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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5754

 Chapter 5754: Bloodline Awakening

For Luoyan Feng and the others, it was their first time encountering magic clan experts of the same level on the battlefield. He felt a bit panicked, having experienced two major battles with no time to recover. His stamina was now at less than thirty percent. How could he face a powerful opponent of the same level?

In fact, the others were in a similar situation to Luoyan Feng. Faced with so many elite members of the magic clan, their hearts instantly sank to the lowest point.

Long Chen looked at those elite magic clan members. They had wings on their backs, golden horns on their heads, and their eyes shimmered with golden patterns, emitting a fierce aura that sent shivers down one's spine.

"Big Brother Yanfeng, I'll leave the leader to you. Captains, pay attention. Behind that guy, there are precisely seven elite magic clan experts. You just need to take them down. I, Long Chen, guarantee with my life that not a single disciple from the Luó family will fall." Long Chen declared.

With Long Chen's words, Luoyan Feng and the others' hearts raced. If it had been before their departure, even if they trusted Long Chen, they wouldn't have dared to believe such a statement. But now, Long Chen's voice was calm, each word exuding immense confidence. Coupled with their previous achievements, Luoyan Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's do it."

With a furious roar, Luoyan Feng's thirteen purple dragon veins erupted, flames flowing all over his body. With only a small amount of bloodline power left, he ignited it all.


Luoyan Feng took a step forward, charging straight ahead, directly targeting the leader of the magic clan.

Seeing Luoyan Feng's unstoppable momentum, Long Chen nodded inwardly. In truth, Luoyan Feng didn't have much confidence in himself at the moment. However, he was willing to gamble his life.

In this situation, the possibility of the entire army being wiped out was enormous. However, top-tier experts like Luoyan Feng could rely on their formidable strength to fight their way out and escape certain death.

But if he chose to go all out, a defeat would mean death with no chance of survival. Yet, he was willing to fight for everyone, displaying an extremely rare sense of chivalry.

As Luoyan Feng charged forth, other captain-level experts followed suit, teeth clenched, realizing that there was no other option but to fight desperately now.

"Vice Squad replaces Main Squad, form the Eight Dragon Annihilation Formation!" Facing the endless horde of magic clan forces, Long Chen remained calm and composed, shouting loudly.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The experts of the Purple Blood clan immediately followed orders, forming a formation in an instant. Their formation was precise and uniform, faster than even their best rehearsal results.

"Potential is brought out through pressure," Long Chen chuckled upon seeing this.

The disciples of the Luó family had boundless potential. In just this short span of time, their cooperation, battlefield awareness, and perception of spatial fluctuations had all greatly improved.

Long Chen couldn't help but sigh at the astonishing potential of the Purple Blood clan. They were born strong; once their bloodline was awakened, their combat power was terrifying.

The progress of the Luó family disciples had even surprised Long Chen. As the endless magic clan army approached, the Luó family disciples gritted their teeth and roared in anger.

Roaring might seem a bit comical, but on the battlefield, it often served to bolster one's courage. Even though it sounded strange, it was true. Roaring in anger could decrease fear and boost one's resolve.

"Splatter, splatter, splatter..."

Endless hordes of magic clan experts surged forward. The disciples of the Luó family attacked with all their might, each of them resembling madmen. Their hair stood on end, and their eyes widened with intensity.

Among these experts were thirteen-level magic clan adepts. Although the strongest few had been singled out by Long Chen to engage Luoyan Feng and the others one-on-one, the strength of these magic clan experts was not to be underestimated.

Fortunately, under the influence of the formation, the cooperation between the disciples became more potent, their strength multiplied. Even the thirteen-level magic clan experts found it impossible to break their formation.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Meanwhile, Luoyan Feng was engaged in a frantic battle with the magic clan leader. In a state of exhaustion, Luoyan Feng's fierce determination surprisingly forced the magic clan leader to retreat step by step.

The others were no different; after casting aside their fear of death, their sole purpose was to take down the enemy. If the enemy didn't die, then it would be they who met their end.

Eight squads weaved through the battlefield, their movements intricate and varied. Countless magic clan experts lay dead in their wake. These experts had never encountered such a formation before and were suffering greatly as a result.

"Vice squad leaders, keep a sharp eye out. When a young magic clan member gets trapped, don't let them escape," Long Chen advised as he saw several thirteen-level magic clan experts rush into the formation, only to be thrown into chaos and flee once again.

Mastering this formation instantly was impossible, and with the disciples having just learned it, their execution was stiff and rigid. The Luó family disciples strictly followed Long Chen's instructions without room for adaptation, which diminished the formation's power significantly.

The Dragon Blood Legion and the Hidden Dragon Legion both knew this formation. It was a fundamental formation, but its subtleties were boundless. Even now, the Dragon Blood Legion occasionally employed it, demonstrating its strength.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At that moment, a thirteen-level Heavenly Saint expert from the magic clan, driven by arrogance, ended up being squeezed into the formation. It was as if a fly had fallen into a spider's web, struggling frantically.

"Here's our chance."

Upon Long Chen's reminder, a vice squad leader made a slight adjustment, causing the formation to veer slightly from its original path. However, the formation remained intact as they moved toward the trapped individual.

With this shift, another squad also deviated slightly, resulting in the two squads intersecting each other's path.

"Splatter, splatter, splatter..."

As the two squads intersected, the thirteen-level Heavenly Saint expert was chopped into mincemeat by the flurry of swords, his body rolling to pieces. The formation's fluctuations concealed the identity of the killer.

Witnessing the frightening power unleashed by the change in formation, the disciples were both astonished and delighted. Gradually, their courage grew, their movements becoming more fluid as they loosened up.

As the formation shifted, one thirteen-level Heavenly Saint after another among the magic clan fell. Some of the magic clan experts, who were initially battling around the perimeter of the formation, suddenly found themselves inexplicably in the middle of it, where they were annihilated.

As the formation changed and became more fluid, the disciples became more adept. In the outer area of the battlefield, however, Luoyan Feng was locked in a bitter struggle. His body was already covered in blood, and a spear from his opponent nearly pierced his chest.

His adversary was incredibly powerful and experienced in battle. Initially, Luoyan Feng had the upper hand, but as his initial momentum faded, he was soon placed in a dire situation.

On the other side, Luoyan was facing even greater danger. Initially, she could hold her ground against her opponent, but suddenly, another magic clan expert appeared from nowhere. With a two-on-one situation, Luoyan was pushed back repeatedly.

However, she clenched her teeth and remained silent. She was afraid that her voice would disrupt the battles of others. She'd rather die than call for help.


Suddenly, Luoyan was sent flying by a tremendous force. A sinister-looking magic clan expert lunged towards her, sharp teeth glistening with sticky saliva, aiming to bite her throat.


Just as Luoyan thought she was doomed and prepared to meet her end with the magic clan expert, a bone spear from a distance was kicked by Long Chen. The spear pierced through the battlefield, impaling the head of the magic clan expert, firmly pinning it to a distant rock.

Luoyan was overjoyed, not caring about who had intervened, and charged towards the remaining magic clan expert.


Suddenly, Luoyan Feng erupted with a thunderous roar. With a bone spear piercing through his chest, he swung his heavy sword, exploding the head of his opponent.

"Big Brother Yanfeng!"

Everyone was shocked, yet Luoyan Feng boldly pulled the bone spear from his body, jamming it into the ground with a forceful thrust. He let out a resounding howl, the sound echoing through the sky.

In that moment, Long Chen smiled, "The dormant bloodline has finally begun to awaken."

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