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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5788


"In a single strike, the Ziblood Heavenly Blade!" roared Luo Yanfeng. He was ablaze with purple flames, his killing intent soaring to the heavens, resembling a god of fire. His broadsword descended, and the ferocious divine radiance set the entire sky ablaze.

Bi Yingsnow was locked onto by Luo Yanfeng's attack, and she couldn't help but be shocked. She had never regarded Luo Yanfeng highly. In her understanding, there was a dimensional gap between her and him. Just a few months ago, she had watched his battles, and to her, his fights were mere child's play.

However, in such a short time, he had managed to lock her in with his attacks. Faced with Luo Yanfeng's fierce strike, she had no choice but to face it head-on.

"Let me handle this!" Just as Bi Yingsnow was about to make a move, the burly figure of Bi Ta stepped in front of her, wielding a massive broadsword. Thirteen dragon veins surged through his body, his muscles bulging, and runes emerged on his arms. His arms swelled suddenly as he swung his sword toward Luo Yanfeng.

*Boom!* The two broadswords clashed, and the purple divine radiance tainted the sky. Bi Ta grunted and was pushed back three steps. However, Luo Yanfeng spewed a mouthful of blood and lost his grip on the broadsword, being sent flying along with it.

Bi Ta's face changed. He was renowned for his strength and divine power in his tribe, and he was used to being the victor. But in this clash with Luo Yanfeng, it appeared to be a draw at best.

Luo Yanfeng had previously depleted a significant amount of his precious energy to maintain the formation, and at this moment, he was no longer at his peak, but he could still contend, even if his blood and energy surged chaotically, causing his stance to waver.

"We can't let this man live!" A ruthless glint appeared in Bi Ta's eyes. The astonishing rate of his growth was too incredible. At this rate, it wouldn't be long before they were surpassed.

Finally, he understood why the higher-ups were so wary of people like Luo Yanfeng – their growth was truly terrifying.

"Die!" Bi Ta took a step forward, and his purple divine radiance surged as he moved like lightning towards Luo Yanfeng, aiming to cleave his head.

At this point, most of Luo Yanfeng's bones were shattered, and he was in a state of disarray. He couldn't evade. But oddly, he remained calm. He looked towards Luo Jiang and the others, who were still fiercely battling in the distance, and a smile crept onto his face.

"Why say such foolish words? I'm the big brother. Naturally, I should go first. How can I let you take the lead?"

He watched as Bi Ta, with a fierce expression, charged towards him, and his huge sword inched closer to his face. He didn't fear it and didn't close his eyes. Even in the face of death, he couldn't back down; this was what Dragon Dust had taught him.

*Smack!* Just as the sword's edge was less than an inch from Luo Yanfeng's forehead, a hand covered in purple runes firmly grasped the blade.

"What?" When Bi Ta saw the owner of that hand, his pupils constricted.

"Dragon Dust!" The disciples of the Luo family shouted excitedly when they saw the figure, but Luo Ying and the others had terror in their eyes and yelled, "Dragon Dust, run! It's a trap."

Dragon Dust's face was grim, and his eyes kept showing black spots. Endless killing intent surged forth, and his body trembled from extreme anger. He had underestimated the craftiness and ruthlessness of the Bi family, as well as their courage and foolishness. So many people attacked him simultaneously, leaving no room for escape.

He had originally thought that after the incident with Bi Wan'an, the Bi family would tone down their actions, even if there were conflicts, they would remain as private disputes among disciples. However, he was wrong. He had underestimated the Bi family's ruthlessness. The Bi family had seen that Luo Yanfeng's team was already on the path of awakening and was willing to eliminate them at any cost.

"Dragon Dust..."

Watching Dragon Dust's figure, Luo Yanfeng felt a mixture of excitement and sorrow. At this moment, he didn't want to see Dragon Dust appear. Even with his full strength, he couldn't harm Bi Ta in the slightest, and the Bi family had sent four of this level of experts to kill Dragon Dust.

*Tick-tock...* Purple blood dripped from Dragon Dust's hand, and although he had stopped Bi Ta's sword, his hand was injured.

"Form a formation!" Dragon Dust commanded, and immediately, Luo Sakura, Luo Jiang, and others abandoned their outward assault and joined the team, forming a formation again.

"Haha, Dragon Dust, you've finally arrived. Since you're here, you should be prepared to die. Struggling is in vain," Bi Ta said with a savage smile as he looked at Dragon Dust.

*Whoosh!* Just as they were about to encircle him, Dragon Dust suddenly pushed with tremendous force. Bi Ta was pushed back several steps with each step causing the ground under his feet to crack like a spiderweb.

*Buzz!* What took everyone by surprise was that the dragon energy surrounding Dragon Dust suddenly disappeared. He had retracted it.

"What's this? Have you given up resistance, knowing it's futile? If so, you can take your own life. I might consider leaving your body intact," Bi Yingsnow sneered.

Dragon Dust's actions puzzled them. While they mocked him outwardly, they couldn't afford to be careless because Dragon Dust had just blocked Bi Ta's strike barehanded, which was remarkable.

"You're despicable and foolish. The Bi family will pay a painful price for this," Dragon Dust said with a sinister expression.

"A painful price? Hahaha, who said that? Even the old patriarch wouldn't have the courage to say such a thing," Bi Tianxing laughed heartily.

"I said it," Dragon Dust said, each word distinct.

"Hahaha, have you gone mad? Are you starting to talk nonsense?" Bi Tianxing laughed heartily.

"I, Dragon Dust, have never spoken an empty word in my life. But unfortunately, you may not have the opportunity to witness it," Dragon Dust said, enunciating each word.

"Hahaha, are you out of your mind? Talking nonsense already?" Bi Tianxing laughed heartily.

"I said it," Dragon Dust repeated, word by word.

"Hahaha, you must be insane, starting to talk nonsense already?" Bi Tianxing laughed heartily.

"I said it," Dragon Dust repeated, his tone turning cold. He slowly raised his hand, and the wound in his palm began to heal. He looked at his palm and muttered to himself, "My purple blood comes from my mother. I cannot use the power of purple blood to massacre her people. That would be a sacrilege."

"Purple Dragon Battle Body - Activate!" Dragon Dust roared, and suddenly, a sacred dragon's roar echoed through the heavens and the earth. His surging blood and energy, centered on Dragon Dust, swept through the

 universe, dominating all directions.

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