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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5770

Chapter 5,770: Ace in the Hole

The purple flames instantly spread across the entire battlefield, covering the disciples of the Luo family as well.

The disciples of the Luo family suddenly felt a terrifying scorching sensation, causing their bloodline power to boil instantly, but it didn't harm them.

As for those formidable demon clan warriors, they were enveloped by the purple flames and immediately ignited. They emitted agonizing screams, and in the span of a breath, they were all burned to ashes.

A single strike had wiped out all the demon clan warriors. Looking at the ashes, Long Chen thought to himself, "The flames formed by the Purple Blood Ignition have insufficient explosive power, but their endurance is incredibly strong. It's a pity that the one called Blood Yin was killed; otherwise, I could have tested how long the bloodline flames could burn on him before posing a lethal threat."

Among the crowd, only Wolf Qing managed to endure for three breaths before being burned to death. However, he had already been seriously injured by Luo Yanfeng, making it difficult to judge the true extent of the damage Long Chen's Purple Blood Flame could cause when he was at his peak.

This was Long Chen's first time using the bloodline flame, a flame formed by burning bloodline power. Different bloodlines would produce different flames.

Long Chen discovered that after the Purple Blood Flame tainted the enemy, it would simultaneously burn their flesh and soul. Burning flesh was understandable to Long Chen, but the ability to attack the soul left him deeply shocked.

Long Chen couldn't help but sigh; there were too many secrets surrounding the Purple Blood. He needed to find some time to study it thoroughly.

"Long Chen, your techniques are terrifying. When can you teach us?" The group approached Long Chen, and Luo Jiang swallowed nervously, his face filled with envy.

Long Chen's sword strike was incredibly impressive, and the burst of flames at his fingertips was even more spine-chilling. Who wouldn't want to have such skills?

Long Chen smiled and said, "These are just the basics. I can teach you anytime you want."

"Really?" Hearing that Long Chen was willing to teach, the group couldn't help but feel ecstatic, and some even shouted excitedly.

"If we all master this technique and use our bloodline power simultaneously, the power would be unstoppable, right?" Luo Ying exclaimed with excitement.

"That's a great idea!" Long Chen was initially surprised but then praised Luo Ying for her constructive idea. If everyone could simultaneously ignite their bloodline flames without any rejection, and the powers stacked together, the resulting force reminded Long Chen of the Dragon Blood Legion's Dragon Blood Cross Slash.

"However, it's not the right time to teach you yet. On one hand, you will be distracted on the battlefield, and on the other hand, your control over bloodline power is far from the required level. Don't rush it. At your current speed, it might take anywhere from a month to two weeks to learn this technique," Long Chen reassured the group.

Hearing that they could learn so quickly, the group became even more excited.

In reality, Long Chen didn't teach them immediately for another reason: he hadn't figured out how to teach it yet. Understanding something yourself was one thing, but conveying what you had understood to others was another.

Long Chen's knowledge came from his own insights. Even when Long ZhanTian taught him, it was mainly through inspiration and hints, allowing him to comprehend it himself.

Therefore, figuring out how to teach it effectively so that everyone could understand what Long Chen wanted to convey was the real challenge.

"Now that you're becoming stronger, you still need to work on compressing and controlling your own power, which is still at a very primitive stage. In future battles, try to suppress your power and aura as much as possible. When you strike, strive for precision in controlling your strength. If you can kill an opponent with 50% of your power, don't use 60%, and if you can kill with a single blow, don't strike twice. Only by achieving precise control of your power can you make the most of your future technique learning," Long Chen advised the group.

The group already held Long Chen in high regard and believed in everything he said without any doubt.

"We just eliminated two elite teams, and you've roughly gauged the enemy's strength. In reality, these so-called elites are not that formidable. The reason someone like Wolf Qing was challenging is due to his extensive combat experience and his unique aura cultivated through endless slaughter.

Luo Yanfeng's biggest disadvantage is his lack of combat experience, which has prevented him from developing his own aura, making it easy for the enemy to control the tempo. 

With each battle and every enemy slain, you all are getting stronger. Don't rush; take it one step at a time," Long Chen reassured the group. He had noticed that many of them were getting a bit too excited, and that wasn't a good thing.

Listening to Long Chen's words, the group nodded and, after a brief rest, immediately set out to continue searching for the demon clan's teams.

Based on the conversation between Wolf Qing and Blood Yin, they already knew the demon clan's basic deployment. The demon clans had their territories marked out and did not infringe upon each other. Essentially, they treated the human clans like fish, and it was up to luck which net the fish would swim into.

However, the disciples of the Luo family needed to make some changes to their deployment. If they continued to annihilate enemy teams without restraint, they would soon be targeted by the enemy. This would expose their true strength, and if the demon clan decided to act without honor and sent large numbers of Purple Crown Divine Emperors to ambush them while the Purple Blood clan couldn't come to their rescue in time, they would undoubtedly be wiped out.

This time, Long Chen commanded the disciples of the Luo family to retain a certain amount of strength. After engaging the enemy in battle and catching them off guard, they would pretend to be at a disadvantage and immediately retreat. After several such engagements, the demon clan's strong warriors were infuriated. Due to territorial constraints, they couldn't chase into someone else's territory and could only watch helplessly as Long Chen and his group escaped.

Initially, the disciples of the Luo family were brave and fearless in battle, but Long Chen's change in strategy had them watching the enemy being played like puppets, with a look of eagerness to bite. They quickly found that playing dirty was far more enjoyable than fighting fair.

It's often said that it's hard to learn good things, but it's easy to pick up bad habits. Long Chen's guidance quickly turned the disciples of the Luo family into ruthless and cunning fighters, leaving the demon clan's strong warriors fuming. They frequently chased after them, cursing loudly.

The more furious the demon clan's strong warriors became, the happier the disciples of the Luo family were. Now, they were starting to feel confident and at ease on the battlefield.

However, several days later, it seemed that the demon clan had been thoroughly provoked by Long Chen's actions. Many demon clan teams began to chase and attack Long Chen's group beyond the territorial boundaries. Consequently, the disciples of the Luo family had to "struggle for survival" in these desperate situations.

After several days of continuous battles, they had no time to rest, and the disciples of the Luo family were finally reaching their limits. They had no choice but to return to their clan for some rest.

Under Long Chen's leadership, the team maintained a perfect record with no casualties. This achievement began to make the Bi family uneasy.

As Long Chen and the others returned to the Purple Blood clan, they encountered another team head-on. When Long Chen saw the woman leading the team, his heart trembled slightly.

"So, the Bi family has finally played their trump card."

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