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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5678

                     Shadow Stone Spirit

In this chapter, White Shishi is described wearing a golden long dress that is both luxurious and pure. The dress perfectly fits her tall and graceful figure, highlighting her exquisite curves.
White Shishi was already exceptionally beautiful, and when she wore this dress, she appeared even more noble and untouchable, resembling a heavenly goddess descending to the mortal realm.
Blushing, White Shishi's expression showed a mix of shyness and nervousness, along with a sense of anticipation. When she saw Long Chen's admiring gaze, her heart was completely satisfied. To be able to astonish the person she liked brought an indescribable happiness.
"Is it beautiful?" White Shishi asked knowingly as she approached Long Chen.
"Beautiful, and it complements you perfectly," Long Chen praised with a look of admiration.
Appearance matters, but character reveals. White Shishi was already stunningly beautiful, and now, in this extravagant attire, Long Chen couldn't help but feel his heart sway.
"Made by Wan'er," White Shishi giggled.
Long Chen was visibly astonished, unable to believe that Tang Wan'er had created such an intricate dress. Clearly, this dress must have required a lot of effort and dedication.
Tang Wan'er looked at Long Chen, playfully blinking her eyes. In that moment, Long Chen almost wanted to hug this young girl and cry. She had suddenly grown up, and he found himself more unsure of his feelings.
Tang Wan'er had a purpose. She was showing her goodwill to White Shishi in this manner, which was also a form of apology for their previous encounter.
White Shishi was deeply moved. When facing Long Chen's other female friends, she felt a sense of unease. Just as she was getting acquainted with Yu Qingxuan, they were separated again. With Long Chen having numerous female friends, she felt anxious and worried about not gaining their approval, potentially being excluded.
For this reason, the usually strong-willed White Shishi had cried countless times in secret. Now she understood that falling in love with someone wasn't just about sweetness; it also brought pain.
Tang Wan'er's kind gesture greatly touched White Shishi. Overwhelmed with emotion, she almost shed tears of excitement.
"Isn't this forcefully feeding dog food? It's a bit unethical!" Xia Chen commented, observing the three people with teary eyes and exchanging flirtatious glances. He couldn't bear to watch it any longer and spoke out.
Upon Xia Chen's comment, White Shishi's face turned even redder. Tang Wan'er gave Xia Chen a glance and retorted:
"Don't think I don't know about your passionate affair with one of my sisters."
"Don't think I don't know, you're having a passionate affair with one of my sisters now."
"What? Really? Who is it?" Long Chen's interest was piqued. Could it be that Xia Chen, the usually reserved guy, had found a new love?
"Cough, cough, Wan'er, I have to say, this dress you made is truly amazing. The fabric, the craftsmanship, the design... it's just... indescribable." Xia Chen quickly changed the subject, afraid of having his secrets exposed. Surprisingly, his face turned a bit red.
Xia Chen's nervous demeanor caused Gu Yang and Song Mingyuan to burst into laughter.
Tang Wan'er added, "Gu Yang, Mingyuan, you two don't need to smirk either. Should I talk about the two of you as well?"
"Boss, I think we need to plan the battle strategy in detail. I'm going back to study it a bit." Gu Yang and Song Mingyuan, feeling the focus shifting toward them, grew nervous and hastily ran away in an embarrassed state. Xia Chen also found an excuse to slip away, and Bai Xiaole wasn't foolish either. At this point, it wasn't appropriate to stay, so he made an excuse about strengthening his cultivation and left.
In the end, only Long Chen and the two women remained. Suddenly, Long Chen spread his arms and embraced the waists of the two women. White Shishi and Tang Wan'er both exclaimed in surprise, their faces turning hot. They hurriedly buried their faces in Long Chen's shoulder, closing their eyes and daring not to look at anything.
Inhaling each other's breaths, feeling each other's heartbeats, a huge weight in Long Chen's heart was finally lifted. Towards Tang Wan'er, Long Chen was filled with gratitude. Well, in fact, he was grateful to every one of his female friends.
Who among them was not a rare beauty? Who among them was not stunningly attractive? Yet, they had fallen for him, a man who couldn't promise them a future, and were willing to entrust everything to him.
This kind of love, even if he were to shatter into pieces, he couldn't repay it. It was the greatest wrong to make these beautiful women feel wronged.
At first, both White Shishi and Tang Wan'er felt a bit bashful. However, as they felt Long Chen's heartbeat, they gradually sensed the tenderness deep within his soul. The two slowly extended their hands and embraced Long Chen.
Even though they were fully aware that the road ahead was long and treacherous, like candles in the wind, they could be snuffed out at any moment.
But as long as they had each other, why fear the dangers that lay ahead? Even if they were to step into the gates of death together, as long as their beloved was by their side, it was enough.
Suddenly, the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest trembled. A formidable resistance emerged, and countless figures appeared ahead. Beams of divine light blocked the path of the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, causing its speed to slow down.
It turned out that numerous experts had gathered ahead. The Ten Thousand Dragon Nest was moving in a straight line and had flown directly above this group of beings, infuriating them. Beams of divine radiance struck the nest, reducing its speed.
However, these people didn't know the origin of the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, so they didn't go all out. Their attacks merely aimed to obstruct the nest's progress and force it to change direction, while also testing its strength.
The warm atmosphere was shattered, and Long Chen could only reluctantly release the two women. Just at that moment, a cold shout rang out from ahead:
"Friends of the Dragon Clan, flying over our heads like this, do you think so little of our Shadow Stone Spirit clan?" 
Only then did Long Chen notice that this group of beings was composed of tall stone giants, each several zhang high (a Chinese unit of length). They were covered in dark runes, emitting a powerful evil aura. Their skin was naturally dark, and coupled with these shadowy runes, they were hard to spot from above.
When the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest intruded upon their territory, they all stood up from the ground, resembling stone mounds, stretching out of sight. It turned out that this group of powerful Shadow Stone Spirit experts was adjusting their condition here. They must have come here after a long journey, aware that a great battle was about to take place, and were resting and preparing here.
Originally, the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest was just passing through, but they interpreted it as an insult and provocation, so they directly blocked its path.
"What's the background of the Shadow Stone Spirit?" Tang Wan'er asked.
"They are malevolent spirits among the Spirit Clan, possessing strong defensive, destructive, and enduring power. Though they belong to the Spirit Clan, they are extremely evil, enjoying devouring the bloodlines of living beings. They are a notorious group of malevolent creatures," Long Chen explained.
Confronted by this group of malevolent spirits, Long Chen guided the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, unyielding, and charged forward.
If it were another clan, Long Chen might have considered bypassing them, but these were malevolent spirits with a history of atrocities, so he naturally didn't intend to be lenient.
"Seeking death."
The Shadow Stone Spirit experts, after revealing their identity and still having the audacity to fly over their heads, became enraged. Numerous members of the Shadow Stone Spirit clan roared angrily, assuming a battle stance.
"I'll handle them," White Shishi volunteered, ready to join the fight.
However, at that moment, the voice of Li Qi came through:
"Leave these to me!"
Before Long Chen could reply, Li Qi's figure had already appeared in front of the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest. As he appeared, the expressions of the Shadow Stone Spirit clan's experts instantly changed.

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