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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5743

 The 5,743rd Chapter: The Fox's Tail


After an entire day's time, Long Chen's soul power had finally recovered to about fifty percent. The previous consolidation of the Purple Blood Dragon Veins within the Soul Refining God Pool had already consumed a considerable amount of his soul power. When the thirteen dragon veins had fully condensed and formed a reverse replenishment, they had only restored about eighty percent of his soul power. Fortunately, Long Chen's soul power was abundant enough. Otherwise, overextending himself would have made his recovery even slower.

Although his soul power had now recovered to around fifty percent, as long as he didn't engage in intense battles, it was already enough for him to deal with normal situations.


Just as Long Chen woke up, Luo Zichen appeared in front of him.


Seeing his grandfather's spirited appearance, Long Chen couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He respected his grandfather from the bottom of his heart.

"Your father has left," Luo Zichen informed Long Chen.

"Did he receive news about mother?" Long Chen was both surprised and delighted.

"I suppose you could say there's some progress!" Seeing Long Chen so excited, Luo Zichen didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm.

"Heh heh, some progress is enough. This son-in-law of yours is daring and meticulous, intelligent and resourceful. He's also ruthless when needed. I believe he'll find mother very soon," Long Chen chuckled.

Luo Zichen couldn't help but chuckle at his words. This father and son pair was truly unique. Looking back, Luo Zichen realized how foolish he had been to hate this son-in-law so much.

"Your father has left," Luo Zichen greeted Long Chen.

"Did he receive news about mother?" Long Chen was both surprised and delighted.

"I suppose you could say there's some progress!" Seeing Long Chen so excited, Luo Zichen didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm.

"Heh heh, some progress is enough. This son-in-law of yours is daring and meticulous, intelligent and resourceful. He's also ruthless when needed. I believe he'll find mother very soon," Long Chen chuckled.

Luo Zichen couldn't help but chuckle at his words. This father and son pair was truly unique. Looking back, Luo Zichen realized how foolish he had been to hate this son-in-law so much.

"Coming to the Purple Blood Clan, I was afraid that your status might be awkward, so Dad told me to be cautious. But you know, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be cautious. Secondly, only those without abilities need to be cautious. If you're cautious when you have abilities, doesn't that mean there's something wrong with your brain? Don't you think?" Long Chen chuckled.

Luo Zichen looked at Long Chen laughing like a little fox and felt that something was off. He couldn't help but ask, "What are you trying to say?"

"Here's what I mean: if someone provokes me, I'll give them a big slap. Can you handle that?" Long Chen asked.

Luo Zichen immediately understood. It seemed that his grandson was fed up. Since their goal had been achieved, there was no need to pretend anymore.

"Your father brought you here not only for news about your mother but also hoping that you can learn more from the Purple Blood Clan. As long as you don't kill anyone, I can manage most things. But if you accidentally kill someone, considering the clan's rules, it'll be difficult. Even if you're not kicked out of the Purple Blood Clan, various resources will be restricted for you, which would be a waste of time, right?" Luo Zichen explained.

"I understand that. I can contribute to the Purple Blood Clan because I'm a member of the clan, and I should fulfill my obligations. Similarly, as a member of the clan, I should also enjoy the rights I deserve. Whether I'm fulfilling my duties or exercising my rights, if someone obstructs me, do I have the right to fight back?" Long Chen said.

Luo Zichen finally understood Long Chen's intention. This guy was talking to his grandfather but still being so roundabout.

"Alright, no need to beat around the bush. Although the Purple Blood Clan is in turmoil, there's still a clan leader in charge, and there's order within chaos. As long as you don't cross his bottom line and stay within the permissible rules, you can play however you want," Luo Zichen said with a touch of annoyance.

"Got it," with Luo Zichen's words, Long Chen immediately had a clear understanding.

From Luo Zichen's tone, Long Chen gathered that the various major families within the Purple Blood Clan were mutually constrained and had relatively similar strengths. The old clan leader's role was to balance the conflicts among the major families to prevent bloodshed. Small skirmishes were allowed, but they had to be within the bounds of the rules. These so-called rules were like a game among the major forces, essentially a game of rock-paper-scissors.

"You mind your own business, I mind his, he minds yours." The power within the Purple Blood Clan was divided and distributed among various factions, allowing everyone to mutually check and balance each other. If there was any imbalance, the old clan leader would step in to rectify the situation. At this point, Long Chen had thoroughly grasped the basic structure of the Purple Blood Clan, and he was now completely at ease.

The previous generation of the Luo family wasn't weaker than anyone else. It was this generation that was relatively weak due to the scarcity of geniuses. This anxiety within the Luo family led to the excessive indulgence of the disciples of this generation. It was this indulgence that gave rise to individuals like Luo Shenghui, who lacked restraint.

As they spoke, the two, one old and one young, had arrived at the entrance of the Purple Immortal Pavilion. At the entrance stood two Divine Emperor-level experts, along with a dozen disciples guarding it. These disciples were all Saint Heavens from the thirteen branches of the major families. They took shifts, and with them around, ordinary disciples didn't dare to act recklessly.

The two Divine Emperor experts on duty this month were from the Luo family. When they saw Luo Zichen's arrival, they immediately stood up to greet him. In the Luo family, both the elder and younger generations held Luo Zichen in extremely high regard. This respect was not only due to his tremendous strength but also because of his dignified bearing and open-mindedness.

In many ways, among the strong individuals of the Luo family, Luo Zichen's prestige was nearly on par with the family head, Luo Yincheng. Even Luo Yincheng had a high opinion of Luo Zichen and took care of him in various ways, trying to give him more opportunities to build his reputation.

Luo Yincheng viewed Luo Zichen as his successor. While he possessed great strength, he was aware of his own limitations in terms of leadership abilities. Due to the lack of suitable talent in this aspect within the Luo family, he had no choice but to bear the burden himself. In reality, he had been suffering and desperately wished to nurture a successor as soon as possible. Now that Luo Zichen had arrived, he was happier than anyone else.

Luo Zichen had been severely injured, and Luo Yincheng had almost flown into a rage. If something had happened to Luo Zichen, he would have truly resorted to a desperate struggle against whoever was responsible.

"Brother Zichen, you're here!" The two Divine Emperor experts hastily stood up and warmly greeted Luo Zichen.

"Please take care of things here," Luo Zichen instructed the two. They immediately understood his intent. Long Chen took a look and couldn't help but smile. Stepping in with a nonchalant attitude, he entered the Purple Immortal Pavilion.

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