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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5801


Chapter 5801: The Great Battle Begins

Who would have thought that Long Chen would act so decisively? He broke through the Purple Blood Clan's protective barrier and charged into the heart of the demonic clan's strongest camp, all by himself.

The three-eyed elder of the demonic clan and eight other top leaders of the demonic clan, totaling nine late-stage God Emperors, were observing the Purple Blood Clan inside the barrier while secretly planning their battle strategy.

Despite their significant advantage, they focused their attention on the old clan leader and the Shadow Guards. Once they made a move, they intended to eliminate the two with lightning speed, ensuring they had nothing to worry about.

However, just as they were discussing their cooperation and battle plan, Long Chen suddenly appeared before them, casually wielding a brick to brutally smash one of the elders' heads.

In that moment, not only did the demonic clan leaders become dumbfounded, even Lo Zichuan and the others were left in shock.

"This brat..."

When Long Chen single-handedly charged out, Lo Zichuan's heart leaped to his throat. This kid had too much nerve; instead of feeling delighted that Long Chen had taken an unsuspecting shot and killed one of the demonic clan leaders, he was terrified.

All nine leaders were late-stage God Emperors, while Long Chen was just a lowly God Emperor. Even the old clan leader would never dare to charge through them alone.


Without thinking, Lo Zichuan didn't even have time to greet the old clan leader. He rushed out immediately because he feared that if he acted too late, Long Chen would be in danger.

"You bunch of ants, how dare you challenge the might of the Purple Blood Clan? Where did you find the courage?" Long Chen yelled arrogantly, pointing at the group of demonic clan leaders while holding a brick stained with blood.


The demonic clan leader, infuriated, activated the third eye on his forehead. Suddenly, the space where Long Chen was collapsed and distorted, launching a powerful eye technique.


The space where Long Chen was situated exploded, but Long Chen's figure had already disappeared. When he reappeared, he had infiltrated the camp of mid-stage God Emperors from the demonic clan.


Long Chen smacked a mid-stage God Emperor on the head with his brick, and a human head was undoubtedly not harder than a demonic clan leader's head, resulting in it being explosively crushed.

"You bastard!"

The demonic clan leaders were furious. They noticed that Long Chen's movement was peculiar, without any spatial fluctuations, yet he could teleport continuously. This defied common sense, and they were certain that there was something wrong with the brick in Long Chen's hand.

"Splat splat splat..."

Long Chen flickered continuously, his figure elusive like a ghost. He shattered the heads of seven mid-stage God Emperors in quick succession.

The demonic clan powerhouses were shocked, panicked, and scattered in all directions. This guy was impossible to track, so they needed to keep a distance from the core of the battle to remain safe. Long Chen's one-man assault had thrown the demonic clan camp into chaos.


Suddenly, a Summoning Soul Flag appeared, and a surge of demonic energy shrouded the entire battlefield. Long Chen's disappeared figure reappeared instantly.

"We've found him! Kill him!" The demonic clan elder who had summoned the flag shouted loudly.


But at this moment, a blade shadow cleaved through the vast expanse of sky and struck heavily on the Summoning Soul Flag. The flag trembled violently, and the demonic energy instantly dissipated, causing Long Chen's figure to vanish again.

It was Lo Zichuan who had arrived. However, what surprised him was that the Summoning Soul Flag was an unparalleled demonic weapon, and his full strike couldn't destroy it. Nevertheless, the flag, for its self-preservation, retracted its power, allowing Long Chen to regain his freedom.


Seeing Lo Zichuan approaching, the demonic clan leader roared in anger, brandishing a bone whip that was enveloped in a sea of demonic energy, and he charged toward Lo Zichuan.


At this moment, a divine chart soared into the air, and endless runes swirled around it, emitting a dazzling divine light that covered the entire battlefield.

"It's the Origin Demon Divine Symbol!"

When the demonic clan's three-eyed elder saw the divine symbol, his eyes were filled with astonishment.


The divine chart was none other than the Sealing Demon Chart. As it appeared on the battlefield, it exploded with a thunderous roar, and an endless divine radiance scattered. The demonic clan's powerhouses were shocked to find that their demonic blood energy had experienced a slight delay.

"Don't be afraid. This divine symbol can only weaken us by 20%. With our strength, we can still crush them," the demonic clan's three-eyed elder angrily reassured the terrified demonic clan powerhouses.

The demonic clan powerhouses noticed that while their demonic blood energy had shown signs of weakening, the degree of weakening was not significant.


At that moment, the War God Drum resonated, and Long Chen suddenly felt a rush of heat surging through his body. His Purple Blood energy boiled instantly, as if a blessing was igniting within him, invigorating his spirit.

"So, the War God Drum has such a divine effect!" Long Chen silently praised. It seemed that the old clan leader had made thorough preparations.

According to his original plan, he would have used the accumulation of kill points to increase the power of the Sealing Demon Chart until it could suppress half of the enemy's strength. Afterward, the War God Drum would boost the fighting prowess of the Purple Blood Clan. With this dynamic, the demonic clan would be utterly helpless.

However, this beautiful plan was disrupted by Long Chen. Now, it only weakened the enemy by 20%, leaving the Purple Blood Clan still at a considerable disadvantage.


At that moment, the old clan leader, with the War God Drum over his head, and the Shadow Guards carrying golden dragon spears, led the Purple Blood Clan's powerhouses in charging out of the barrier.

The old clan leader and the Shadow Guards rushed toward the eight demonic clan leaders because, at this point, Lo Zichuan was in grave danger, deeply surrounded by the enemy.

"Follow the plan!"

Seeing the old clan leader charge out, the demonic clan's three-eyed elder shouted and, according to his plan, focused on taking out the old clan leader first.

Everyone could see that the old clan leader was the spiritual leader of the entire Purple Blood Clan. If he died, it would deal a significant blow to the clan, potentially leading to an instant collapse. Furthermore, only by launching a full-scale attack on the old clan leader could they gauge the true strength of the Purple Blood Clan. He was the barometer of the battlefield, and the demonic clan's actions were reasonable and justified.


All eight demonic clan leaders charged at the old clan leader. Even the one who had engaged in a brief struggle with Lo Zichuan had abandoned him and turned to attack the old clan leader.


In the instant he turned around and charged towards the old clan leader, Lo Zichuan suddenly merged with his sword, and purple energy erupted around him. Strange flames could be faintly seen rising from his longsword, and then, a fierce and unmatched killing intent instantly locked onto the demonic clan leader.

The demonic clan elder's scalp went numb in an instant. At this moment, he realized that those few moves Lo Zichuan had made earlier, which had appeared to be full force, were merely a deception. They had led him to believe that Lo Zichuan was no match for him, making it seem relatively easy to kill him. The catch was that it would take some time.

However, when he turned to charge at the old clan leader, Lo Zichuan suddenly transformed. He released all his suppressed power, and his locking technique made it impossible for the demonic clan leader to evade.

"You despicable coward!"

Seeing the earth-shattering strike from Lo Zichuan, the demonic clan leader roared. At this point, it was too late for him to retrieve the Summoning Soul Flag. He brandished his bone whip and prepared to clash head-on.


With a deafening blast, the demonic clan leader's bone whip was sent flying, and his arm was blown apart, spewing blood profusely.

In a single strike, the demonic clan leader suffered a great loss. This had all been calculated by Lo Zichuan, who, like lightning, thrust his blade straight at the demonic clan leader's chest, piercing through his body.

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