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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5838


Chapter 5849 Killing Aguta

Aguta roared in anger, charging toward Long Chen like a shooting star, wielding his Vajra staff which emitted a deafening cry. The flames of the Emperor Miao burned, and countless runes on the Vajra staff were activated by the Emperor Miao's flames.

Upon witnessing this scene, the immortals of the Undying Clan felt a shiver down their spines. They finally understood why Aguta dared to challenge Long Chen.

At this moment, Aguta merged with his staff, and the flames of the Emperor Miao activated the runes on the divine weapon. In this state, he didn't believe that Long Chen could outmaneuver him with his bronze cauldron.

"Purple Dragon Battle Form—Activate!"
Long Chen shouted, and the sacred dragon's roar resounded through the heavens and earth. A purple divine radiance illuminated the world, casting a vibrant purple hue over the entire Undying Demon Forest.

A deafening explosion shook the world, and within the surging aura, people witnessed a shocking scene. Long Chen was covered in purple dragon scales, and behind him, a purple flame surged, resembling an elegant cloak. He reached out with a single hand, his five fingers like hooks, firmly grasping Aguta's Vajra staff.

People were astounded, even the late-stage Divine Emperors couldn't help but be astonished. Long Chen had just intercepted Aguta's full-force attack barehanded.

The rolling purple aura, countless roaring sounds, Long Chen's large hand gripping the enormous Vajra staff, and what shocked everyone was that the dragon-like claws of Long Chen's fingers were embedded into the Vajra staff, forming five small grooves with fine cracks.

"When I saw this scene, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but skip a beat in her heart. Long Chen's attack was truly astonishing. Chu Yao gazed at the purple flames flickering around Long Chen and his warrior-like figure. In her beautiful eyes, there was a mesmerizing look.

At that moment, she seemed to see the young man who once stood in front of the imperial capital of the Phoenix Empire, invincible and unstoppable.

Now, that graceful young man had grown up, but his determination had not wavered.

"Do you think I'll rely only on two divine weapons? Do you think that when I agreed to fight you, I fell for your provocation? You fools, after humiliating my friend like this, do you really think I'll let you leave here alive?" Long Chen's expression turned sinister, and his voice was as cold as ice, sending chills down the spine of those who heard it.

During this period, Long Chen had been absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth, consolidating his realm, and solidifying the power of the dragon veins within him. He had also been diligently studying the techniques passed down by the Dragon Battle Heaven.

In Long Chen's mind, he constantly worked on perfecting his techniques and abilities, squeezing his power to the limit, all in pursuit of the realm his father had mentioned.

During this time, Long Chen's strength hadn't increased significantly, but he had gained new insights into controlling his techniques and power. If he had summoned the Purple Dragon Battle Form in the past, the overwhelming pressure would have directly affected the sky, forming a terrifying domain spanning tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles.

But this time, he compressed all his power within himself, hardly releasing any of it. The previous Purple Dragon Battle Form had appeared impressive and powerful, but it was actually a display of uncontrollable power, wasting much of it.

Now, Long Chen had compressed the power of the Purple Dragon Battle Form entirely within himself. At that moment, he truly understood the terrifying nature of the divine technique created by the Chaos Dragon Emperor. Long Chen had only scratched the surface of the Dragon God Body Refining Art.

With his power compressed within himself, Long Chen intercepted Aguta's full-force attack barehanded, astonishing the entire arena.

"Unfortunately, my control is still lacking. If I could concentrate part of my power on my fingertips, I could easily crush this Vajra staff." Long Chen sighed in his heart. His father's techniques were extremely challenging, and he could only reach this level temporarily with all his might.

Aguta tried to retrieve the Vajra staff, but Long Chen sent it flying back. Aguta was caught off guard and stumbled back several steps, almost falling on his behind.

"Is this the power of an Emperor Miao expert? It seems you know nothing about real strength," Long Chen coldly harrumphed. He opened his hand wide and clenched it into a fist.

Long Chen's fist shone, with thirteen dragon veins coiling around it, intertwined with flames and thunder. The world darkened as Long Chen's fist was raised, and it felt like the entire world's power was drained by this single punch.

"Are you ready to receive my punch?" Long Chen shouted, his figure moved, and he threw a punch. As Long Chen's fist was raised, the sky behind him rapidly collapsed, forming a vast depression tens of thousands of miles wide.

This was not a technique or a divine ability; it was pure physical power. This punch oppressed everything, making the heavens and earth submit. When Long Chen punched, his purple aura instantly disappeared, all concentrated in that one punch.

"Crack, crack, crack..."
Before the punch even landed, the terrifying pressure made Aguta's bones crack, as if they were about to burst.

"Dammit, I'll fight you to the death!" Aguta was shocked and furious. He had been locked onto by this punch, and he had no choice but to face it head-on. He roared in anger, and his entire body was engulfed in flames. He rapidly shriveled up, and the Vajra staff in his hand radiated blinding light as he swung it at Long Chen.

With a deafening explosion, the ground collapsed, and the entire arena shattered into dust. Dust and dirt swept across the land, and when the vision cleared, people were astonished to see Aguta's Vajra staff shattered into several pieces, scattered around the deep pit.

In the center of the pit, Aguta's arms were missing, his body was covered in blood, and he was in agony, constantly spewing blood. His body had been distorted, and he was gasping heavily.

Long Chen stood in the void, the purple aura vanished, and the Dragon Might had dissipated, returning to his usual appearance, as if everything had been an illusion.

At that moment, both sides, regardless of friend or foe, were shocked by Long Chen's incredible strength. Long Chen had determined the outcome of the battle with just one move, within the blink of an eye, and not even a breath's time.

So when Long Chen said that he could defeat Aguta seven times within three breaths, it didn't sound like an exaggeration.

"You... *cough*..."
Aguta was twisted in agony, wanting to say something but only coughing up a mouthful of blood, unable to utter a word.

His heart was full of unwillingness. He still had many powerful moves that he hadn't used, but he had run out of chances.

At that moment, the void trembled, and a giant hand reached out from a distance, belonging to an elder

 from the Great Luo Qing Lotus Clan. This elder was taking action.

Long Chen's lips curled in a mocking smile. His prey couldn't be taken away so easily by others.

The elder from the Great Luo Qing Lotus Clan was quick, but Long Chen was quicker. A lightning sword shot out and cut Aguta into a mist of blood before the elder's hand could reach him.

"You..." The elder from the Great Luo Qing Lotus Clan was furious. He pointed at Long Chen and angrily said, "Damn human, now that the outcome is clear, is there any need to take a life?"

Long Chen didn't respond to him, instead, he looked at Liu Ruyan in the crowd. Liu Ruyan and Long Chen locked eyes, and in an instant, Liu Ruyan understood Long Chen's intention. A bold idea arose in her heart.

"Since you care so much for him, why don't you accompany him then?" Long Chen suddenly reached out, and a fiery lotus blossomed rapidly. Amid the astonished exclamations of the onlookers, it flew towards the Great Luo Qing Lotus Clan's army.

At that moment, Liu Ruyan shouted loudly, "Warriors of the Undying Clan, when did the noble imperial race descend to be bullied by a clown? If we don't make them pay a painful price, who knows how many people will bully us in the future? Strike first to avoid a hundred blows. Kill them!"

At that moment, Long Chen's Apocalypse Fire Lotus exploded, and this attack marked the beginning of a great battle.

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