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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5829


Chapter 5829: Crisis

Up ahead, the light gradually dimmed, as if a mysterious force was absorbing the light in the heavens and the earth. At this moment, the Undying Dragon Huai clan's members became excited, their eyes filled with zeal. They knew that they were about to meet the imperial clan of the Undying race. The intense sense of belonging overwhelmed them, causing their bodies to tremble involuntarily.

Observing the excitement and enthusiasm of the Undying Dragon Huai clan members, Long Chen couldn't help but be moved. Such unconditional trust and admiration might never be found among human beings. However, soon enough, images of Su Yu and the other Alliance of Four Directions members appeared in Long Chen's mind, and he couldn't help but smile.

Who says humans don't have the most genuine emotions? Aren't they just that? A chance encounter can lead someone to entrust their life to another person. Can other races do the same? Thinking this, Long Chen's emotional turmoil vanished, and he realized that there are countless trustworthy and dependable individuals among humans. It's just that finding like-minded comrades can be challenging.


Under Long Chen's control, the Golden War Chariot slowed down and eventually came to a halt. Everyone disembarked from the chariot. They had just arrived at the outskirts of the Undying Monster Forest. The true heart of the forest was still quite distant.

According to Huai Yushan, they needed to traverse the entirety of the Undying Monster Forest on foot to demonstrate their reverence and worship for this sacred land. Long Chen had no choice but to stow away the Golden War Chariot. However, this time, he didn't place it in the Chaotic Space but stored it in his Soul Space.

The Golden War Chariot was a combat-type fortress on wheels and had consumed a considerable amount of energy while traveling. Specifically, the chariot's spirit required a recharge after burning through its essence. Long Chen's Soul Power was the best source to rapidly restore its essence.

Once the essence was strong enough, it could replenish the chariot's consumption, keeping it in peak condition. However, as a powerful golden attribute divine weapon, the chariot was not aligned with Long Chen's element. If it were, the chariot would have been an unstoppable divine weapon.

In fact, when Long Chen first obtained the Golden War Chariot, he immediately thought of Bai Shishi. He intended to give her the chariot the next time they met, as it would be most effective in her hands.

As they ventured forward, the space ahead gradually darkened, as if a mysterious force was absorbing the light from the surrounding world. Long Chen felt a shiver down his spine, as he sensed a peculiar life energy. The energy was becoming increasingly intense.

Long Chen's heart clenched. Under his perception, strange energies were flowing both in the sky and underground. It felt like he had walked into the space between two worlds.

"What a terrifying life energy."

Long Chen couldn't help but be astonished. The peculiar energy he sensed was a kind of life force, silent, invisible, yet he could detect its presence. In the Undying Dragon Huai clan's territory, he had seen their mother tree, but the range of its life force was limited to the area covered by its canopy and roots.

However, the life force here was boundless, with a thick, weighty aura that seemed to be on an entirely different level. It was as if a river had met the boundless sea, and the gap between the two was immeasurable.

"What level of power is this? Is it at the Emperor level?" Long Chen's mind was filled with countless questions. This was pure life force, impossible to measure with coercion, but the magnitude of this life force was so immense that even a late-stage Divine Emperor would seem insignificant in its presence.

As they continued forward, the light in front of them grew dimmer, while the life force became even more concentrated.

"Strange, we've gradually entered the territory of the Undying Monster Forest, but where are the Meandering Willow Clan members?" Someone couldn't help but inquire.

They had been walking for two hours, and the life force in the heavens and the earth was becoming denser. Simultaneously, the presence of the Undying clan grew more powerful.

Normally, if an outsider entered this place, they would halt because they had reached the "doorstep" of the Undying Monster Forest. Continuing without the permission of the Undying clan would be seen as an offense.

However, they had crossed this threshold, but still, they hadn't seen any members of the Undying Meandering Willow Clan. Huai Yushan and the others became visibly uneasy.

This scene, which defied common sense, made Huai Yushan feel uneasy. In this moment, she didn't have the luxury to consider etiquette. She quickened her pace and led the group towards the unknown.

After another incense stick's worth of time, there was still no sign of life, and the silence in the area grew eerie. The heavy atmosphere made it difficult to breathe.

Suddenly, Huai Yushan closed her eyes, formed hand seals, and a strange pattern appeared on her forehead. Her expression changed suddenly.

"There are outsiders in the Undying Monster Forest," she said.

Using the sensing abilities of the Undying clan, she immediately detected the presence of outsiders. However, the Undying Monster Forest was vast, and she couldn't gather any more valuable information from the sensation other than the presence of outsiders.

"Don't be anxious. The laws of heaven and earth are stable, and the Undying energy is calm. It means there hasn't been a war. Perhaps guests have arrived," Long Chen consoled Huai Yushan, who was becoming anxious.

Huai Yushan had been composed and steady all along the journey, displaying the demeanor of a seasoned general. However, now that she sensed the presence of outsiders, she thought of an invasion, and she was startled. Upon hearing Long Chen's words, she regained her composure somewhat.

"If it's guests, should they have removed their defenses?" one of the Undying clan members asked. 

"Perhaps they are unwelcome guests," Long Chen responded.

Judging by the fact that the Undying clan had withdrawn their guards, the arrivals had to be malevolent, or they wouldn't have prompted the Undying Meandering Willow Clan to prepare for their arrival.

"Don't worry about it; let's go take a look!" Huai Yushan urged. As a protector of the Undying Meandering Willow Clan, she would never allow anyone to harm her clan.

"Should we use the Golden War Chariot to speed things up?" someone suggested, as it was the fastest mode of transportation.

"No, if we use it, we might give them the wrong impression, thinking that we're an invasion force. That would be troublesome," Huai Yushan shook her head.

They had already reached the borders of the Undying Meandering Willow Clan's territory. The spatial fluctuations were peaceful, and there was no sign of combat. There was no need to take unnecessary risks.

The group continued to hurry forward, and the light ahead became even dimmer. The sky had turned gray, and as they moved forward, they could see the branches of willow trees gently swaying in the void.

When they spotted these willow branches, Huai Yushan breathed a sigh of relief. She immediately knelt down and performed an ancient and solemn ritual of reverence towards the void.

Only then did they continue to advance. Long Chen raised his head to look at the sky, where he could faintly see the crystal-clear willow branches hanging from the sky. The fresh green leaves glistened with dewdrops, each drop carrying an infinite vitality.

In each dewdrop, it felt like there was an immense amount of energy, as if it contained the vastness of an ocean. Suddenly, a dewdrop fell onto the heads of Long Chen and the others.


The space twisted, and when their vision cleared, Long Chen, Huai Yushan, and the others had appeared in a square. However, when they saw what was happening in the square, their hearts tightened.

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