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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5772


Chapter 5,772: Demon Clan's Strategy

After entering the battlefield, Long Chen immediately activated his senses and navigated through the gaps in the demon clan's territory, steadily advancing deeper into enemy territory.

Long Chen noticed that the further he went, the fewer demon clan members there were in their formations, but their strength grew increasingly formidable.

"It seems that the number of the demon clan's new generation disciples has reached its limit as well. They are also relying on the help of the Purple Blood Clan to undergo a bloody trial," Long Chen thought to himself, astonished.

As he continued forward, he encountered more and more formidable opponents. These experts were not nurtured in a sheltered environment; rather, they were cultivated through sacrifice, with the lives of their own kin. Clearly, the internal competition within the demon clan was even fiercer and more brutal than that of the Purple Blood Clan.

After all, the demon clan's reproductive capability was a hundred times greater than that of the human race. They had to control their population growth, as their resources were insufficient.

After progressing for several hours, the number of strong opponents dwindled, and Long Chen eventually found himself facing a lone guardian of a territory.

As soon as Long Chen stepped into the territory of this powerful demon clan member, the demon, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, looking around suspiciously. It was evident that he had sensed something.

Long Chen's heart skipped a beat. This person was extremely powerful, able to sense his presence from such a distance. However, Long Chen took a step back.

The demon clan member furrowed his brow and then shook his head, muttering to himself, "Maybe I'm too impatient. According to estimates, it should take them at least a month to reach this place. Let's continue waiting."

After saying this, the demon clan member closed his eyes once more, shrouded in demonic energy, as he began to meditate.

Long Chen hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided not to proceed further. This person couldn't accurately sense him, but his strength was undoubtedly superior.

However, if he got too close, he might detect Long Chen's presence, and although Long Chen wasn't afraid of him, arriving here prematurely could alert the demon clan. This might disrupt the gradual cultivation process for Luo Yanfeng and the others.

In the end, Long Chen chose not to advance recklessly and remained in place. Instead, he extended his consciousness quietly into the ground.

Long Chen "saw" numerous underground rivers channeling the power of the Purple Blood Clan into the depths of the battlefield. The location of the demon clan member he was observing had a small vortex, within which the power of the Purple Blood flowed, and he was slowly absorbing it.

"The Purple Blood Clan treats the demon clan like pigs for slaughter, and the demon clan does the same. Demon clan experts can kill Purple Blood Clan disciples and directly absorb a portion of their blood and soul power to strengthen themselves. The remaining portion is sent to the demon clan's stronghold. During the transfer, these top demon clan experts also gain some benefits."

At this point, Long Chen had mostly figured out the demon clan's strategy. It explained why the demon clan was only defending and not launching any major offensives. Despite losing many demon clan experts, they remained unfazed.

It appeared that everything was part of their plan, and the demon clan troops on the frontlines were all part of their bait to lure the Purple Blood Clan into a protracted battle.

Long Chen realized that this was all within their calculations. The demon clan was using their own tactics to manipulate the situation.

Suddenly, within the chaotic space of Long Chen, thousands of Dao Fruits fell from the Dao Tree. This meant that thousands of Purple Blood Clan disciples had been instantly killed.

In a moment, so many people had died. It was evident that some individuals had been overly eager and ventured too deep into the enemy territory, encountering powerful demon clan members, resulting in massive casualties.

As Long Chen observed the fallen Dao Fruits, many of them appeared to be from the fifth and sixth bloodlines. Long Chen knew that the Purple Blood Clan had also begun to take ruthless action.

The potential of the Purple Blood Clan was boundless, but to unlock that potential, they needed to experience the stimulus of death, which would awaken their bloodline.

However, awakening one's bloodline came at a painful cost, and there was simply no time for these disciples to gradually achieve it. Countless years of recuperation were all in preparation for this brutal elimination round.

Less than three hours after Long Chen entered the battlefield, there were already tens of thousands of Dao Fruits piled up beneath the Dao Tree. Each Dao Fruit represented a vibrant life. Long Chen felt somewhat uncomfortable looking at them, but he had no other choice.

Long Chen separated the Dao Fruits from the Purple Blood Clan, and as for the Dao Fruits from the demon clan, Long Chen only retained those from the ninth and thirteenth bloodlines of the Heavenly Saints. The rest were discarded into the black earth and consumed by it.

Long Chen didn't yet know how to digest these top-tier demon clan Dao Fruits, which were tainted with demonic energy. They were not fit for consumption by humans. Nevertheless, they were exceptionally valuable, so he decided to save them for now.

Long Chen then attempted to use his soul power to inspect the altar along the underground river once again. However, this time, he discovered that a barrier had been set up on the altar. His consciousness couldn't penetrate it. Evidently, his previous attempt had aroused their suspicion, so Long Chen had to give up.

With great caution, Long Chen circled the area but found that all along this path were formidable opponents. It didn't seem feasible to sneak past them without being detected. Ultimately, Long Chen circled a large area and returned to the central part of the battlefield.

The battles here were exceptionally intense. The Purple Blood Clan's strong members, after several life-and-death battles, had gradually revealed their potential. Their bloodline powers were awakening, and their combat abilities were improving.

However, those who failed to improve had no more opportunities and eventually perished at the hands of the demon clan.

In the demon clan as well, there were individuals who displayed extraordinary talent in the midst of slaughter. Long Chen saw one demon clan expert who had been enthusiastically killing suddenly withdraw from the battle, moving to the next battlefield.

Clearly, the strength of that demon clan expert had disrupted the balance on this level of the battlefield. To avoid putting greater pressure on the Purple Blood Clan, they had been designated to the next level of experts, confined to their own exclusive battlefield.

Long Chen sneered inwardly. The demon clan was gradually luring the Purple Blood Clan into this war, engaging in a battle of attrition, fearing that the Purple Blood Clan might give up due to heavy casualties.

The battlefield was vast, and after a period of adjustment, almost all of the Purple Blood Clan's young disciples had joined the fray.

With one side attacking and the other defending, the battlefield resembled a vast sea, and even Long Chen's area of activity was just a small part of it.

After half a day, Long Chen had accumulated tens of thousands of Dao Fruits. He immediately returned and handed the Dao Fruits to Luo Zichen before rushing back into the battlefield.

However, as soon as Long Chen entered the battlefield, Luo Yanfeng followed closely behind. This group of Luo Clan disciples had all completed the Totem Blessing, and their strength had once again soared. Having completed the blessing, they couldn't wait to reunite with Long Chen.

Just as they came together, Luo Jiang clenched his fist and said, "It's time for us to capture Bi Yingsnow and seek revenge."

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