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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5855


Chapter 5855: The Art of Mind Control

Lady Xihu seemed to be here for the first time. Upon seeing the surrounding scenery, she couldn't help but praise it. Today, Liu Ruyan was in a good mood and gradually let go of her guard against Lady Xihu. She explained that this was a scene from the Spirit Realm, directly copied from there.

While Lady Xihu praised the scenery, she also subtly inquired about the situation in the Netherworld. Liu Ruyan, with nothing to hide, revealed everything. Long Chen then realized that Lady Xihu had no knowledge of Liu Ruyan's past, and today was an opportunity for them to truly communicate.

From Lady Xihu's cautious eyes, Long Chen could tell that she deeply cherished Liu Ruyan. However, Lady Xihu expressed her emotions more subtly. Perhaps Liu Ruyan couldn't sense that motherly love due to the various rules and principles of the Undying Clan, along with what Liu Changtian imposed on her.

But today was different. Lady Xihu's words made Liu Ruyan suddenly feel close to her, and a sense of trust emerged. Regarding matters in the Tianwu Continent, Lady Xihu seemed very interested, asking many questions. Long Chen couldn't help but smile, realizing she was indirectly inquiring about him.

Liu Ruyan, without any hidden motives, spoke openly, even revealing embarrassing stories that left Long Chen speechless. The three of them chatted and laughed, making Long Chen feel awkward on the sidelines. However, seeing the gap between Lady Xihu and Liu Ruyan gradually closing, Long Chen also relaxed.

Although Liu Changtian held a high position as the Emperor, what did it matter? Could he withstand the wind of change? As long as Lady Xihu stood on their side, there was room for maneuver.

"Long Chen, what do you think of the disciples of the Undying Clan?" After a while of laughter, Lady Xihu turned to Long Chen with a serious expression.

"Speak carefully!" Liu Ruyan was afraid that Long Chen would disdain the disciples of the Undying Clan, ruining the good atmosphere.

Long Chen pondered for a moment before saying, "The disciples of the Undying Clan are strong, but it's useless."

"You scoundrel!" Liu Ruyan glared at him in anger. How could he say such a thing? She was also a member of the Undying Clan.

"Oh? How are they useless?" Lady Xihu didn't get angry. Instead, she smiled slightly.

"Having immense strength but not using it is essentially useless, isn't it?" Long Chen spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

Lady Xihu thought for a moment and said, "We of the Undying Clan may not be very clever. Could you please be more straightforward?"

Just as Long Chen was about to speak, he saw Chu Yao giving him a meaningful look, suggesting he phrase it more tactfully and not insult their pride.

Lady Xihu smiled, "It's alright; speak your mind. We have poor understanding abilities."

Seeing Lady Xihu's attitude, Long Chen couldn't help but admire her. Even as a powerful figure, she was humble and unpretentious.

"My point is that while the Undying Clan's disciples are strong, their killing power is abysmal. They don't even unleash 30% of their own strength. If I'm not mistaken, the way Liu Ruqiao and Liu Qingyu act and their combat style still follows the style of the chaotic era!"

Lady Xihu nodded; Long Chen was right. The Undying Clan had always followed the oldest traditions in terms of combat style and techniques.

Long Chen continued, "As time passes and eras change, this style and rhythm of combat have been outdated. It's like the world's laws have been declining since the chaotic era, and spiritual energy has become scarce. Resources are getting scarcer, and competition is becoming more intense. In order to survive, the combat system is constantly evolving. The current strong fighters have an extremely keen sense of combat."

"Like me, what can I do? I can't afford to be weak. If I'm weak, I'll die. If I die, your beautiful daughter-in-law will become a widow..."

"Pah, pah, pah..." Liu Ruyan interrupted him. "Don't say those ominous words. Let's talk about the real issue."

Long Chen nodded seriously. "What I mean is that the Undying Clan's combat system, style, and methods are too ancient. They can't keep up with the times. To be blunt, they've been eliminated. If I'm not mistaken, the Great Luo Green Lotus Clan is probing to see if the Undying Clan is still sticking to its old ways. Look at the Mo Yan Sleeping Lotus Clan; they have already started cooperating with the Great Brahman Heaven and the Flame Void lineage. If the Undying Clan remains stuck in its old ways, it might not only be difficult to restore its former glory, but it may also..."

Long Chen didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was already clear. Although the Great Luo Green Lotus Clan had been completely wiped out, wouldn't this information still be passed on? If that were the case, they were underestimating the methods of the Great Brahman Heaven. Long Chen was sure that the situation here had already been fully grasped.

Lady Xihu fell silent for a while before asking, "According to your thoughts, how should the Undying Clan proceed?"

Long Chen said, "The Great Brahman Heaven already knows our situation. If I'm not mistaken, if they see that the Undying Clan is still clinging to the past, stagnant and unchanging, they will be very satisfied. For a long time, they will try not to disturb us too much. However, when they want to deal with us, it will be a thunderous strike, leaving no chance. So, this battle is very advantageous for us. If we can quickly improve the strength of the Undying Clan during the time when the Great Brahman Heaven is careless, when the thunderous strike comes, we can face it calmly."

Lady Xihu asked, "How can we quickly improve?"

"I have a way!" Long Chen said.

But Long Chen only said these four words and didn't continue. He looked at Lady Xihu quietly.

Lady Xihu was stunned for quite a while, waiting for Long Chen to continue, but he remained silent. She didn't understand what Long Chen meant.

"You have a way; say it!" Liu Ruyan finally couldn't help but speak.

Long Chen said with a difficult expression, "This method is a secret of my Dragon Clan, not passed on externally or to women. Of course, if Ruyan marries me, I won't keep any secrets, but Ruyan hasn't married me yet..."

With these words, Lady Xihu, even if she were a fool, understood Long Chen's meaning. In short, he wanted a statement from Liu Changtian.

Lady Xihu couldn't help but laugh. This guy was quite cunning. Wasn't this a case of not seeing the rabbit and not releasing the eagle?

Seeing that Long Chen refused to continue, Lady Xihu chatted with Liu Ruyan and the others for a while before leaving.

"Long Chen, aren't you a bit too much? This is not good!" After Lady Xihu left, Chu Yao couldn't

 help but say.

"This is not blackmail. I'm demonstrating to my future father-in-law. Faced with such a strong person, if I'm weak, he will only look down on me. This is the art of attacking the heart." Long Chen shook his head.

Chu Yao and Liu Ruyan didn't quite understand, but since it was something Long Chen had decided, they didn't ask more questions.

The three of them chatted here for a while, and just as two days passed, an imperial decree arrived, summoning the three of them.

"Here it comes."

Long Chen's spirits rose. He wanted to see what kind of person his future father-in-law was really like.

(End of this chapter)

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