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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5808


Chapter 5808: Survival of the Fittest

"Don't worry, I will do my utmost," the old clan leader seemed to understand Long Chen's thoughts. 

He knew what Long Chen was about to say. Once they entered Emperor's Mountain, the matter concerning the Bi Family would surely be exposed. If the other branches of the Bi Family found out, they would undoubtedly seek retribution. Even though the fault lay with the Bi Family, Long Chen's ruthless actions couldn't be ignored.

So, when they reached Emperor's Mountain, it was bound to be a powder keg, and no one knew what kind of chaos might erupt. Some things were entirely predictable.

But Long Chen didn't regret his actions, and neither did Luo Zichen. Blood debts must be paid in blood, and that was that. As Long Chen had said, the score between the Luo and Bi families was settled. If the Bi Family persisted in causing trouble, it would all start anew.

What Long Chen wanted to ask the old clan leader was for his help in navigating the situation when they returned to Emperor's Mountain. If the Bi Family ever harassed the Luo Family, he hoped the old clan leader could mediate.

After all, the old clan leader had his own family to look after. If he could help the Luo Family in any way, they wouldn't have to fear the Bi Family. In reality, Long Chen didn't need to say it; he had already made his intentions clear.

"Thank you very much, Clan Leader. If anything comes up in the future, please pass a message to the Lingxiao Academy," Long Chen said.

Long Chen knew that when Luo Zichen and the others returned to Emperor's Mountain, countless members of the Purple Blood branch would gather. Wherever there were people, there was a world of martial arts, and where there was a martial world, there were bound to be grudges. When that happened, who knew if the Purple Blood Clan would become chaotic like this place? Long Chen could only hope that the Purple Blood Clan would have a wise leader. If Emperor's Mountain became as chaotic as this place, then the Purple Blood Clan would have little hope.

After explaining these matters, Long Chen bid farewell to the old clan leader, Luo Zichen, and the others, hugging them one by one before leaving.

As they watched Long Chen's departing figure, Luo Yanfeng and the others felt a sense of loss. Long Chen's departure seemed to have dimmed the whole world.

With Long Chen gone, the old clan leader looked at the disciples of the Purple Blood branch with a hint of worry on his face.

Long Chen's arrival had disrupted his plans. There were now too many disciples of the Purple Blood branch, and many had not truly awakened their bloodlines. Among these unawakened disciples, some possessed astonishing potential. If all these disciples were taken away, Emperor's Mountain would surely not accept them, and many would face expulsion.

Sending a group of inexperienced disciples to roam alone was akin to sending them to their deaths. What they needed to do was select the most outstanding talents from among them. Only by entering Emperor's Mountain would they receive the best cultivation.

The selection process, however, required bloodshed. There was no way around it, and in the face of slaughter, all were equal. It was the fairest method of selection.

The old clan leader now faced two choices. One was to take the awakened disciples directly to Emperor's Mountain, leveraging their current advantage in time to ensure that Luo Yanfeng and the others would pass easily. However, with time, more and more geniuses from other places would arrive, and the assessments would become more challenging, as would the competition for resources.

According to the old clan leader's estimate, with the time they had right now and based on historical assessment standards, he believed that at least 70% of these top disciples would pass. But as time went on, with more participants, the difficulty of the assessment would increase, and Emperor's Mountain's resources were limited. They could only accommodate a certain number of disciples. At that point, the old clan leader had no confidence in whether Luo Yanfeng and the others could pass, let alone the other disciples.

It was essential to remember that the Purple Blood branch had many branches and countless geniuses. As Long Chen had said, they were all like frogs at the bottom of a well. In such a vast Purple Blood Clan, who knew if there would be a group of monsters like Long Chen?

If they ultimately encountered an opponent of Long Chen's caliber, what would Luo Yanfeng and the others use to compete?

"Don't worry; you take the first group of children to Emperor's Mountain," the shadow guard said.

"You..." The old clan leader was surprised.

"I'll stay here to take care of these children," the shadow guard continued.

Luo Zichen was taken aback. To be honest, he didn't have a favorable impression of this shadow guard, but he was willing to make such a great sacrifice. Entering Emperor's Mountain wasn't just about assessing the disciples; it also involved assessing the older generation of powerful individuals. The older one was, the more challenging the assessment became because there was limited room for growth. The assessments were stricter and more demanding for the older generation.

If the shadow guard didn't make it in the first round of assessments, he might never get a chance to enter Emperor's Mountain. Emperor's Mountain was the place of origin and honor for the Purple Blood Clan, a place that held a deep significance for countless members of the clan. It was where they could find the history of their specific branch and connect with their ancestors; it was their true home. After the profound changes in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they were all children who had left their homes, and many had faded away with the passing of time. Returning home had been a dream, a fixation.

Now that they finally had a chance to return home, the shadow guard had given it up. This change in his attitude impressed Luo Zichen, who looked at him differently. It should be noted that the older people got, the harder it was to resist the pangs of longing. They cherished every moment as they approached the end of their lives, making this sacrifice a significant one for him.

"Let's get going quickly. But please leave as many resources as possible for us here. I hope to train another group of awakened individuals in a short period of time, and I hope they can make it to Emperor's Mountain before it's too late," the shadow guard said.

The old clan leader nodded, and they immediately began transferring various responsibilities. Many elderly elders with declining strength would stay behind because they had no chance of entering Emperor's Mountain. As for "young" god-kings like Luo Zichen, they were the ones qualified to test their luck in Emperor's Mountain.

Luo Zichen secretly distributed the final batch of Heavenly Dao Fruits given to him by Long Chen. However, these individuals couldn't accompany them because even if they went, they wouldn't be able to pass the assessments due to the prerequisite of awakened bloodlines.

As a result, the members of the Purple Blood Clan were divided into two groups heading for Emperor's Mountain. The first group had the greatest hope, while the second group's prospects were more uncertain.

As for the place they were leaving behind, it would be completely abandoned. When the remaining resources were exhausted, the disciples of the Purple Blood Clan would become refugees in the world of cultivation.

In this world, the law was ruthless: the survival of the fittest. There was no room for sentiment. Even the old clan leader, Luo Zichen, the shadow guard, and others had to adhere to this law.

In this world, the only one who had always been reluctant to follow the rules was that guy who roamed unchecked with a black blade.

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