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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5840


Chapter 5840 :  Iceberg's Tip

Long Chen, in shock, got hit by some crazy glow thing, felt like a comet crashing into him. His glow shield thingy just shattered, bones cracked, guts went wild, blood everywhere. Before, he got trapped by this old dude's space power thing, but as soon as he got out, bam! Hit by that glow, and guess what, that space power thing showed up again.

Even though it was just an aftereffect, it still messed him up bad. With his speed, couldn't dodge that hit. Suddenly, this soft hand, gentle as heck, presses his back. Warmth floods his body, pure life stuff flowing through him. Not as huge as the chaotic space, but pure, full of life energy, sleek and dynamic. Bones that were shattered just fixed in a snap.

"Yo, Long Chen..." Suddenly, Choo Yow appears, beautiful as a blooming flower. Her eyes, full of pity, pumping life into Long Chen like it's nobody's business. Long Chen turns around, grabs Choo Yow real tight, feeling her softness, smelling her unique scent. At that moment, they forget they're in a battlefield, just the two of them in the world.

Holding Choo Yow close, she lets out a tiny whimper, holding onto Long Chen's strong shoulders. Her long-missed presence hits hard. Tears roll, words fail, tears become her only voice for all that longing.

"Sorry for making you suffer!" Long Chen chokes up, feeling super guilty.

"Nah, you're the one suffering. If not, you'd have come find me ages ago."

Choo Yow raises her head slowly, tear-filled eyes locking with Long Chen's face. Her hand on his cheek, seeing the maturity, the weariness in his eyes, proving how hard his life's been.

Seeing Choo Yow's tender look, Long Chen feels even more for her. She's still so understanding, always thinking for others.

"Not time for old times, let's go help Smoke!" Long Chen says.

"Smoke needs help?" Choo Yow wipes tears with a smile, radiant as a blooming flower.

Long Chen, stunned, Smoke's that strong? An iceberg's tip? Seriously?

"She's the future Empress of the Immortal Willow Clan, not just showing off her strength earlier. That was just the tip, buddy. Don't underestimate her, okay?"

"Really that strong?" Long Chen's shook. Too exaggerated?

"She's the only one among many Emperor Seedlings who can ignite the Emperor Seed without the pool. Eyesore Water Lilies can pull out two Emperor Seedlings just like that. Great Immortal Willow Clan can't have only Smoke as an Emperor Seedling, right? But most of 'em are in seclusion, keepin' secrets or stabilizing their Emperor Seed in the pool.

Like White-Haired Dude, Emperor Seed not fully formed, calling the Seed's flame could wreck it. Aguta, Seed's formed but weak, just low-level among the immortal Willows.

But hey, still an Emperor Seedling. You taking him down in a couple moves, impressive!" Choo Yow realizes she went too far dissing Aguta, making Long Chen's victory less cool, so she changes topic fast.

Long Chen ain't petty, haha, "You lot hiding deep. My Emperor Seed wife."

Called her wife, Choo Yow's blushes hard, shy but full of joy.

Long Chen realizes, Choo Yow's hiding the most. Without her reminder, he wouldn't sense her Emperor vibe, she's an Emperor Seedling too!

But man, she hides deep. Even at this close, without Long Chen trying hard, he couldn't tell.

"Hehe, nice! With wifey protecting, no one'll dare mess with me!" Long Chen grins.

"Who dares? I'll punch 'em for ya!" Choo Yow's playful, making Long Chen laugh. This beautiful princess, still has that playfulness from empire days.

Back then, in the Empire, they were kids with endless dreams. Now, though young, they've seen a lot. Time's marked them.

Can't just laugh carefree anymore. Their shoulders carry too much responsibility.

"Lil' Xihu, you wanna wipe us out? Immortal Willow Clan, so cold-blooded, hurting our planty family. Ain't you afraid of getting blasted for violence?" Suddenly, an old guy from the Big Lofty Lotus Clan yells from afar.

Boom! His shout, distracted, gets smacked by Xihu. Arm explodes, turns into blue rain. That rain's his lifeblood, full of life vibes, even far, Long Chen's eyes widen:

"Wow, this old dude's a treasure chest!"

And at that moment, that mysterious vine in Long Chen's chaotic space starts shaking madly, seems super anxious. That old guy's lifeblood's like a magnet.

"Yo, Yow, Xihu's not too comfy hitting hard, let's help!" Long Chen grins, eye contact with Yow, and poof, they vanish.

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