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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5834


Chapter 5834: Heaven-Defying Divine Mark

"This bastard."

When they saw that spear, the faces of all the members of the Immortal Undying Clan changed dramatically, and the killing intent in their eyes almost solidified.

Because this black spear was made from the heart of a tree, yes, it was made from the heart of a strong member of the Immortal Undying Clan.

Using this wooden heart spear in front of the strong members of the Immortal Undying Clan was an insult and provocation to the entire clan.

"Long Chen, do you know what to do?"

Seeing that wooden spear, Liu Ruyan was trembling with anger, stood up, and shouted loudly at Long Chen. She wanted to personally tear the white-haired man to pieces.

"Leave it to me!"

As Long Chen charged forward, he shouted loudly with time to spare.


Seeing Long Chen approaching, the white-haired man's black spear broke through the void and stabbed towards Long Chen. In an instant, the space in front of them collapsed, forming a huge vortex, with a powerful force pulling Long Chen towards the spear.

This black spear was made from the heart of a strong member of the Immortal Undying Clan in the later stages of the God Emperor realm, and it was a terrifying God Emperor weapon. This strike, if it hit Long Chen, would likely leave him severely injured, if not dead.

What's more, the white-haired man, with just a trace of Emperor Miao's aura, activated the imperial pathway runes on the spear. If this strike hit Long Chen, he would likely be seriously injured, if not killed.

Most importantly, the white-haired man's attack crushed the void, leaving Long Chen with no way to evade, forcing him to confront it head-on.

"Heaven-Defying Divine Mark."

Seeing that he couldn't evade the attack, Long Chen snorted and his Heaven-Defying Divine Mark rapidly enlarged, reaching the size of a door. He fiercely smashed it against the wooden spear.


A deafening sound rang out as the two divine weapons collided, shattering the vortex in the space. The Heaven-Defying Divine Mark was sent flying.

In the midst of the rolling shockwaves, Long Chen, carrying the Demon Moon Cauldron, closed in on the white-haired man. He reached out and slapped him.

In fact, Long Chen didn't engage in a direct confrontation with the white-haired man but used the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark to redirect the force of the spear. As the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark was sent flying, the spear also veered off course, giving Long Chen an opportunity to get up close.

Seeing Long Chen approaching, the white-haired man tilted his head back to avoid Long Chen's slap.

However, when he tilted his head back, his long flowing hair remained in its original position.

Long Chen's slap was actually a feint. In an instant, he changed it from a slap to a grab and seized a strand of the white-haired man's hair.


The strand of hair tore off with a piece of scalp, and dark blood splattered, causing many people to cringe. The Ninth Star Sovereign had changed the laws of cultivation. The closer one's cultivation was to the Human Emperor realm, the more one would feel like a human, even for Wood-type cultivators. They would experience intense pain, and there wouldn't be much difference from humans.

The white-haired man howled in pain, and he swung his black spear in retaliation.

However, Long Chen had successfully completed his attack and swiftly retreated. The white-haired man's attack missed its target.


While the white-haired man's counterattack failed, the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark had already shrunk to the size of a common brick, and it heavily struck the white-haired man's chin.

The impact caused the white-haired man's jawbone to explode, and his entire body spun in the air as blood sprayed into the sky.

This strike was extremely unexpected, and the experts present were shocked. Wasn't the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark just sent flying? How did it return so quickly? It didn't make sense.

However, when they saw the purple chains bound to the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark, they instantly understood.

The Heaven-Defying Divine Mark had flown halfway, but it was pulled back by the purple chains, just like a meteor hammer, and it viciously smashed into the white-haired man. The white-haired man had just lost a strand of hair, and his attention was entirely focused on Long Chen, making him unable to dodge this silent and tricky strike.

"Demon Lotus Break."

The white-haired man roared in anger, but he was in a daze after being struck. He opened his mouth, and a jet-black blood arrow shot out like a sharp sword.


As the black blood arrow burst out, it contaminated the clear sky for thousands of miles. The void was corroded and torn apart, and in the middle of the large hole, a black lotus rapidly bloomed. In the blink of an eye, the space twisted several times.

Each twist brought a heart-pounding sensation. This was a terrifying ultimate move that would instantly crush the flesh and blood.

"Where are you going to spurt that?"

However, just as the white-haired man unleashed this powerful attack, Long Chen's mocking voice sounded from behind him. Then, the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark, like a shooting star hammer, smashed towards the back of his head.

Long Chen had intended to strike the back of the white-haired man's head, but due to the distance and his lack of experience with a weapon like the meteor hammer, the strike was slightly off.


The sharp corner of the brick scraped across the back of the white-haired man's head, tearing off a large piece of scalp and landing heavily on his shoulder.

With a loud cracking sound, the white-haired man's shoulder bone shattered, and the spear almost slipped from his hand. He groaned in pain and staggered forward.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Long Chen stood in mid-air, holding the meteor hammer, and the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark began to swing wildly, creating a barrage of attacks. The white-haired man was unable to retaliate and could only defend himself frantically.

However, the meteor hammer was difficult to defend against, and Long Chen had no idea where the Heaven-Defying Divine Mark would strike. The white-haired man couldn't resist it, and in an instant, he was howling in agony, covered in blood, and his white clothes turned black.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Long Chen swung the meteor hammer, unleashing a storm of attacks that forced the white-haired man to continually retreat. He had no chance to fight back, and the members of the Immortal Undying Clan were exhilarated.


However, just as everyone was cheering for Long Chen, the chains that filled the sky disappeared, and then they saw Long Chen covering his nose, his face contorted in pain, and tears uncontrollably streaming down.


At that moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

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