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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5771


Chapter 5,771: "Bi Yingxue"

"This person, who is she?"
When Long Chen saw the woman, his heart skipped a beat, and he quietly asked Luoyan Feng.
When they saw the woman, Luoyan Feng and the others were also shocked. Luoyan Feng whispered,
"This person's name is Bi Yingxue, one of the three top young experts of the Bi family."
"Bi Yingxue? Is she Bi Yingxiong's sister?" Long Chen was puzzled.
"No, they belong to the same 'Ying' generation, but they are separated by several generations. However, Bi Yingxue is indeed from the lineage of Bi Yingxiong," Luoyan Feng explained in a low voice.
"We need to be cautious. The aura she's emitting now is completely different from before. I've fought her before, and that time, I narrowly won in one move. But now, even though I've improved so much, I feel an extremely dangerous aura when I see her," Luoyan Feng added.
Watching Bi Yingxue and her group approaching from a distance, Luoyan Feng's face was filled with solemnity. With all the battles he had experienced, he had gained a significant increase in strength, experience, perspective, and perception compared to the past. Now, he could easily perceive the terror of Bi Yingxue. However, he couldn't understand how she had improved so much. Most importantly, he couldn't sense any totem blessing from her, which meant she hadn't undergone the totem's baptism yet she had reached such a level of strength.

Bi Yingxue, accompanied by the strong members of the Bi family, walked straight toward Long Chen and the others. When they were only a few feet apart, both sides came to a halt.

Long Chen looked at Bi Yingxue, a tall and slender figure carrying a longsword on her back. She had a broad forehead, a pointed chin, and her eyes had a purple-red hue. In the Purple Blood lineage, most disciples had purple-colored pupils, and the deeper the purple, the purer their bloodline. However, there were exceptions, like those born with innate patterns in their pupils. Luoyan Feng was one such person, along with a few other geniuses, who possessed these innate patterns. These patterns represented a unique innate ability, typically awakening in the Emperor Realm, and indicated a potential for unimaginable power.

But Bi Yingxue's eyes were purple-red, signifying a mutated bloodline. Luoyan Feng informed Long Chen that she hadn't always been like this, which meant this mutation had occurred recently. This kind of post-birth mutation was exceptionally rare.

As the two parties faced each other, Bi Yingxue's eyes were like sharp swords, locked onto Long Chen with unbridled killing intent, making no effort to hide her hostility. The members of the Bi family behind her also glared angrily at Long Chen and his group. Long Chen's slap to Bi Yingxiong had become widely known within the Purple Blood lineage. Despite the order from the old clan leader to keep it secret, such matters were impossible to contain. The Bi family was outraged, feeling that Long Chen's slap had humiliated their entire family, even worse than killing someone.

Long Chen had effectively placed the entire Bi family on his hit list when he allowed Bi Wan'an to attack him. Family disputes were inevitable, given the limited resources, and competition was natural. However, competition within a family should be fair. The underhanded tactics and ruthlessness employed by the Bi family meant they no longer considered Long Chen as a family member. Thus, he had no choice but to regard them as enemies. Long Chen was never one to go easy on his enemies, so he had nothing to say to Bi Yingxue at this moment. Sometimes, actions spoke louder than words.

Facing Bi Yingxue's overwhelming aura and intense killing intent, Luoyan Feng and the others had their hands on their weapons. They wouldn't hesitate to strike if she made a move. This was a lesson Long Chen had imparted to them: when someone presents a weapon to you, they become your enemy.

"Long Chen, on the battlefield, I, Bi Yingxue, will take your head," Bi Yingxue declared, her face filled with malevolence, each word spoken with deliberation.

Her words angered the disciples of the Luoyan family. Making such statements here was a direct challenge to them.

"Yingxue is a good name, a pity," Long Chen shook his head, reminded of Bai Yingxue, the girl who exuded a sacred and noble aura, a beauty with a kind heart.

Long Chen continued, "Although you want to kill me, I advise you to wait a few more days."

"Oh? Are you trying to buy yourself more time to settle your affairs?" Bi Yingxue sneered, thinking that Long Chen was afraid of her. Her eyes were filled with disdain.

Long Chen shook his head and said, "With your current strength, even if you face me, you won't last more than three moves."

"You..." Bi Yingxue seethed with anger, and her words were the most arrogant anyone had ever heard.

However, this place was still within the confines of the Purple Blood lineage. Killing Long Chen here would openly challenge the authority of the old clan leader and the established rules of the lineage. Ultimately, Bi Yingxue gritted her teeth and refrained from making a move.

"Wait until I cut off your head, and I hope your mouth will still be as defiant," Bi Yingxue gritted her teeth and left with the Bi family disciples. As they departed, the Bi family disciples made a taunting throat-slitting gesture towards Long Chen and his group. Long Chen paid no mind to it; he had experienced too many such childish provocations in his lifetime, treating it no differently than watching a monkey's antics.

However, Luoyan Feng and the others couldn't tolerate it. The Bi family had been suppressing the Luoyan family for so many years, forcing them to swallow their pride. Now, the Bi family was acting like the victim, fueling their anger even more.

"Long Chen, since we've already torn off our pretenses with the Bi family, let's have a life-and-death battle with them on the battlefield!" Luoyan Feng clenched his teeth, clearly harboring murderous intent.

"Among this group, only Bi Yingxue is relatively strong. The others are just ordinary. They are most likely heading deep into the demon clan battlefield. When the time comes, it will be good if half of them return alive. Engage them in a fight to the death? I'm afraid there won't be that opportunity," Long Chen shook his head.

Hearing Long Chen's words and considering how they had completely angered the Bi family, who had already abandoned all sense of honor and started a widespread hunt for them, the group couldn't help but laugh.

"All right, for those who haven't received totem blessings, go get them. Those who need to exchange treasures, do so. Then, rest up properly and prepare for the next challenge. Next time, we will venture deeper and face even stronger demon clan elites," Long Chen instructed.

After arranging their tasks, Long Chen headed straight to Luozichen's secret chamber. He handed over tens of thousands of Heavenly Dao Fruits to his grandfather and immediately returned to the battlefield. Only on the battlefield could the Heavenly Dao Tree capture the energy of slain Purple Blood disciples and produce Heavenly Dao Fruits.

Once Long Chen entered the battlefield alone, he began striding forward, heading deep into the demon clan's territory.

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