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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5812


Chapter 5812: Settling the Score

"Long Chen," Uncle Hua had initially believed he was facing certain death today, but upon seeing the person who intervened, he couldn't help but feel both shocked and delighted.

"Be careful," however, after the initial surprise, a look of terror returned to his face. Long Chen had dealt a heavy blow to one of the Red Flame Evil Spirit Clan's Divine Sovereign realm powerhouses. Still, the other Divine Sovereign, with a bone sword hovering in the air, was now descending upon Long Chen with a fierce strike.


Nevertheless, as the Divine Sovereign raised the bone sword, a golden-colored long spear pierced through his back, impaling him. The golden long spear was wielded by a girl enveloped in flames.

Uncle Hua, the evil spirits, Long Chen, the evil spirits, and the fiery girl, all five of them stood in a neat line. The two Divine Sovereign-level evil spirits were subdued by Long Chen and the fiery girl.

The first evil spirit's entire focus was on Uncle Hua, which allowed Long Chen to land a crippling blow. The second evil spirit was fixated on Long Chen, making it easy for the fiery girl to deal with him.

Even someone as formidable as Uncle Hua couldn't help but be amazed. Long Chen had a sly smile on his lips. "Who gave you the courage to say that the Jiuli Clan is nothing? Reflect on that in hell."


Long Chen's finger pierced through the back of the evil spirit's head, erasing him from existence. Meanwhile, the fiery girl acted swiftly, her fiery spear creating a shockwave that turned the evil spirit into nothingness within the flames.

Long Chen stared wide-eyed at the fiery girl, and she glanced at the intact corpse in Long Chen's hand, then at the void before her, and couldn't help but stick out her tongue before disappearing into the chaotic space in a flash.

Long Chen was left somewhat speechless. The fiery girl could be clever at times and a bit of a scatterbrain at others. He promptly tossed the body into the chaotic space, exchanged a glance with Uncle Hua, and dashed toward the remaining evil spirit.

Initially, he had expected that after his two companions incapacitated Uncle Hua, the three of them could swiftly deal with one more opponent. He had even begun scanning the battlefield to find his next target, but then the unexpected happened.

While it was three against one, it was completely opposite to what he had anticipated. The evil spirit wanted to flee, but it was already too late. Uncle Hua's wooden staff pierced through its head, ending its life with a single blow.

"Long Chen, how did you get here?" It was only now that Uncle Hua had the chance to talk to Long Chen.

"It's a long story. We can discuss it later. Let's deal with our current opponents first," Long Chen said.

"Alright," Uncle Hua was somewhat excited. Long Chen had shown no hesitation when dealing with a Divine Sovereign-level opponent, indicating that he had killed such opponents more than once.

The other surviving member of the Undying Dragon Hua Clan was still a bit bewildered. How could a human youngster appear out of nowhere and help them? Notably, the Undying Clan and humans weren't exactly enemies, but they weren't friends either.

However, seeing that Long Chen and Uncle Hua knew each other and that Long Chen was lending a hand, they didn't say anything further.

"Uncle Hua, let's work together. You'll draw their attention, and I'll take care of the killing," Long Chen suggested.

"Alright," though Uncle Hua wasn't sure how to cooperate, he knew that his main role was to divert their attention.

Uncle Hua charged at a formidable opponent among the enemy. This evil spirit was extremely powerful and was holding his ground against three opponents. However, when Uncle Hua and Long Chen rushed in, the pressure on the evil spirit suddenly increased, and he had to switch to a defensive stance.

"Splurt!" A brick fell from the sky, slamming hard into the back of his head. Instantly, a myriad of peach blossoms bloomed, and his head was shattered by the powerful blow.

"Uncle Hua, next one..." Long Chen said as he, the evil spirit's corpse, and his surroundings disappeared.

The surviving members of the Undying Dragon Hua Clan were left dumbfounded. Before they could understand what was happening, Uncle Hua was already shouting and charging toward another battlefield.

"Splurt! Splurt! Splurt..." Long Chen's brick attacks were precise and relentless, killing dozens of powerful foes in succession. Following Long Chen's instructions, Uncle Hua specifically targeted the strongest evil spirit warriors.

These evil spirits, some of whom could take on ten foes single-handedly, were reduced to equality under Long Chen's surprise attacks. While some individuals were powerful, they were no match for a brick's strike, regardless of their strength.

Long Chen and Uncle Hua's coordination resulted in the continuous elimination of dozens of evil spirit warriors. Although it didn't have an immediate impact on the battle, it did free up many of the Undying Dragon Hua Clan members to support other allies.

As time passed, an increasing number of evil spirit warriors were slain. The evil spirits also noticed the changes on the battlefield. While the two sides had been evenly matched, the Undying Dragon Hua Clan began to gain the upper hand.

"Quick, kill that human!" The evil spirit warriors noticed Long Chen and converged on Uncle Hua's location from all directions. They saw that Long Chen was working with Uncle Hua, and even though they didn't understand the nature of their cooperation, they aimed to eliminate Uncle Hua first.

Long Chen was taken aback by this development, as the overwhelming number of enemies could pose a danger to Uncle Hua.


However, just as the evil spirits made their move, the members of the Undying Dragon Hua Clan also came charging in to protect Long Chen. Although they didn't know what Long Chen was doing, they couldn't let him die after he had helped them.

Even though they didn't understand Long Chen's situation, they couldn't let him die after he had come to their aid. The Undying Dragon Hua Clan members rushed to support Long Chen, shifting the center of the battle gradually in his direction.

Long Chen couldn't worry about anything else and had no time to coordinate with Uncle Hua. His figure flickered, and he wielded the brick to deliver a series of deadly strikes.

"Splurt! Splurt! Splurt..."

Long Chen's brick was unpredictable, and it consecutively struck down dozens of evil spirit warriors. The most terrifying aspect was that the victims had no idea who was attacking them. On the battlefield, an invisible assassin was lurking, and it was as if a sword of Damocles hung over every warrior, striking fear into their hearts.

Meanwhile, the evil spirit warriors were left in disarray. Every man was for himself, and they saw danger in every direction, causing chaos in their ranks.

On the other hand, the Undying Dragon Hua Clan members had no worries and fought valiantly, knowing that they had an ally. Their unity and support gave them an advantage.


Just as Long Chen was enthusiastically striking down his foes, a terrifying pressure locked onto him, and a massive hand covered the sky, reaching down to capture him precisely.

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