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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5750

 Chapter 5750: The pattern is narrowing.

"What's the matter with helping or not helping? Whatever orders you have, just give them, I'm at your service," Long Chen hurriedly said.

Luo Zichuan said, "If it were before, I would naturally give you orders, because I thought of you as a descendant of my Luo family, and you have the obligation to bear your responsibilities. But your father changed my mind. Even though you carry the Purple Blood, you don't owe anything to the Luo family."

Long Chen fell silent. His old man was truly something else. He had directly confronted his father-in-law head-on and even successfully changed his grandfather's perspective. That was definitely a tough feat.

You see, his grandfather's stubbornness was unimaginable. It's easy to take someone's life, but changing someone's mind is an entirely different challenge. However, his father had accomplished it. Long Chen couldn't help but be deeply impressed by his father.

"Your father once asked me why I hated Ning Shuang so much. At that time, I was taken aback. Then he said, if Ning Shuang didn't have that bloodline, would I still hate her? Later, he told me that if having a child was to achieve one's unfulfilled goals, it's a transaction. Since it's a transaction, it's like doing business—everyone seeks profit, uses each other, and there's no need to talk about bloodline or family affection..." Luo Zichuan said with a low voice.

Long Chen couldn't help but be amazed. His father really dared to say anything. He even dared to speak such unconventional words in front of his traditional grandfather.

"You can't put it that way. Grandfather, your goal was to rescue our ancestor. At least the goal was right, and no one can blame you," Long Chen hurriedly consoled.

Luo Zichuan looked at Long Chen and smiled, saying, "I said the same thing back then. But your father sneered and said, 'Family, family. If you can't even take care of your own family, how can you save a whole clan? If I had taken care of the family back then, if I had let Ning Shuang feel fatherly love and family affection instead of treating her as a cold tool, how could she have fled from the mortal realm?'"


Long Chen was suddenly stunned. His father's words were like his attacks, sharp and relentless, leaving no room for defense.

Luo Zichuan sighed and said, "After living for so many years, being stubborn for so long, and being dedicated for so long, I never expected to be awakened by someone I loathed."

"You don't blame him, do you?" Long Chen tentatively asked.

"Why blame anyone? It's clearly my fault. If I push the blame onto others, I, Luo Zichuan, wouldn't be able to do that. Hahaha..." Upon reaching this point, Luo Zichuan burst into laughter.

Luo Zichuan's laughter left Long Chen somewhat puzzled. Grandfather wouldn't have been driven mad by Dad, would he?

"In reality, when he was saying those things, your father was extremely anxious but had to maintain a cold and aloof appearance. The words he spoke were meant to attack my emotions because he knows my temper. If he had been weak and submissive, I would have looked down on him. So, he took the opposite approach, which was quite a challenge for him," Luo Zichuan said with a sigh.

Long Chen couldn't help but give a thumbs-up in his mind. As his grandfather said, his father was a genius with both wisdom and strength.

If it were him facing his stubborn and unyielding... uh, well, of course, not just a lantern, he should be referred to as his father-in-law. He might not be able to control his temper.

"Let's not dwell on these matters. Everything is in the past. I am also very grateful to Zhan Tian for helping me break free from my own limitations and enabling me to try to see things from a different perspective. Let's talk about the matters of the Luo family, or rather, the matters of the Purple Blood Clan. The Purple Blood Clan has been cultivating and growing for countless years, exhausting innumerable resources, to develop from almost extinction to the scale it is today.

This is thanks to the resources left behind by our ancestors, which have sustained such a large group of people. Through various methods, the Purple Blood Clan has continued the purest bloodlines, while inferior bloodlines have been mercilessly eliminated through the long process of inheritance.

Now, the Purple Blood Clan has entered its most prosperous period, with numerous geniuses, even numbering in the tens of thousands of Ninth Heaven Saint Realm experts, including many Thirteen Veins Heavenly Saints.

However, as you have seen, while they have high cultivation realms, strong cultivation bases, and astonishing bloodline power, their combat prowess is quite ordinary. This is because they have never truly stepped onto a real battlefield; their so-called battles have merely been on regulated arenas.

Now, with the return of the Nine Heavens' Laws and the lifting of the seals, countless forces are returning to the Emperor Heaven. As a result, the Purple Blood descendants hidden in various worlds will gather in the Emperor Heaven once again. And those caught in between, I'm afraid... they'll be directly crushed by the power of the world, turning into blood mist."

As he spoke, Luo Zichuan shuddered for a moment. If it hadn't been for his good luck and finding the ancestors of the Luo family within the spatial gaps, breaking through spatial constraints and arriving at the Purple Blood Clan, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

It turns out that the Luo family also had several branches. Luo Zichuan's ancestors were just one of those branches, and at that time, Luo Zichuan himself had become the hero of this branch.

"I heard that word you used when you came—the one Luo Shenghui used. It was quite derogatory, 'freeloader,' right? In truth, that word isn't wrong, and the crisis the Purple Blood Clan faces is indeed like freeloading. It's not just the disciples with weaker talents; even disciples of Luo Shenghui's caliber could be eliminated due to 'freeloading,'" Luo Zichuan explained.

"Really?" Long Chen was taken aback.

"With the major changes in the Nine Heavens' rules, the Emperor Mountain of the Purple Blood Clan will undoubtedly emerge. That's the origin of the Purple Blood Clan. At that time, all major branches will return. When branches like ours gather in the Emperor Mountain, with our scale, there will likely be around eight to ten thousand people. Do you think the Emperor Mountain can accommodate them?" Luo Zichuan said.

Long Chen's heart raced, "Are you suggesting that in our branch, countless people will be eliminated, and in the end, only the strongest elites will be qualified to enter the Emperor Mountain? Others will be mercilessly discarded?"

"Although the former Clan Chief has never revealed a word, I suspect it's likely the case. Our world was pulled out by the Emperor Heaven's laws and overlapped with a demon tribe. Now that the two tribes are at war and have clashed several times, I can see that the demon tribe seems to have a similar idea," Luo Zichuan explained.

Long Chen couldn't help but take in a sharp breath. If that's the case, the entire Nine Heavens is facing a major reshuffle. With so many powerful individuals, the weak will be considered guilty just for being alive.

"I understand. You want me to lead the members of the Luo family to survive, right?" Long Chen said.

Luo Zichuan shook his head and looked at Long Chen, saying, "The scope is too small. It's about letting those who should survive, survive."

Now Long Chen understood. The Purple Blood Clan had clashed with the demon tribe multiple times. Both sides had discerned each other's intentions. They wanted to use each other's strength to conduct a trial of survival of the fittest.

Both sides would eliminate the weaker disciples, ultimately leaving behind a group of the most powerful elites to merge with the ancestral forces.

Long Chen said, "I understand. Grandfather, you can rest assured. Leave this matter to me. But I must say, I'm not the kind of person who gets involved without any benefits..."

Luo Zichuan chuckled, "As a disciple of the Purple Blood Clan, as long as your strength is formidable enough, the resources of the Purple Blood Clan will naturally lean towards you."

"Alright, with your words, I feel reassured."

Long Chen patted his chest, feeling the excitement surge within him as he thought about the treasure trove of the Purple Blood Clan.

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