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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5752

 Chapter 5752: A Small Test of Skills

"Don't panic, everyone. The four strongest individuals, position yourselves around the four sides, each leading a team. The four strongest among us should focus on attacking with all their might, while the rest follow behind, swinging their weapons without coordination. Just be careful not to hit your own comrades.

As long as the leaders charge ahead quickly and the four teams rush downward, forming a vortex, no matter how many enemies there are, they won't be able to break through," Long Chen shouted.

"Can this really work?" Luo Jiang trembled in his voice.

"Whether it works or not, we have to give it a try. Luo Ying, Qi Feng, Wu Yao, each of you lead a team and charge with me. The rest of you, stay in the middle," Luo Yanfeng yelled.

Normally, he was the leader, and now, with more than eight thousand people divided into eight teams, Long Chen was specifically forming four strongest teams, naming them directly.

"Start running!"

Seeing the four teams forming up, Long Chen yelled, as the demon army was closing in. If they didn't start running now, it would be too late.


The crowd gritted their teeth and yelled loudly. Facing so many powerful demon clan members, a mixture of shock and anger filled them as they swung their weapons and rushed forward with all their might.

Under the rapid charge of the four teams, the space within ten miles was twisted into a vortex.


As the vortex formed, countless incoming demon clan powerhouses were instantly torn apart, turning into blood mist that filled the air.

The experts of the Luo family realized at this moment that as long as the four teams rotated at this speed, they could create a meat grinder-like formation that the enemies outside couldn't break through, ensuring the safety of those inside.

In that instant, Luo Yanfeng and the others looked at Long Chen with newfound respect. This seemingly simple formation had resolved the crisis in an instant.

As long as the four major experts maintained their charging speed, the formation could endlessly rotate. The warriors of the Luo family erupted with the power of their Purple Blood, wielding their weapons wildly, sword qi and blade shadows filling the air, killing all the incoming demon clan powerhouses.

Some demon clan experts tried to break through from above, but the attacks from the crowd formed a fan shape, precisely covering the top. This formation could be described as flawless.

Seeing that the group had stabilized their formation and that the attacking demon clan members, though numerous, weren't overwhelmingly powerful, with most only being at the Nine Veins Celestial Saint level at best, Luo Yanfeng's confidence grew.

Moreover, these demon clan experts were similar to the disciples of the Purple Blood lineage, having grown up in a sheltered environment. While their vitality was impressive, their actual combat strength wasn't that high. 

It's worth noting that there were more than three hundred Thirteen Veins Celestial Saints in this group, and their combined strength could easily overwhelm these demon clan experts. However, due to their lack of combat experience, they were prone to panic on the battlefield, rendering them unable to fully utilize even half of their strength.

Without combat experience, there's no combat awareness, and their reaction speed is slow. In a group battle, they're easily susceptible to surprise attacks.

Fortunately, after stabilizing during the initial wave, everyone's confidence soared. With more determination as the battle raged on, Long Chen saw that things were under control and shouted loudly:

"Yanfeng, start gradually expanding the formation, widen the range. Let the attacks of our brothers and sisters reach their limits, otherwise, fighting in this restricted manner won't be effective."

At this point, Luo Yanfeng did exactly what Long Chen said, gradually expanding the perimeter while still looking out for the whole group's safety. Long Chen nodded in approval.

In battle, some things can be taught, while others rely on natural instincts.

Despite having little combat experience, Luo Yanfeng instinctively controlled the pace while extending the formation outward, striking a balance between speed and stability, impressing Long Chen.

In combat, some individuals show immense potential. Following Luo Yanfeng's lead, the vortex began to spread outward.

At first, the crowd jostled, attacking with hesitation, afraid of hurting their own allies.

As the distance widened, the range of everyone's attacks expanded. With fewer concerns, their strikes became more natural and effective. The vortex quickly grew to encompass an area of thousands of square miles. Within the span of just a short incense stick's time, the initial tide of demon clan experts had been reduced by half, with hundreds of thousands killed.

Unable to break through despite their prolonged assault and with so many casualties, fear began to show in the eyes of the demon clan members. Long Chen was slightly taken aback, wondering why, unlike usual, these initial demon clan attackers were displaying signs of fear. 

Long Chen had a deep understanding of the demon clan, having slain numerous of their members. He knew that the structure of their race was brutal. The lowest tier demons were often used as slaves and sustenance for the higher-ranking demon clans. When there were too many slaves, the demons would find ways to consume them, either by killing them outright or extracting their demon blood for the higher-ranking demons' cultivation.

In many battles, these lower-tier demon clan members were often used as cannon fodder to test the enemy's strength. Due to their low intelligence, they were fearless in the face of death and wouldn't retreat from battle, thus possessing remarkable combat strength.

However, the fact that these lower-tier beings were showing fear and their morale was clearly diminishing surprised Long Chen. It seemed that the upper echelons of this demon clan were not to be trifled with.

"The demon clan is scared now. Warriors of the Luo family, abandon the formation and fight individually. Even when facing enemies multiple times our number, we shall advance unwaveringly. Discard pity, cast away fear. True strength isn't cultivated; it's honed through life and bloodshed on the battlefield. Swing your weapons, sever the heads of our enemies. The splattered demon blood will bear witness to your valor, a glorious rainbow in your lives," Long Chen shouted passionately.

Long Chen was a master of stirring emotions, and these passionate young individuals were easily swayed. Their blood boiled, and their battle spirit soared as if they were possessed by something.


The warriors of the Luo family immediately abandoned the formation and charged like fierce tigers descending a mountain. They rushed toward the areas with the most demon clan experts, their fierce and resolute expressions as if they were facing their fathers' enemies.

Under Long Chen's influence, everyone seemed to have gone mad, attacking with unrestrained fervor. The demon clan experts were driven to flee in disarray, ultimately leading to their defeat and escape.

Luo Yanfeng, wielding a broadsword, was covered in thick demon blood, and his armor had lost its original color. In this battle, he had gone completely wild, experiencing an unprecedented thrill in his lifetime.

"Yanfeng, you're truly awe-inspiring," Luo Jiang panted heavily, coming up to Luo Yanfeng with an admiring expression. He had also slain numerous demon clan experts, and at this moment, he looked a bit exhausted. Fortunately, the demon clan experts had all fled.

Luo Yanfeng glanced at Luo Jiang, gave a slight smile, and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed dramatically.

"Didn't I ask you to protect Long Chen?" 

"Oh no…"

Luo Jiang slapped his thigh, caught up in the excitement and having forgotten about this task. Now remembering it, his face turned pale with fright.

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