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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5784


 Chapter 5784: The Secrets of the Evil Moon

"Evil Moon, are you awake?" Long Chen asked with surprise. In their previous battle at the Celestial Vein Profound Realm, Long Chen had slain numerous powerful enemies, and the Long Bony Evil Moon had absorbed countless soul energy. It had indicated to Long Chen that it might have a breakthrough in the future. To allow the Long Bony Evil Moon to break through peacefully, Long Chen hadn't disturbed it. Now, the Long Bony Evil Moon had awakened on its own.

"I just woke up. I've been closed off for some time, and I found that my current strength is far from enough to break through. And then you found this feng shui treasure trove," the Long Bony Evil Moon exclaimed excitedly.

Long Bony Evil Moon had regained some consciousness since it had released the first seal and entered the Crescent Moon state. Since then, it had been trying to release the second seal. However, during its time in seclusion, it had touched the threshold of the second seal and had mastered the method but discovered that its accumulated power was not enough for an attempt.

It was forced to give up its seclusion, but upon waking up, it found that Long Chen was inside the altar.

"Wait a minute, you haven't understood the situation. This is the lair of the Demon Clan..." Long Chen hastily used the most concise words to make the Long Bony Evil Moon understand his current predicament.

"Oh my, it's that dangerous?" The Long Bony Evil Moon was also surprised. Long Chen had come to the Demon Clan's lair alone, and there was a middle-stage Purple Crowned Divine Emperor guarding the entrance. The Demon Clan likely had many terrifying beings of that level. If he were discovered, he'd be in deep trouble.

"Then why did you come here?" the Long Bony Evil Moon asked.

"I'm not sure why I came here. I just came to see if I can do anything," Long Chen replied, feeling somewhat lost. He didn't really know what he could accomplish here, but given this opportunity by Ying Wudao, he couldn't back down now.

"I was planning to have Senior Gourd transform the runes on the charging artifacts before leaving them here. I'd set a timer so that when I left the Demon Clan's den, the artifacts would detonate automatically," Long Chen explained. This was his intended plan. According to Ying Wudao, the Demon Clan's talents who underwent the altar's baptism and enhancement would become exceptionally powerful. If they faced such formidable foes, Long Chen wanted to fight them as equals. However, he couldn't put the entire Purple Blood Clan at risk due to his own desire for combat.

"Don't do that; it's a waste. I can share something with you," the Long Bony Evil Moon suggested. It had barely finished speaking when a blood-red world appeared in Long Chen's mind. The world slowly shrank, and Long Chen realized it was a massive heart.

"Is that where the altar is located?" Long Chen's heart pounded.

"Yes, the altar is inside this heart. According to my memories, this heart should belong to some giant demon. It's a self-contained world that was quite famous during the Primordial Era. It's a kind of hatching artifact with an endless bloodline power. If you leave me here, all the power it absorbs, as well as its power, will be mine," the Long Bony Evil Moon said excitedly.

Long Chen couldn't have imagined that the altar was within a heart. A single heart could create an entire world on its own, so how powerful was the owner of this heart? The Purple Blood Clan's heritage was indeed astonishing.

Just as Long Chen was about to respond, he felt a strange fluctuation in his mind. Long Chen was taken aback; this was a soul communication from the Primordial Gourd. The Primordial Gourd rarely communicated with him in this manner. The fact that it was using such a solemn tone indicated the gravity of the situation.

"When I first saw it, I knew I recognized it. However, there's no information about it in my memories. It's as if an invisible force erased that part of my memory. Therefore, I've always been wary of it. If you leave it here alone, and it absorbs such an immense amount of soul energy, it might break free from your control. Whether it becomes your ally or enemy in the future is unknown. You should think carefully," the Primordial Gourd's voice was filled with seriousness.

Long Chen felt a chill. The Primordial Gourd seldom addressed him in such a serious manner. What's more, it was talking about the Long Bony Evil Moon, the being most closely connected to Long Chen. For the Primordial Gourd to convey its concerns so solemnly, it meant it had no other choice.

"Or you can consult with Old Dragon," the Primordial Gourd suggested.

"Thank you for the reminder, I understand that you're looking out for me. However, the Long Bony Evil Moon once fought alongside me, and we shared life and death. I'm willing to trust it forever," Long Chen replied.

"You need to think carefully. Its origins might be beyond your imagination, possibly related to the great battle of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths," the Primordial Gourd said gravely.

Long Chen didn't hesitate. He responded directly, "Its origins have nothing to do with me. It once entrusted its life to me, so I can entrust my life to it. If it betrays me one day, that's its business. I will never betray anyone."

Long Chen's answer was resolute and unwavering. He then severed the connection with the Primordial Gourd.

"Time's up. Come out!" At that moment, the Demon Clan elder's cold shout pulled Long Chen out of the altar.

Inside the altar, the tiny wound on the sac quickly healed, and everything proceeded without anyone noticing.

"This Primordial Gourd dares to speak ill of me? I'll cut it to pieces sooner or later. Wait, why did I say 'again'? Did I cut it before?" The Long Bony Evil Moon inside the sac muttered to itself, seemingly unaware of the private conversation between Long Chen and the Primordial Gourd.

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