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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art Chapter 5660


                    Wan Xiaoshan

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A tremendous sound echoed ahead. Although there was still some distance, through the formation of Wan Long Nest, Long Chen could already see the situation ahead.

Two groups of human strongmen were engaged in a frenzied battle. Corpses covered the ground, and the blood had dyed the mountains and rivers red. The battle was extremely brutal.

Both groups of strongmen were human, but from their attire, Long Chen couldn't recognize their origins.

Among them, one group consisted of millions of people, with a grand momentum and numerous experts. There were hundreds of thousands of True Saints among them, giving them an absolute advantage in the battle.

On the other hand, the opposing group had fewer people, less than half of the enemy's numbers. Most of them were injured, and as the battle continued, the casualties grew. They tried to break through the encirclement from left to right, but their path was firmly sealed. They were like fish trapped in a net, struggling in vain. Their demise was only a matter of time.

"Damned bastards of Qinghe Gate, you won't die a good death! Just wait for the relentless revenge of our Tianmen Mountain Villa!" Among the besieged strongmen, a Nine Veins True Saint covered in blood roared while desperately swinging a sword.

What surprised Long Chen was that this person had actually condensed nine true veins. However, this person's aura was unstable, and the fluctuations of the true vein's power were abnormal. It seemed like he possessed great strength, yet couldn't unleash it.

Among the attackers, the strongest was only a Seven Veins True Saint. Although there were over a dozen of them, in theory, not to mention a dozen Seven Veins True Saints, even a hundred wouldn't be qualified to challenge a Nine Veins True Saint.

Soon, Long Chen saw the clues. This Nine Veins True Saint had likely forcibly broken through with external assistance. He either used a secret technique or encountered some lucky chance, allowing him to condense nine true veins all at once.

However, in this state, the power of these nine true veins needed further growth to be fully utilized. His opponents recognized this and acted against him for this reason.

"Wan Xiaoshan, my dear Junior Master of Tianmen Mountain Villa, how old are you, and yet you speak such childish words?

Revenge? How would you take revenge? Your entire army was wiped out today. Who would know it was us who did it?"

Even if it's known that we did it, what can you do? I, Qinghe Gate, have already pledged allegiance to the Vajra Heavenly Deity. Would your Tianmen Mountain Villa dare to retaliate against the Vajra lineage?

Senior Brother Vajra has already stated that within the Celestial Vein Profound Realm, any human who refuses to submit to the Vajra lineage shall be mercilessly killed." Among the opponents, a man holding a peculiar sword said with a sinister tone.

The sword in the man's hand was jagged at the front, with two teeth embedded in the middle of the blade. It was an uncommon flexible sword.

As this long sword moved in his hand, it darted up and down like a spirit snake, employing eerie and ruthless techniques. Among the many strongmen present, he posed the greatest threat to Wan Xiaoshan.

"Damn the Vajra, you rat wielding a gun and acting arrogantly! You know nothing about dealing with external enemies, only provoking infighting among our human race. Our Tianmen Mountain Villa might be small, but we're not so desperate as to kneel under the command of a scoundrel like you." Wan Xiaoshan roared.

However, distracted by his anger, he narrowly avoided being struck in the forehead by the man's flexible sword. Although he managed to evade the vital point at the critical moment, the tip of the sword still grazed his forehead, instantly staining half his face red with blood.

"Idiot, those who don't recognize the situation will be ruthlessly eliminated. I won't waste time talking to you. Here's my final question: surrender all your treasures, and I'll spare your lives. I, Tian Wenjing, keep my word." The man shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Long Chen instantly understood. So, this Tian Wenjing was quite the character, using the banner of the Vajra lineage to blatantly engage in robbery.

As long as a force hadn't joined the Vajra lineage, if they could be defeated, they would be extorted without hesitation.

It had to be said, this Tian Wenjing was sly and cunning, with a venomous gaze. He had seen through Wan Xiaoshan's situation – that he had the realm but couldn't unleash his strength. Not only did he want treasures, but he also sought the secret of Wan Xiaoshan's advancement to a Nine Veins True Saint.

While some opportunities were unique and couldn't be replicated, what if there was a chance? There's no harm in trying, but mistakes should be avoided.

"Damn you, Tian Wenjing! Don't you ever look in the mirror and see your own despicable nature? Based on that sinister and malicious face of yours, I'd rather believe a dog's fart than your words.

Though Tianmen Mountain Villa might be small, we still have our pride. We'd rather be shattered jade than whole tiles. You might be able to kill us, but making us submit? You're dreaming." Wan Xiaoshan roared.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Wan Xiaoshan already knew that there was no hope of survival today. He could only fight desperately, aiming to take down as many opponents as possible. He ignited his Dragon Vein power and launched a furious charge.

Wan Xiaoshan's all-out attack forced Tian Wenjing and the others to adopt a defensive stance. They weren't foolish enough to directly clash with Wan Xiaoshan. Once his initial burst of momentum subsided, he would enter a period of weakness, leaving him vulnerable to their attacks.

Indeed, after a few moves, Wan Xiaoshan's aura rapidly declined. In that moment, despair and unwillingness filled his eyes. He understood that he absolutely couldn't fall into their hands today, or he would be in a state where he couldn't survive but also couldn't die. It was at this moment, as Wan Xiaoshan was preparing to end his own life...


A colossal entity obscured the sky, emitting a vast aura of dragons. The earth trembled as countless roars resounded. The battling strongmen felt a sudden weight as their bodies were pressed down by the horrifying power, causing their souls to tremble. Unconsciously, they looked up.

What they saw was a massive Wan Long Nest, akin to a mobile spatial fortress. The overwhelming oppression caused everyone to halt their combat.

"The Vajra lineage handles internal affairs of the human race. What guidance do our dragon friends have?" Seeing the Wan Long Nest, Tian Wenjing thought it was a powerful member of the dragon race passing by, so he called out loudly.

He brought up the name of the Vajra lineage, while also pointing out that it was an internal human affair. It had to be said that this guy had a way with words. He concealed the fact that they were killing their own kind, managed to intimidate the other party, and maintained a certain degree of humility.

"Still talking about the Vajra lineage? Screw off with your lineage! Go to hell!" The response was a shout of curses from Xia Chen.


Suddenly, a piercing sound broke the air. However, when that sound appeared, it resonated from all directions, and nobody could tell where it came from.


Suddenly, divine radiance flashed, and people saw a golden light flicker as Tian Wenjing's head was pierced through.

As the golden light penetrated Tian Wenjing's head, people finally saw that it was actually a runic seal.

The runic seal emanated a divine glow, resembling scales, razor-sharp and peerless in their sharpness.


Tian Wenjing looked ahead and managed to utter only one word before his body slowly fell, struck down by a single blow.


However, in the instant he fell, the scale-shaped runic seal suspended in mid-air suddenly exploded with a tremendous blast, shattering into countless fragments that shot out in all directions.


Each fragment accurately hit the heads of the nearby strongmen, causing a burst of bloody rain.

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