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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5709

Chapter 5709 - Xuan Ming 

The destruction of the Heavenly Vein Profound Realm, everything turning into nothingness. Amidst the boundless void, suddenly came the voice of the Chaotic Dragon Emperor:

"Don't you want to say something?"

After a long pause, an old and profound voice echoed, "Was it your suggestion for him to do this?"

"You're overthinking it. After finally finding someone capable of inheriting my legacy, even though he is not of my dragon lineage, he is still my disciple. How could I possibly let him bear such a heavy karmic burden?" the Chaotic Dragon Emperor said.

"You dared to compete with the Lord of Nine Stars for a disciple, but now you're afraid of this karma?" the voice countered.

"After being imprisoned for so many years, I have long grown indifferent to life and death. I can bear even the heaviest of karmic burdens. The crucial point is whether I can pass on my divine abilities. Unfortunately, I was too arrogant in my youth and lacked the patience to cultivate disciples. Later, a great change occurred, and there was no time left. The era of the Dharma's end arrived, and what was considered genius in the chaotic era can only be called mediocre. However, the appearance of Dragon Dust gave me hope. Therefore, I intend to impart everything I've learned throughout my life to him," the Chaotic Dragon Emperor mentioned Dragon Dust, his tone carrying a clear sense of contentment and pride.

"Hehe, don't forget, our current state is all thanks to whom," the voice sneered, a chilling laugh filled with boundless resentment.

The voice continued, "The Lord of Nine Stars ascended to the pinnacle, grasping the heavens and earth, looking down upon everything, attempting to reshape the order of the cosmos. What was the outcome? Nine heavens and ten earths were destroyed by him, nearly beyond recovery. The vitality of countless clans was severely injured. You and I were imprisoned, and our descendants struggle in hardship and pain, all thanks to that couple, aren't we? And you actually want to pass on your abilities to the humans, or even to the heir of the Lord of Nine Stars? Have you been imprisoned for so long that your mind has rusted, Xiu Yang?"

As the voice continued, anger surged, each word dripping with boundless resentment. Especially when mentioning the Lord of Nine Stars, it was through gritted teeth, as if stirring up endless hatred.

Upon hearing the person's enraged roar, the Chaotic Dragon Emperor fell silent.

The voice seemed to sense its own tone was off and softened its approach, saying, "Elder Xiu Yang, I've always held you in high regard, but I truly can't comprehend your actions."

"Xuan Ming, have you only recently awakened?" the Chaotic Dragon Emperor replied.

I'm not sure why the Chaotic Dragon Emperor suddenly changed the topic, but the voice continued:

"Yes, I just awakened about a million years ago, and this formation has made me very uncomfortable."

"And I, for all these years, have been striving to maintain a half-asleep, half-awake state," replied the Chaotic Dragon Emperor.

"Then, aren't you enduring endless torment..." Xuan Ming exclaimed in surprise.

"Because I am unwilling to be imprisoned like this, and even more unwilling to let my abilities fade away with me. I have been waiting for an opportunity, searching for an inheritor all these years. At the same time, I've been pondering a question: I've been seeking answers to that cataclysm," said the Chaotic Dragon Emperor.

"Answers? What answers?" Xuan Ming was taken aback.

"I believe that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are a conspiracy, one that might extend to an era before we were born," the Chaotic Dragon Emperor explained.

"How is that possible? Both you and I are divine beings nurtured by heaven and earth, we are the pioneers of this world. Before us, the world was in chaos!" Xuan Ming exclaimed.

"But what about before that chaos?" the Chaotic Dragon Emperor asked.


Xuan Ming was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Furthermore, do you have any memories of your youth?" the Chaotic Dragon Emperor inquired.

"These are such distant matters, how could I possibly remember?" Xuan Ming replied.

"Have you ever considered whether it's that you don't remember, or that you've been forgotten?" the Chaotic Dragon Emperor asked again.

"Elder brother, are you suggesting..." Xuan Ming was taken aback.

"Why did the Lord of Nine Stars disrupt the order of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths? Why did it lead to such division and discord? Could he truly have gone mad? Even if he had, what about his wife, the only woman within the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths who achieved enlightenment through alchemy and ascended to become a Heavenly Empress? She is a person of great wisdom. Could she also have gone mad?" the Chaotic Dragon Emperor inquired.

Xuan Ming fell silent for a moment before saying, "But you can't deny, humans possess unstable emotions and temperaments, almost predisposed to self-destruction. 

When it snows, they build snowmen and enjoy the process, yet after that joy, they will destroy the snowman with their own hands. They create beautiful things with their hands and destroy them just as easily. They'll defile a pristine white wall with handprints and footprints; humans are naturally unable to tolerate perfection. When something perfect appears, people will tarnish it, and if they can't tarnish it, they'll find a way to destroy it.

What's most frightening is that humans not only destroy external things but themselves as well. Survival is an instinct, yet humans defy that instinct. Look across the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, among all the clans and spirits. Besides humans, can you name any other race that would willingly self-destruct?"

Xuan Ming spoke at length, harboring a deep prejudice against humans. However, his words hit at the core of human nature, cutting to the heart and leaving no room for argument.

Facing Xuan Ming's questioning, the Chaotic Dragon Emperor responded, "Humans have a saying that goes: 'No nameless grass grows on the earth, no useless person is born under heaven.'"

"Are you implying that this world actually needs them?" Xuan Ming scoffed, and from his tone, it was clear that he considered humans to be the root of all troubles in this world. He believed that if humans were to disappear from this world, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths would become a better place. The current state of decay was largely caused by humans.

"Not 'needs,' but rather only they have the ability to propel the workings of this world. I know you don't agree with this perspective. Let me put it this way: Humans are a confluence of contradictions. They embody characteristics that are diametrically opposed—goodness and evil, wisdom and foolishness, nobility and baseness, and so on. They are the most unstable factor in this world..."

"Yes, exactly. Without them, this world would achieve a balance between yin and yang and be at peace, wouldn't it?" Xuan Ming interjected.

"But have you ever considered that such a static balance is like a stagnant pond, eventually leading to the decay and demise of this world? Only a dynamic equilibrium can keep this world in motion. Today, a little more light, tomorrow a little more darkness—just like a seesaw, going up and down. That is the essence of this world."

"If a seesaw stops moving, it means this world has died," the Chaotic Dragon Emperor explained.

"I don't understand what you're saying, but I'll stick to my beliefs. Humans are the beings I detest the most, and I'll have nothing to do with them throughout my life," Xuan Ming declared.


Just then, a muffled sound echoed, followed by another and another, a series of successive rumbles. Upon hearing this sound, the Chaotic Dragon Emperor chuckled.

"It seems that you might not have a say in this matter. Long Chen has broken through the Heavenly Vein Profound Realm, causing other small worlds to lose balance as well. The shackles of the Emperor Heaven have been detonated, and a new era is about to begin!"

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  1. so all of these things are pawns on the chess board, whether its brahma, Tinaye, pcde then who is the real players. Shit just gone deep
