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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5699

Chapter 5699: Fierce and Fat Woman


The combined strike of Xiao Jiu and Bai Xiaole was much stronger than Xiao Jiu's previous solo attack. Even a Ninth Pulse Heavenly Saint expert couldn't withstand it and was directly shaken and sent flying.

However, the physical bodies of the sea monster clan's experts were terrifying. Almost everyone was covered in scales, their defense astonishing. Despite the terror of Xiao Jiu's attack, it didn't manage to kill anyone.

"Thanks to the warriors of the North-South Alliance, your efforts are remembered by our Dragon Blood Legion. Please withdraw from the battlefield and leave everything to us," Guo Ran exclaimed with excitement upon seeing so many people sacrificing their lives to buy them time.

After saying this, Guo Ran menacingly drew out a giant golden crossbow. The barrage of arrows seemed endless, shooting one after another like they were limitless. They rained down among the sea monster clan's experts like a furious storm.


The sea monster clan's experts were caught in a constant wail of agony. Although they had sturdy scale armor, it could withstand one wave of attacks but not a second. Even if they could withstand the second wave, they couldn't endure the third.

Seeing the sacrifices of the warriors from the North-South Alliance, Guo Ran's hatred surged. He hated the enemy, and he hated himself. As the overall commander, he hadn't even sensed the spatial displacement in time – it was his dereliction of duty.


Bai Shishi, Xia Chen, Gu Yang, and the others roared as they charged out. Previously, they had maintained the cohesion of their group, with no casualties. They had remained calm.

But things were different now. The North-South Alliance's experts fought and died for them. The violent urge to kill ignited instantly, pain could fuel anger, and anger could drive one mad.

And once a person went mad, the urge for slaughter would be ignited, for only the enemy's blood could be the best painkiller.


The Dragon Blood Legion clashed head-on with the endless sea monster clan's experts. Despite the sea monster clan's numbers being countless times greater than the Dragon Blood Legion's, the Legion's sword aura was like a rainbow, leaving blood and flesh in its wake, resembling a meat grinder.

After the Dragon Dust Legion passed through, the Hidden Dragon Legion followed closely. The Hidden Dragon Legion also possessed astonishing destructive power, as numerous sea monster clan experts were sliced into fragments by their sharp sword aura.

The Dragon Clan and the Wind God Sea Pavilion experts were responsible for holding the rear. Their combat experience was evidently inferior to that of the Dragon Blood Legion and the Hidden Dragon Legion. Learning from their experiences behind the frontlines, clearing out stragglers and maintaining formation to ensure that the Dragon Blood Legion had no worries from behind, was their task.

Once, the Dragon Clan had numerous peerless geniuses such as Chi Wu Feng and Mo Yang, who had once shone brilliantly in their own era. But now, seeing the fierce and formidable Dragon Blood warriors, they couldn't help but gnash their teeth in frustration.

Forget about contending with the Dragon Dust Legion; if they didn't make an effort, even the ordinary Dragon Blood warriors would surpass them.

After being sealed away since the chaotic era, expending endless resources, was this really the role they were meant to play? To come here and merely be spectators?

The Dragon Clan and Wind God Sea Pavilion experts maintained their formation while engaging in frenzied slaughter. They needed to prove the significance of their existence; otherwise, they would lose the motivation to survive.

The Dragon Blood Legion challenged the sea monster clan's endless experts in a fierce battle. Meanwhile, on the other side, the leader of the sea monster clan, the fat woman, held a bone whip and coldly observed the front.

Before her stood a beautiful woman, her robes fluttering, black hair dancing, and a long sword held diagonally towards the fat woman.

This person was none other than Tang Wan'er. At this moment, thirteen green dragon veins flickered and dimmed behind Tang Wan'er, intermittently hidden and revealed. She gazed at the fat woman with a murderous intent in her eyes.

"I can't believe there's still a master hidden here. Judging from this stance, you've just advanced to the Thirteen Dragon Veins level!" The fat woman observed Tang Wan'er, her eyes narrowing to slits, yet her malevolence and ferocity remained undiminished.

The fat woman was correct. Tang Wan'er had been quietly attached to the barrier, absorbing divine power until she finally advanced to the Thirteen Dragon Veins level just now.

When she woke up, she was shocked to find sudden turmoil. She immediately attacked the fat woman at the first opportunity, and under her distraction, the fat woman concentrated her efforts on Tang Wan'er, allowing the Dragon Blood Legion to move freely.

As Tang Wan'er revealed herself, she displayed the power of thirteen celestial veins, emanating a vast wave of divine energy that astonished everyone. They had never expected that the Dragon Blood Legion would hide such a terrifying woman.

"The power you just displayed wasn't spatial energy at all, but rather water energy. You can control water energy to such a degree of invisibility. Who are you?" Tang Wan'er stared at the fat woman, her tone icy.


The fat woman suddenly burst into hearty laughter, her flesh quivering on her face as she spoke with boundless mockery:

"Silly woman, why should I tell you? Just because you look better than me?"


Suddenly, a sinister grin appeared at the corner of the fat woman's mouth. Before Tang Wan'er, the space distorted, and a claw suddenly lunged toward her cheek.

This attack was soundless, traceless, without any sign. Tang Wan'er sensed the danger and instinctively retreated.


Tang Wan'er managed to avoid the claw's strike, and people saw that the claw was transparent – after the attack, it disappeared without a trace.

And when people looked back at Tang Wan'er, a bloodstain had actually appeared on her pretty face, a wound inflicted by the transparent claw.

"I dislike women who are prettier than me, and I dislike women who are both beautiful and powerful even more. Before killing Long Chen and seizing the Imperial Blood Crystals, I think I should tear your face apart first." The fat woman's large mouth split open, revealing teeth like saw blades, giving her an evil and terrifying appearance.


With a furious roar, the fat woman's thirteen water dragons circulated behind her. Amidst a myriad of thunderous roars, she appeared like a massive ball of flesh, charging fiercely toward Tang Wan'er.

"Limit of the Wind, Heaven's Rend!"

Tang Wan'er shouted, and her long sword traced a half-circle in the void before descending slowly. This strike appeared weak and feeble, but the moment it landed, wind and thunder converged, tearing the fabric of space. A black fissure surged toward the fat woman.


Unflinching, the fat woman didn't dodge or evade, taking the sword strike head-on. Astonishingly, she was cleaved into two by Bai Shishi's sword.

However, before everyone could fully process what had happened, the fat woman unexpectedly split into two halves, transforming into two identical fat women. One from the left and one from the right, they both charged towards Tang Wan'er.


The fact that the fat woman could be cleaved in half yet remain unharmed left countless people astounded. What kind of ability was this?

"If we continue like this, the Imperial Blood Crystals will undoubtedly fall into Long Chen's hands. I won't waste any more time with you," the fat woman declared.

Just then, a figure flashed and dashed toward the Dragon Blood Legion. It was none other than Fantian De. He didn't want to linger any longer; the contest for the Imperial Blood Crystals was of utmost importance.

"Die together!"

In a blink, he arrived above the Dragon Blood Legion, his hands spread wide as the power of faith converged in his palms.

"Dragon Blood Cross Slash!"

However, before he could launch his attack, Guo Ran let out a furious roar, and simultaneously, the Dragon Blood warriors' dragon vein powers darkened abruptly.


Fantian De was greatly surprised, and just at that moment, a "cross" symbol appeared in front of him, ruthlessly slashing into his body.

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