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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5815


Chapter 5815: Travelling with the Team

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Dragon Chen asked when he saw the worried expressions on the faces of Huai Minjun and the others. Could they not fulfill such a small request?

"Dragon Chen, you're not aware of the details. This time, our entire clan is migrating to the Undying Demon Forest. However, before heading to the Undying Demon Forest, we must first rush to the Dragon Huai Forest. Once we arrive there, we'll conduct a large-scale selection. Only the elite of the elite will be chosen to qualify for entry into the Undying Demon Forest. Because the forces loyal to the imperial family are not limited to just our Undying Dragon Huai clan. There are over three thousand such forces like ours in this chaotic era. If they all flood into the Undying Demon Forest, it will burst at the seams. Therefore, only the most powerful individuals have the qualifications to enter the Undying Demon Forest. Each slot to enter the Undying Demon Forest is extremely scarce."

"That's not even the most crucial issue. The key problem is that the Undying Demon Forest has never welcomed outsiders for countless years. We are merely a subsidiary force of the Undying Dark Willow clan, and I cannot directly promise you." Huai Minjun spoke apologetically.

She felt extremely guilty. Dragon Chen had done them such a huge favor, but she couldn't make the final call on this matter.

Dragon Chen was surprised to hear this. The Undying Dragon Huai clan was just one of the three thousand subsidiary forces of the Undying Dark Willow clan. Moreover, based on Huai Minjun's tone, the Undying Dragon Huai clan did not hold a very high status among these three thousand forces, which meant they had little say. Most importantly, the group led by her was only a branch of the Undying Dragon Huai clan. They had to reunite with the main clan, and there would be even stronger individuals above her. What she said didn't really matter.

She wanted to agree to Dragon Chen's request, but since what she said didn't matter, this matter had to be decided by the clan leader when they returned to the Dragon Huai Forest.

"I see. That's alright. Just tell me the specific location of the Undying Demon Forest, and I'll find my way there," Dragon Chen replied.

"You're going by yourself? But that's a forbidden place for all clans. No one will guide you, and even if you find it, you might get killed without any explanation," Elder West Wind shook his head.

"The key issue is, I don't even know where the Undying Demon Forest is," Huai Minjun admitted somewhat awkwardly.

Dragon Chen was taken aback. Huai Minjun continued, "It's true. The Undying Demon Forest is a space opened by the Great Emperor. Even if it overlaps with the Nine Heavens, it can move freely. We need to first enter the Dragon Huai Forest. Dragon Chen, what do you think about this? Will you come with us to the Dragon Huai Forest, and then we can ask the clan leader to make a decision?"

Huai Minjun's face was filled with regret, but she was also quite helpless. She said they would ask the clan leader for a decision, but deep down, she knew the hope was quite slim. After all, Dragon Chen was a human, and the Undying Demon Forest had never allowed outsiders to enter. This was an ironclad rule. If the Undying Dragon Huai clan brought Dragon Chen to the Undying Demon Forest, it would be seen as a violation of the rules. Even if they applied from the outside, it could provoke the Undying Dark Willow clan's displeasure, which would be an unwise choice for the Undying Dragon Huai clan.

But seeing the eager look on Dragon Chen's face, they could only muster the courage to invite him to the Dragon Huai Forest. No matter how slim the hope was, having some hope was better than having none.

Dragon Chen felt a bit uncomfortable, but he knew that Huai Minjun was also in a difficult position. After all, this wasn't her personal matter. Under the circumstances, this was the only thing she could do for Dragon Chen.

"In that case, you'd be doing us a favor," Dragon Chen nodded.

Seeing Dragon Chen's agreement, Huai Minjun had Huai Shu take care of Dragon Chen, finding a place for him to rest while they all prepared for the journey.

The young generation of the Undying Dragon Huai clan did not show much rejection towards Dragon Chen, the unexpected guest. Instead, they were filled with curiosity.

Huai Shu, well aware of Dragon Chen's temperament, dared not let him interact too much with these young people. After all, the Undying Dragon Huai clan was known for being impulsive, and there was a risk of them unintentionally offending Dragon Chen with thoughtless remarks.

Not just the younger generation, even the elders were like this. When Huai Shu first returned, he found it hard to adapt, and even now, he hadn't fully adjusted.

"Dragon Chen, how did you end up here?" Huai Shu briefly recounted his journey back to the Dragon Huai clan and asked.

"I was on a quest to find my relatives, and on the way back, I happened to meet you here. How's it been here for you?" Dragon Chen asked casually.

"I can only say it's been alright," Huai Shu replied with a wry smile.

"Why? Are they treating you poorly? If they are, you should leave and come back with me to the Lingxiao Academy. While I can't guarantee you'll have all the luxuries there, you will at least get the respect you deserve," Dragon Chen looked around and whispered.

In truth, Dragon Chen liked Huai Shu's composed character. When he first saw Huai Shu, he even thought about bringing him to the Lingxiao Academy, although he secretly hoped to bring him to his own academy.

Dragon Chen had his own ulterior motives. He once had the idea of bringing the top experts from various clans to his academy to serve as instructors. This way, it could broaden the students' horizons, and it would also help everyone understand each other. Often, misunderstandings about different races arose because of hearsay. Many races disliked and held grudges against humans, and Dragon Chen wanted them to see that not all humans were the same.

"No, no, everyone here has been treating me well. The issue is something else..." Huai Shu pointed to his head with his finger, looking embarrassed.

"Hey, human, I want to ask you something. Are you male or female?" At that moment, a young female member of the Undying Dragon Huai clan approached, having been observing Dragon Chen for a while. She couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer.

"See, it's like this..." Huai Shu looked exasperated.

Dragon Chen stared at the young woman, his eyes wide. He couldn't help but ask, "Are you male or female?"

"I'm female. Don't believe me? I can show you if you want," the female clan member said and made a move to lift her clothing.

"No need, no need, I believe you! I believe you, is that not enough?" Dragon Chen was almost jumping in fright. He shook his head hurriedly. No wonder Huai Shu said there was something wrong with their clan's minds; this was just too crazy!

"Our ancestors said that a long time ago, our tree demon clan didn't need to take human form. It was because of a scoundrel from the human race who forcibly changed the laws of the world. We had to take on this appearance; otherwise, we couldn't enter the Human Emperor Realm. We are curious, why did our tree demon clan imitate your human appearance? What secrets are hidden within your bodies?" The young woman scrutinized Dragon Chen with an intense gaze.

Dragon Chen was getting nervous with her intense scrutiny. He hastily replied, "There are no secrets, absolutely no secrets."

"I don't believe it unless..." 


Just then, a tremendous pressure descended, causing the entire Undying Dragon Huai clan's strong individuals to go on high alert. Feeling that pressure, Dragon Chen couldn't help but shudder.

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