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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5704

Chapter 5704: The Death of Yue Chang Feng

In the blink of an eye, billions of powerful individuals were reduced to ashes. These were all elite-level experts who had participated in the siege of the Dragon Blood Legion. Even the weakest among them had cultivated seven ancestral dragon veins. Otherwise, they wouldn't have qualified to enter the battlefield.

Among the billions of experts, the Nine Vein Celestial Saints accounted for nearly half. There were also some terrifying experts who had achieved the unity of nine veins, and they too were all annihilated.

In the span of moments, so many terrifying experts disappeared. Even formidable individuals like Jiang Yue'e and Feng Fei of similar status couldn't believe their eyes. They thought it was an illusion, a deception, or an enchantment.

Yet, as billions of experts vanished, a few more emerged, each possessing thirteen condensed dragon veins behind them. It turned out that these experts had been hidden among the crowd, never revealing themselves.

With everyone else wiped out, they could no longer stay hidden, forced out by Long Chen. Together with Fandian De, Li Changgeng, and six others, there were now a total of thirteen peak experts on the battlefield.

"This move couldn't have been comprehended in an instant. You should have known it long ago. Why didn't you use it?" At this moment, the voice of the Chaotic Dragon Emperor resounded in Long Chen's mind.

Even it was astonished by Long Chen's attack, merging two opposing forces and then detonating them. The horrifying impact was truly astonishing.

Such a fusion was simply inconceivable. To succeed, it would require countless experiments, yet it had never seen Long Chen take any action, leading to its questioning.

"How could I dare to use it? That guy has been watching me all along. Every time I make a move, he learns a move. And his techniques are something I can't help but learn. He's too crafty." Long Chen responded.

"Are you sure he's not currently observing you?" asked the Chaotic Dragon Emperor.

"When I was comprehending the Three Thousand Primordial Divine Symbols, my first thought was to fuse Eye Techniques. I used the Inferno Eye to reverse-spy on him, and I succeeded. However, I discovered that sometimes he isn't in his 'home', and when he's not there, he can't spy on me. Of course, I also can't see him."

"This time, I used him precisely because I saw him at home, which led to the previous deployment," Long Chen chuckled.

"You're truly cunning!" sighed the Chaotic Dragon Emperor.

"Am I cunning? That guy isn't much better. Faced with such a powerful opponent as Candle Yin, why didn't he gradually wear down the opponent step by step? Instead, he seized on a weakness and directly killed Candle Yin.

He's also worried that you, the Qiankun Cauldron, and Xie Yue might remember his techniques and eventually narrate them to me, fearing that I would learn them.

This guy has been scheming to suppress me all along. I can't continue to be naive, or else I might accidentally get suppressed by him and be done for.

I've secretly used the Inferno Eye to take a peek. After being hit by the Blood Curse of Candle Yin, this guy has left his 'home' and probably went somewhere to heal. Now, whatever technique I use, he can't see it," Long Chen chuckled.


In the blink of an eye, communicating with the Chaotic Dragon Emperor using divine sense, Long Chen was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of someone coughing up blood. He turned to look and saw Yue Chang Feng in a miserable state.

At this moment, Yue Chang Feng was covered in blood, his pale yellow battle armor no longer shining brilliantly but instead dimming down.

Many parts of his body were charred, and his hair was burned. Clearly, the force of the attack was too much for his pale yellow battle armor to withstand, resulting in his injuries.

In his previous intense battle against Li Qi and Song Mingyuan, he had expended a considerable amount of energy. Li Qi's crystal battle axe had struck him multiple times, but the pale yellow battle armor had managed to defend against the blows.

If he didn't have the protection of the pale yellow battle armor, even though he was a Thirteen Vein Celestial Saint, he would have been overwhelmed by the two.

Now, the pale yellow battle armor had reached its limit, and Fandian De, Li Changgeng, and the others were unharmed. Evidently, their strength far surpassed that of Yue Chang Feng.

While Long Chen's attack was terrifying, its range was too vast and its power too dispersed to deal a fatal blow to this level of expert.


Suddenly, Long Chen moved. Yue Chang Feng, who had just coughed up blood, was taken aback. He thrust his long spear forward and quickly retreated. To everyone's surprise, Yue Chang Feng's strike directly pierced through Long Chen's chest, but Long Chen's large hand also gripped Yue Chang Feng's throat.

However, upon closer inspection, it became apparent that Yue Chang Feng's spear had merely passed through Long Chen's body without actually striking him. It was as if everything that had been witnessed just moments ago was an illusion.

With a sharp sound, Long Chen's large hand clutched Yue Chang Feng's throat, causing his body to tremble. He was instantly immobilized, held in Long Chen's grasp like a helpless chick.

Long Chen gazed at Yue Chang Feng with a sinister expression. "You're beyond redemption, utterly foolish. Your pale yellow battle armor wouldn't even exist without my assistance. Without it, you couldn't have condensed thirteen Heavenly Vein Dragon Qi. And now that you've grown stronger, you dare to lead the charge against my brothers."

"I've encountered countless individuals, but rarely have I seen a creature as ungrateful as you, repaying kindness with enmity."

Yue Chang Feng's face was now filled with terror, devoid of the arrogance and domineering attitude he once displayed. He attempted to struggle, but his body was completely unresponsive.

Glancing towards Fandian De and the others, he hoped they would come to his rescue. After all, if he died, their collective combat strength would be diminished. However, his despair deepened when he realized that not a single one of them showed any intention of intervening. They merely watched in cold indifference.

"Long Chen..."

In the distance, a woman's cry of despair rang out—it was Lu Qing Shuang. She wanted to plead for mercy, but the words remained stuck in her throat, unable to be voiced.

"It's pointless. If he were only dealing with me, there might be room for negotiation, but the moment he targets my brothers, not even the Heavenly Emperor's pleas will sway me!" Long Chen declared coldly.

With a muffled sound, Yue Chang Feng's head exploded, extinguished by a single strike from Long Chen.

Yue Chang Feng was indeed far too foolish. Among the numerous Thirteen Vein Celestial Saints, he was the weakest, yet he remained oblivious to this fact. While others regarded him as a mere clown, he was unaware of his own insignificance. Now, not only had he met his end on the spot, but he also caused the deaths of millions of Golden Armored Knights. His demise could be entirely attributed to his own foolish choices.

Long Chen waved his large hand, causing a spear along with the dim battle armor to transform into a stream of light and fly towards Lu Qing Shuang, who caught it in her grasp.

"Regardless of the circumstances, we once fought side by side. Here, I return these to you. As for the fate of the Holy Brilliance Divine Sect, it rests in your hands," Long Chen spoke.

His message was simple: he returned the items, but he had no interest in them. As for the survival of the Holy Brilliance Divine Sect, it was up to Lu Qing Shuang.

After killing so many Golden Armored Knights, the Holy Brilliance Divine Sect would undoubtedly not let matters rest. If they dared to come after Long Chen, he would make sure they were eradicated from this world. However, if Lu Qing Shuang were to claim ownership of these two treasures and become the new leader, then the fate of the Holy Brilliance Divine Sect would be entirely within her control. Whether they became allies or adversaries depended solely on her decision.

Holding the pale yellow battle armor and the spear, Lu Qing Shuang couldn't bear the weight of so many deaths any longer. She burst into tears, leading tens of thousands of Golden Armored Knights to leave the sorrowful scene.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Just then, applause resounded as Li Changgeng stepped forward, his voice calm as he said, "The Splitting Shadow Technique you just employed was truly remarkable. However, it still can't change the cruel outcome of your defeat."

At this moment, the other formidable experts scattered around, encircling Long Chen at the core. A sharp aura of killing intent devoured the heavens and earth. 

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