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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5836


Chapter 5836: Playing Dirty?

The white-haired man was killed, and the experts from the Moeye Water Lily clan and the Great Luo Green Lotus clan were both astonished and furious.

It was clear to anyone with eyes that the white-haired man's strength could easily crush Long Chen.

However, Long Chen possessed a terrifying artifact, one that not only defied the white-haired man's pressure but also neutralized the Emperor Flame Domain.

In essence, the white-haired man didn't lose due to his strength; he lost because of Long Chen's divine weapon.

Nevertheless, no matter how you looked at it, a loss was a loss, and this outcome could not be changed. The Great Luo Green Lotus and Moeye Water Lily clans were bitter in defeat.

"This round doesn't count! You are a human; why do you get to represent the Undying Clan?" At this moment, Lanyin shouted in anger from the crowd.

He couldn't accept this defeat, and he wasn't the only one. Nobody on their side could accept it either.

"That's right, you are a human, and we challenged the Undying Clan. Even if you win, it doesn't represent the Undying Clan. Furthermore, you killed strong members of my Moeye Water Lily clan. From now on, we have an unending grudge with you. Be prepared to be hunted by the Moeye Water Lily clan!" shouted other Moeye Water Lily clan members.

"That's correct. This match doesn't count. Has the Undying Clan run out of members? They actually sought help from the human race? Is this the so-called proud Emperor Clan?"

"Humph, having the human race fight for them, does that mean all the Undying Clan members are dead?"

"If you can't handle losing, why agree to this competition in the first place? When it looked like you were going to lose, you sent a cunning human to fight. What kind of ability is that?"

"The mighty Emperor Clan is acting so despicably and deviously. They've truly lost all face."

The members of the Moeye Water Lily clan spoke venomously, taunting the Undying Clan mercilessly.

The Undying Clan members, who had been reveling in their victory just a moment ago, were now infuriated by the cheating accusations.

Long Chen won, and they said he couldn't represent the Undying Clan. But if Long Chen had lost, would they still say the same?

If Long Chen couldn't represent the Undying Clan, then why didn't they step up to the challenge earlier? Now, they were blaming the Undying Clan for seeking help from the human race. Who could tolerate such behavior?

Liu Ruyan was trembling with anger, her killing intent rising. She was about to step forward for another battle, but then Long Chen's figure vanished in an instant.


Lanyin, who had been in the front row of the crowd, spewing insults at the Undying Clan, suddenly received a resounding slap across his face. Then, Long Chen grabbed him by the throat.

"Looking for trouble?"

Seeing Long Chen daring to come forward and harm them, Aguta was furious. He threw a punch at Long Chen.

Long Chen grabbed Lanyin and used him as a shield, moving toward Aguta's fist. Aguta instinctively pulled back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Long Chen retreated and stood on the fighting platform.

The experts from the Moeye Water Lily clan and the Great Luo Green Lotus clan saw this scene and were instantly infuriated. They roared and were about to charge forward.

At this moment, the Undying Clan's experts, one by one, released their auras, their killing intent rising. They had had enough of these arrogant people. If they dared to take one step closer, they would attack with full force.

As the impending battle was about to erupt, the beautiful woman from the Undying Clan showed no intention of stopping it.

However, the experts from the Moeye Water Lily clan and the Great Luo Green Lotus clan, who were about to approach the fighting platform, quickly halted their steps.

Seeing this, Long Chen couldn't help but sneer, "What a bunch of dogs, relying on others for support. If I'm not mistaken, your orders from your superiors were to avoid conflicts and gather information about the Undying Clan's strength, right? In other words, your arrogance and audacity are all an act. Even with a thousand times the courage, you wouldn't dare to act."

Long Chen's words echoed in the air, and the higher-ups of the Moeye Water Lily clan and the Great Luo Green Lotus clan had their expressions change.

The Undying Clan's experts also suddenly realized why these people had acted so arrogantly. They hadn't acted out of free will but had been strictly instructed not to directly confront the Undying Clan.

Long Chen's words were confirmed by the expressions on their faces. They couldn't help but admire Long Chen's cleverness. The human race was indeed quite smart, understanding the enemy's tactics so clearly.

"To prove I'm not just bragging, how about a little test?" Long Chen said with a cold snort.

Long Chen extended a single finger and pierced Lanyin's forehead directly. Lanyin's body convulsed uncontrollably, and the experts from the Moeye Water Lily clan were filled with rage. Long Chen had killed Lanyin in front of their eyes.

Lanyin's body rapidly withered and turned into dust. Although the Moeye Water Lily clan had strong vitality, the moment Long Chen pierced his flesh, black lightning appeared at his fingertips.

As Long Chen had anticipated, the power of the mysterious ancient vine had an absolute restraining effect on the Moeye Water Lily clan's vitality.

However, Lanyin didn't turn into an Emperor Seed after death. Unfortunately, he wasn't an Emperor Seed.

Long Chen waved his hand, and the ashes scattered. He raised his chin and looked at the infuriated enemies who were trembling with anger.

"I don't mind arrogance, but I don't like people who are more arrogant than me. It's fine to be arrogant, but being arrogant without the strength to back it up is truly detestable. I'm curious; you're all just acting on someone else's orders. Where do you find the confidence to be so arrogant here? Don't agree? Come bite me then."

Watching Long Chen infuriate the opponents to the point where their eyeballs seemed ready to pop out, the Undying Clan members felt very comfortable.

They had never been fond of the human race, but today, this guy seemed so pleasing to their eyes, the more they looked at him, the more familiar and friendly he appeared.

On the other hand, Liu Ruyan, who had a cold expression, unexpectedly revealed a smile that hadn't been seen in a long time. This guy interpreted arrogance to the fullest. His expression and actions in the end were quite amusing.

"Long Chen..."

Aguta's face twisted, and his eyes were bloodshot. Despite everyone's dissuasion, he stepped onto the fighting platform step by step.

"I am Aguta, and I challenge you to a blood battle. Do you dare to accept?" Aguta approached Long Chen step by step, grinding his teeth.

Aguta's killing intent soared, and Emperor Flame radiated from him without reservation. People finally realized that Aguta was the strongest among the three.

The white-haired man earlier had called Aguta "

Lord," not as a deliberate deception but because he genuinely was the strongest. It seemed that the strongest was arranged for the second round, not the first.

"Aguta, is it? Allow me, Liu Ruyan, to experience your strength."

With a cold snort, a fragrant breeze swept by, and Liu Ruyan's figure appeared next to Long Chen.

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