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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5706

Chapter 5,706 - The Might of Apocalypse 

With a resounding shout from Long Chen, it was as if people saw a purple sun rising, emitting myriad divine rays that pierced through the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The violent waves of purple surged, washing over the heavens and earth. In that moment, the sky cracked, and the earth trembled. Figures like Fanteen De and Li Changgeng were pushed back by the terrifying shockwaves, unable to steady themselves.

"The earth is splitting once again..."

Someone exclaimed. Previously, Long Chen, dressed in white, had split the earth in two with a single strike. Later, the power of the celestial veins restored the damage, returning everything to its original state.

Now, in the face of Long Chen's terrifying aura, it seemed as though the old wounds had resurfaced, and the earth was tearing apart once more.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Giant waves rolled, accompanied by thunderous roars. The divine power of the sacred dragon's blood filled the entire world, shrouding the ancient celestial dome. In the presence of this aura, everyone seemed as insignificant as ants.

At this moment, the fusion of the nine veins was beyond impressive. The so-called thirteen dragon veins paled in comparison. Only those who prostrated themselves on the ground had the qualification to look up in reverence.

Long Chen's aura continued to surge madly, his killing intent rising like a volcano. At this moment, he resembled a furious demon god from hell, his aura carrying boundless intent of destruction.

"Long Chen..."

Seeing Long Chen's furious appearance, Tang Wan'er's nose tingled. No matter how powerful she was, Long Chen protected her as if she were his life itself. His feelings for her had never changed.

Just then, Tang Wan'er felt a warm touch on her jade-like hand. Bai Shishi had grabbed hold of her hand, and the two exchanged a smile. In that moment, they shared a telepathic connection for the first time. Being protected by such a man made life and death seem inconsequential.

"Is he... going mad?"

In the distant camp of the Divine Clan, Jiang Yue'e activated the Dragon Vein, braving the hurricane with a face twisted in pain, as if being sliced by a knife. What was most terrifying was the aura of killing intent contained within, causing her soul to tremble and her will to feel on the verge of collapsing.

"This is how Long Chen is. When the woman he loves is hurt, he would... go mad." Feng Fei, struggling against the hurricane, said laboriously.

"But it's just a minor injury!" Jiang Yue'e shouted.

"In Long Chen's eyes, his beloved ones, his blood brothers, are all more important than his own life. Anyone who harms them, he will make sure the other party... pays a... painful price." Feng Fei gasped for breath. This aura was already making her extremely uncomfortable.

Meanwhile, the other powerful beings of the Divine Clan had long retreated to a safe distance. They couldn't withstand this terrifying impact at all.

"Damn it, if there's a man who dotes on me like this, even if I have to die for him... I'd be willing..." Jiang Yue'e gritted her teeth.


Just at that moment, an even more violent wave of energy surged forth. The laws of heaven and earth seemed to shatter in that instant, and both Jiang Yue'e and Feng Fei were blown away.

After the massive waves subsided, the world gradually returned to its original state. People's vision cleared, and when they looked at the scene before them again, their faces were filled with disbelief.

The earth was thoroughly split into five parts, the crust deformed beyond recognition, and molten lava surged from the cracks, resembling flowing blood. The vitality of the world was rapidly dissipating, creating an atmosphere akin to being transported to hell. People felt their lives slowly withering away, a sensation that induced despair.

"The power of the celestial veins is diminishing, this world is about to collapse!" someone exclaimed in fear.

"It's not yet time for the transfer, are we really going to perish along with this world?" someone's voice trembled.

Fear filled the faces of the powerful beings on the outskirts. Could they really die here?

"What's there to fear? Long Chen and the others are here too, you know? Dying alongside such peerless experts, what regrets could there possibly be?" someone sneered.

"That's right, right! To be able to witness a stunning battle of the ages before dying, it's worth it even if we die."

In the center of the battlefield, strong warriors still surrounded Long Chen as the battle raged on. Some fanatics had become indifferent to life and death.


A thunderous cheer erupted from within the Dragon's Nest, fanaticism and admiration filled everyone's eyes. They were completely captivated by the sight of Long Chen before them.

At this moment, Long Chen was enveloped in a purple divine radiance. Unlike his previous dragon-blood battle form, he didn't have dragon armor. Instead, the purple divine radiance formed a sheer purple veil that billowed in the wind. Faintly visible amidst its undulations were purple dragon scales that occasionally appeared and disappeared.

Behind Long Chen, thirteen massive purple dragons formed a pattern resembling dragons guarding a precious gem, with their heads inward and their tails outward, encircling a purple orb.

The purple orb resembled a sun of amethyst hue, its radiance not scorching, but exceptionally gentle. Faintly visible within were purple tides surging, as if it were a world in itself. Blessed by the purple divine radiance, Long Chen's aura appeared regal and sacred, his purple attire and flowing hair making him seem like an emperor of the mortal realm, exuding unmatched reverence.

"Oh my, this is incredible!"

In the camp of the Divine Clan, Jiang Yue'e couldn't help but cover her cherry lips upon seeing Long Chen in this state.

No wonder Feng Fei was infatuated with this guy and had warned her to maintain a good relationship with Long Chen but not to get too close. Now she finally understood why Feng Fei had said that.

A berserk protector of his wife, with such terrifying strength, and now, under the influence of the noble purple divine radiance, he appeared even more handsome and extraordinary. Who the heck could resist that?

Long Chen was enveloped in the purple divine radiance, yet his gaze remained ice-cold. He was acutely aware of the ongoing battle around him. He had suppressed his anger when Tang Wan'er and Ah Man were injured. Now, he could finally unleash his pent-up fury without restraint. This was the moment of final settlement.

Seeing the fierce look in Long Chen's eyes, the plump woman involuntarily took a step back. At this moment, she couldn't maintain her previous composure any longer. The overwhelming murderous intent emanating from Long Chen filled her with fear.


The Bone Dragon's Sinister Moon appeared in Long Chen's hand, and the purple divine radiance flowed into it, slowly infusing the blade.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

The purple aura merged into the black blade, creating a peculiar purple-black glow. A fierce and bloodthirsty aura surged, and countless dragon patterns on the Bone Dragon's Sinister Moon began to faintly light up. It was as if a dormant demon was being awakened.


Suddenly, Long Chen swung the blade, but what caught everyone off guard was that he didn't strike at anyone. Instead, he slashed into the void.


The sky was torn apart by Long Chen's strike, the heavens splitting open. What shocked everyone was that behind the torn sky, a colossal figure was revealed.

As the sky tore open, at first, people could only glimpse a fraction of the figure, like the tip of an iceberg. Gradually, the full form of the figure came into view.

When everyone saw the complete form, their expressions turned to astonishment. It was a living being, an unimaginably massive one – a creature of colossal proportions that made even the gigantic beasts seem minuscule before it.

"This is..."

People gazed at the figure in horror, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

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