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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5749

 Chapter 5749: Offering Assistance

While this is a place for basic exchanges, there are still many things that can be exchanged, and their value is astonishing.

However, most of the items available for exchange are crucial for the battlefield, such as elixirs, runes, formation discs, weapons, and battle armor—items that can save lives in critical moments.

These items are not what Long Chen needs. At first, he wanted to decline, but Luo Yanfeng insisted that Long Chen choose something. Otherwise, he threatened not to take Long Chen onto the battlefield next time.

Under this kind of "pressure," Long Chen had no choice but to select a pair of magic leather battle boots. These boots are simple, adorned with the pattern of a demonic beast's fangs, giving them a fierce appearance. Most importantly, they are all-black, which Long Chen really likes.

These battle boots are also a piece of Imperial God Weapon, adorned with powerful formation runes. In the outside world, they would definitely be of astonishing value, but here, they only require a little over two thousand points of killing value to exchange.

Through inquiry, it was revealed that each time a member of the Luo family killed a demon of the same level, they would gain killing value. However, due to differences in bloodlines and strength, the killing value ranged from one to five hundred.

Luo Yanfeng, due to his formidable strength, only killed powerful demon beings, thus he had the most killing value in the entire team. While others gained a few points of killing value per kill, he gained dozens, easily surpassing everyone. If it weren't for him having to take care of the entire team, his killing value would be even higher.

"Why choose just a pair of boots? What's the use of these? Just to outrun them? You should at least get a decent set of battle armor. Your body is too fragile," seeing Long Chen pick an inconspicuous pair of boots, Luo Yanfeng became somewhat unhappy, thinking Long Chen was trying to save him money.

Long Chen had never worn battle armor before. Those heavy things would limit his mobility, so he quickly refused.

Seeing Long Chen's insistence, Luo Yanfeng thought that Long Chen was also being prideful, so he didn't press him further. Next time, he could bring Long Chen along and let him kill some demon beings on his own to exchange for items.

Soon, everyone completed their exchanges. They needed many things, but their killing value was too limited. Money had to be spent wisely, and the exchanged items were mostly to compensate for their weaknesses.

Before, these disciples were full of confidence, but it was only after entering the battlefield that they realized their many shortcomings.

After all, the battlefield was not an arena, and the opponents were not fellow clansmen. Every move from their enemies could be lethal. True understanding comes from actual combat, and addressing weaknesses would make them stronger.

After the exchanges were completed, everyone returned to the Luo family to recuperate. Many were injured and began to heal, while those who were unharmed contemplated their gains on the battlefield and summarized their combat experiences. Long Chen also started seclusion, organizing the techniques and abilities he had learned from the Luo family, exploring how they could be integrated with the path of the Nine Star Hegemonic Body Art.

However, Long Chen's seclusion time was limited because in three days, he needed to join Luo Yanfeng and the others for a trial on the battlefield.

Yet, Long Chen had only been in seclusion for two days when Luo Zichuan found him. The two of them arrived at the peak of a high mountain, overlooking a large portion of the Purple Blood Territory. This was the same place where Long ZhanTian and Luo Zichuan had conversed before.

"Have a seat," Luo Zichuan found a clean rock and sat down cross-legged, gesturing for Long Chen to do the same.

"With you here, how can I sit? If you have any instructions, just tell me directly. I'm all ears," Long Chen chuckled.

While Long Chen loved his grandfather, he recognized that Luo Zichuan was quite formal and focused on etiquette. Sitting at the same level as him didn't seem quite appropriate.

"If your father asked you to sit, would you refuse?" Luo Zichuan asked.

"Of course not," Long Chen replied.

"Then have a seat!" Luo Zichuan said.

Long Chen was momentarily taken aback but no longer declined, and took a seat.

Luo Zichuan looked at Long Chen and said, "There's the saying 'father and son don't sit at the same level, master and disciple don't drink together.' In the past, I used to care a lot about these rules. But after meeting your father, I've come to understand many things. I have to admit, I quite like your father."

"If he could hear your praise, I believe he would be incredibly happy. Perhaps the recognition he desires most in this world is yours," Long Chen said, his heart blossoming with joy upon hearing Luo Zichuan's praise for his father.

After all, Luo Zichuan was a proud and serious individual. He rarely praised anyone, and earning his approval was even more challenging than reaching the heavens. Long Chen's two uncles had put in so much effort to achieve this, yet they never received a single word of affirmation from their grandfather. Reflecting on it, his uncles were quite pitiable.

"Your father is someone who balances strength and wisdom, with deep emotions. He's an upright man of exceptional character. In fact, the day you ran away, he had a big argument with me," a wry smile appeared on Luo Zichuan's face.

"An argument?" Long Chen was taken aback.

"He scolded me," Luo Zichuan said.

Upon hearing this, Long Chen's scalp couldn't help but tingle. What's going on? Before I came, you repeatedly told me to be patient and endure, but now you couldn't hold back? At this moment, Long Chen's heart was once again in his throat.

"I still can't resolve the knot left by your mother leaving home. After arguing with me for a while, he scolded me for lacking emotions, wisdom, and humanity," Luo Zichuan explained.

Long Chen hurriedly said, "At the very least, I believe that you, Grandfather, have humanity."

"Do you think the first two things your father scolded me for were right?" Luo Zichuan asked with a smile.

Long Chen felt like smacking himself. Why did he jump in with his response so quickly? Don't you know that silence is golden? How am I going to wrap this up now?

Long Chen was just about to argue his case when Luo Zichuan smiled faintly and said, "I was very angry at the time. I asked him, on what basis could he say such things? He told me that I'm not a qualified father, that I treat my children as tools and chips to save the family. So many years have passed, yet I still live in hatred and never self-criticize. He said that the most important thing in cultivation is to be human first. Being human means having humanity. As parents, we should selflessly love our children and not treat them as weapons we've forged."

Listening to Luo Zichuan's words, Long Chen fell silent. In fact, his dad's words were exactly what he had thought.

The ruthlessness of the Immortal Realm had made him very uncomfortable. The emotions between father and son, brothers, and husband and wife could actually become so faint. Just as Long ZhanTian had said, cultivating one's celestial nature but losing one's humanity.

"Dust, do you like the Purple Blood Clan?" Luo Zichuan shifted the topic.

Long Chen shook his head.

"Then, are there people you like here?" Luo Zichuan continued.

Long Chen thought of Luo Yanfeng and the others, and nodded slightly.

"If nine out of ten members of the Purple Blood lineage were to die, would you want them to survive?" Luo Zichuan's expression turned serious.

Long Chen was suddenly taken aback, asking anxiously, "Has something happened to the Purple Blood lineage?"

Luo Zichuan said, "Answer my question first."

"Of course, I naturally hope that good people can survive," Long Chen replied.

"In that case, Grandfather is going to ask you for a favor."

After saying this, Luo Zichuan patted Long Chen's shoulder and looked at him with a hopeful expression.

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