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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5751

 Chapter 5751: Cunning

After receiving Long Chen's promise, Luo Zichuan was extremely happy. Despite his formidable strength, there were many matters within the Purple Blood lineage that he couldn't handle with his power alone. Especially now, in the battle against the demonic clan, a certain understanding had been reached – both sides refrained from easily deploying Emperor-level experts wearing the Purple Crown.

As a result, his level of power would become a reserve force, while the disciples at the Heavenly Saint level would become the mainstay on the battlefield. This was not only true for Luo Zichuan but also for the entire Luo clan and those at his level within the Purple Blood lineage; they were responsible for control and not immediate involvement.

People inherently possess personal motives. Being within the Luo clan, Luo Zichuan had to consider the welfare of the clan's disciples. Among them were many juniors he had come to know, like Luo Yanfeng and Luo Ying, who not only possessed great strength but also a strong sense of justice. He hoped that disciples like them could survive and become the elite of the elites. He also believed that other clans had similarly good-natured and strong disciples.

Thus, Luo Zichuan urged Long Chen to broaden his perspective, to consider the overall goals of the entire Purple Blood lineage. He wanted to prevent a situation where, aside from the Luo clan, everyone from other clans would be viewed as enemies. After all, many conflicts had been instigated by the higher-ups of various clans, evolving from personal grudges into familial disputes. He didn't want past grievances to blind everyone's judgment.

Likewise, this was indirectly advising Long Chen that not all members of other clans were necessarily villains, just as not all Luo clan disciples were necessarily righteous. This way, Long Chen thoroughly understood Luo Zichuan's intention. It simply meant that, on the battlefield, he should identify those powerful individuals with good intentions and strive to ensure their survival.

In assessing people and discerning their true nature, Long Chen's gaze was both accurate and sharp. Rarely in his life had he misjudged someone.

"Zichuan, how did it go?" When Luo Zichuan returned to his residence, Luo Yingchen was already anxiously waiting.

As the head of the Luo clan, Luo Yingchen's moral character and cultivation were beyond reproach. However, he appeared lacking in charisma and methods.

After Luo Zichuan completed the blood exchange, he distinctly felt that his strength had taken a substantial leap, seemingly surpassing his own. He wanted to discuss with him and propose that he become the clan leader. He also noticed that the Purple Blood lineage was undergoing intense changes, and he felt somewhat overwhelmed by the pressure. He believed that Luo Zichuan was more suitable for this position.

However, his proposals had been politely declined by Luo Zichuan on several occasions. Today, he couldn't hold back any longer and wanted to consult Luo Zichuan about the battle plans for the clan disciples on the battlefield. To his relief, Luo Zichuan assured him that Long Chen had already agreed to take charge. So, Luo Yingchen had been eagerly awaiting this confirmation.

"Rest assured, he has agreed," Luo Zichuan said with a smile.

Upon receiving Luo Zichuan's response, Luo Yingchen's tensed heart finally relaxed, and he inquired, "Do we need to cooperate in any way?"

"No need, Long Chen can handle it alone," Luo Zichuan replied.

"Just him alone? Is that really feasible?"

Luo Yingchen was taken aback. Even if Long Chen was leading the team and providing strategies, they, the seasoned veterans, needed to cooperate for it to work. Otherwise, how could those rebellious youngsters possibly obey the commands of an outsider like Long Chen? Wouldn't that cause internal conflicts?

"The youngest dean in the history of Lingxiao Academy isn't just an empty title," Luo Zichuan said proudly.

Hearing this, Luo Yingchen couldn't believe his ears.


"Hahaha, after three days of rest and rejuvenation, I feel like my whole body is filled with strength. This time, I'm going to slaughter more of those demon spawn," a warrior named Luo Jiang exclaimed, his fist clenched in excitement.

Luo Jiang was robust in build, with tanned skin. He had an outgoing and passionate personality. Within Luo Yanfeng's squad, he was considered a pivotal member, well-liked and powerful.

"Don't get complacent. We've only been on the battlefield once, and we haven't accumulated much experience. Furthermore, we have no idea about the strength and types of demons we'll encounter next. This is a real-blood battle with swords and spears, so don't joke around with your lives," cautioned another warrior.

Luo Yanfeng was busy arranging his battle armor, strapping the broadsword to his back. He repeatedly drew and tested the sword to ensure it was in the most comfortable position.

This broadsword, carried on the back with straps attached to the battle armor, required precise positioning; even a slight deviation could impact the speed and strength of drawing the sword. Observing Luo Yanfeng's dedication, the others abandoned their arrogant attitudes and began preparing earnestly.

"In addition, this time we're going with Long Chen. He told me that he's quite capable, but we don't know if he's just bluffing. We shouldn't rush to rack up kill points right from the start. A few of us should keep an eye on Long Chen. If he can prove his ability to handle himself, then we can head to other battlefields to face stronger demons," Luo Yanfeng explained.

"I'll take care of Long Chen!" Luo Ying volunteered.

"But... your... um, assets might press against Long Chen's... Oops!" A Luo clan disciple teased, only to receive a kick from Luo Ying, which prompted hearty laughter from everyone.

"Enough fooling around. Luo Jiang, Zimo, the two of you will be responsible for looking after Long Chen. As long as he can adapt to the battlefield's atmosphere, there shouldn't be any issues," Luo Yanfeng stated.

"Don't worry, Brother Yanfeng. Leave it to us," Luo Jiang and another disciple named Zimo readily agreed.

"Let's go. Long Chen is already waiting for us at the square," Luo Yanfeng said once he saw that everyone was ready, and they set off immediately.

Upon arriving at the square, they indeed spotted Long Chen. After a quick meeting, they departed. On their return, they coincidentally encountered Luo Shenghui and his group returning from the battlefield.

However, what surprised everyone was that many among Luo Shenghui's group were severely injured, and some were being carried on stretchers. The number of people returning had also decreased significantly.

Upon seeing Luo Yanfeng's group preparing to leave, a bitter expression crossed Luo Shenghui's face. He didn't say anything but walked past them without a word.

"This idiot got himself in trouble. It has nothing to do with us," someone coldly remarked.

"Let's not mind them. We need to be cautious ourselves," Luo Yanfeng warned, and then the group continued on.

Passing through the square, they reached a teleportation array. After entering the array, their figures vanished.

"Have the kids from the Luo clan set off?" a aged voice echoed within a dark chamber.

"They've set off."

"Guide them deep into the battlefield. If anyone above blames us, just say there was a teleportation error."

"Will that work? What if they all die..."

"Find a scapegoat then."



After one teleportation, they arrived on the outskirts of the Purple Blood lineage's territory. The air was filled with the scent of demonic blood.

"Get ready. The teleportation is about to begin."

No sooner had they completed one teleportation, the second one was starting. When Long Chen saw that the one responsible for the teleportation was an elder from the Bi family, his eyes narrowed slightly. The elder, in turn, looked at Long Chen with a smirk of malicious satisfaction.


The teleportation array activated, distorting space, and the group found themselves in a desolate, blood-colored land.

However, when they took in their surroundings, Luo Yanfeng's expression changed. "This isn't our battlefield."


Just then, endless hordes of demon experts surged from all directions like a tide.

"Damn it, it must be those from the Bi family, their manipulation. They want to lead us to our deaths," Luo Jiang roared in anger.

Outrage wouldn't help. In an instant, the countless demon experts had already closed in on them.

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