing this, Long Chen nodded inwardly. Birds of a feather flock together, and the people who could stand with Luo Yanfeng were of good character. Since his grandfather had given him this task, he would start with them.

Long Chen immediately rearranged their formation, maintaining the eight teams but adjusting the personnel deployment.

Those skilled in defense from Luo Yanfeng's team were all transferred by Long Chen, and several extremely powerful attackers were placed among them.

This arrangement turned Luo Yanfeng into the spear of the formation, while Luo Jiang, skilled in defense, had all the experts in defense placed in his team, forming a spear and shield formation.

The other six teams were also given specific arrangements based on their strengths. However, just as the teams were adjusted, distant roars shook the heavens, and countless demon elites charged in, their numbers even greater than the previous encounter.

Luo Yanfeng's expression changed. They had just experienced a large battle and hadn't even rested yet, and now they were about to face another bloody fight.

"First team in front, second team at the back, rotate and charge on the flanks as per the previous formation. Pay constant attention to the center of the formation, and don't deviate," Long Chen's voice remained remarkably calm in the face of the endless demon army.

Of course, he was calm; this little skirmish was like child's play to him.

In reality, if Luo Yanfeng could unleash his full power, he alone could wipe out the entire battlefield. However, they still didn't know how to fight, possessing immense power but lacking the knowledge to use it effectively.

However, everything requires a process. The battle just now marked the second real fight in Luo Yanfeng and the others' lives. His performance had already exceeded Long Chen's expectations. To enter a combat state so quickly in the second battle, to discard fear and learn to cooperate, their growth rate was astonishingly fast.

With a command from Long Chen, countless demon elites roared and charged. Luo Yanfeng bellowed, wielding a broadsword as he charged at the forefront of the formation. His broadsword danced, releasing soaring sword qi that brought down swaths of demon elites.

Luo Yanfeng's attacks were extremely powerful, capable of rending the heavens and earth with a single stroke. However, he lacked combat experience, understanding how to attack but not how to defend, causing much of his power to go to waste.

Additionally, due to nervousness, excessive mental consumption made people easily fatigued, accelerating their depletion.

However, Long Chen didn't remind him, nor was it necessary. Some things needed to be realized by oneself, and self-discovered lessons were the best.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

As the formation took shape, Luo Yanfeng led the charge with the strong members, someone stayed back for rear-guard defense, and the others in the middle began to engage in close combat.

Compared to before, apart from Luo Yanfeng and a few others who were somewhat fatigued, the rest of the team felt relatively at ease. Moreover, the formation had an astonishing killing power. With an aggressive charge, the momentum formed by the charge swept through the enemy ranks, leaving a trail of bodies.

Under Long Chen's command, the team kept charging and retreating, turning countless demon elites into easy targets as they fell in droves.

After several waves of assaults, the demon army could no longer bear it and once again scattered in retreat.

Seeing the fleeing demon elites, the group couldn't help but cheer uproariously. Another victory filled them with boundless joy. By now, they were gradually controlling their fear of death, and their combat effectiveness was steadily rising.

"Continue practicing the new formation," Long Chen commanded.

"Long Chen, shouldn't we take a rest? After all..." Luo Yanfeng began to say.

"I'm the Commander-in-chief," Long Chen interrupted.

Luo Yanfeng was momentarily stunned, then he recalled Long Chen's earlier words and nodded. The others, seeing this, had initially intended to rest, but now they had to follow suit and practice the new formation.

In the second battle, as formations shifted, they used their smaller force to eliminate even more enemies. At this point, their confidence in Long Chen had grown immensely. Whatever Long Chen ordered, they would do.

Under Long Chen's guidance, they began to practice other formations. Two hours later, the third wave of demon elites descended again, this time ten times larger than the previous force.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The void resounded with booming, and the earth quaked. The demon elites came from all directions like raging waves of the sea, demonic energy soaring, and countless roars reverberating.

Seeing this formation, the group's expressions changed. From among the demon elites, they spotted figures that each had thirteen dragon veins coalescing.

"Human fools, daring to provoke us deep within the battlefield. Do you think the Demon Clan lacks capable individuals?" A demon elite, at the Thirteen Veins Heavenly Saint level, let out a thunderous roar, his fierce aura causing the world to tremble. This was a genuine powerhouse.

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