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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art Chapter 5670

         Dragon Devours Golden Python

As the wind lingered and the moon shone, Lu Qingshuang couldn't believe she wasn't heeding her own advice. Her face bore signs of frustration. Just then, a young man dashed out, disregarding everyone present, which immediately ignited anger.

With his steed blocking the way and a long spear barring the path, Yue Changfeng stood before the young man. Seeing Yue Changfeng in this state, Lu Qingshuang felt a wave of powerlessness. This transformation of Yue Changfeng wasn't solely due to the work of divine dreams; it was also an expression of his true nature, a result of being sealed for far too long, which had begun to take a toll on his sanity.

The young man, seemingly frail, managed to approach without triggering anyone's senses. Even if one used their instincts, it was evident that this person's strength was far from ordinary. 

"What grudge do you have with him that you'd block his path? Are you just bored and seeking trouble?" 

The young man was preoccupied with arranging bone tiles when he was suddenly halted. His hands trembled, causing the bone tiles to fall to the ground.

"A crisp sound echoed…"

The bone tiles, now elongated strips, six in total, fell in a neat row on the ground.

Initially irritated by the obstruction, the young man's face twisted in anger, but when he saw the arrangement of the bone tiles on the ground, he was momentarily stunned.

"Dragon devouring a golden python, the omen of self-destruction through forgotten loyalty, a great calamity!"

With a swift motion, the elite warriors of the Golden Armored Knights dispersed as Yue Changfeng made his move, forming a large encirclement that ensnared the young man at the center.

"Kid, you sneaked up on the Golden Armored Knights. What's your intention? Confess now, and spare yourself needless suffering." A core member of the Golden Armored Knights barked in a stern tone.

This peculiar arrival of the young man was just what was needed to divert attention from the conflict between Lu Qingshuang and Tu Meng. 

"I care not for your suspicions. You might want to focus on your own troubles." The young man calmly picked up the bone tiles from the ground, blew away the dust, and spoke indifferently.

"Young sir, is this divination? Were you divining all along, particularly targeting us?" To ensure the safety of the Golden Armored Knights, Lu Qingshuang temporarily put aside her grievances with Tu Meng. She sheathed her short sword and approached the young man, speaking amiably.

Observing the young man, Lu Qingshuang noticed his eyes were starkly black and white, bright like mirrors. In his presence, every aspect of her inner self seemed reflected. This realization surprised her.

The young man glanced at Lu Qingshuang, slightly puzzled. "Odd, you, however, don't fit the pattern."

"Kid, don't say things that people can't understand. Speak up quickly. What's your purpose for getting close to us?" One of Tu Meng's capable subordinates couldn't help but interject.

This person had keen insight. Seeing Lu Qingshuang being polite with the young man, he intentionally chose to be impolite, using this approach to convey his attitude.

The young man didn't even spare a glance at that person and addressed Lu Qingshuang, saying, "Throughout my journey, I've been calculating the cause and effect with a certain individual. However, I've been unable to make sense of it at all. When you stopped me just now and the bone tiles formed a pattern on the ground, that pattern was a consequence of your actions, unrelated to me."

Lu Qingshuang was taken aback and quickly inquired, "What about the so-called 'Dragon Devouring Golden Python,' 'Forgotten Loyalty Self-Destruction,' and 'Great Calamity'?"

The young man gazed at Lu Qingshuang and asked, "Do you have a Celestial Blood Crystal?"

"Celestial Blood Crystal?" Lu Qingshuang was puzzled.

"I have one," at that moment, a strong member of the Golden Armored Knights stepped forward, holding a palm-sized blood-red crystal.

"Give it to me!" the young man demanded.

"Why should I give it to you? What's the reason?" the man couldn't help but sneer.

"To decipher the omen, it requires money. If you don't want to give it, move aside. I'm leaving," the young man said calmly.

The Celestial Blood Crystal was exceptionally precious, something he had accidentally acquired within the Celestial Vein Realm. How could he give it away so casually? Just as the man was about to mock him, he saw a signal from Tu Meng.

The message was clear: Give him the item. Once he's done, eliminate him and retrieve the item.

With a swift motion, the young man caught the flying Celestial Blood Crystal and stowed it away. Then, he spoke:

"Dragon Devouring Golden Python, in the simplest interpretation of the divination, signifies a dragon devouring its own descendants. The Golden Python, having obtained the grace of a true dragon, sheds impurities with dragon blood, giving birth to golden scales, radiating divine energy. From then on, the Golden Python becomes the most revered breed of pythons. Yet, the Golden Python is inherently greedy, believing that the power granted by the dragon is too little. It believes it should have more power, enough to bypass the need for arduous cultivation, directly ascend to dragonhood, and subsequently rebel."

"This is what's meant by 'Forgotten Loyalty Self-Destruction.' 'Forgotten Loyalty' implies a lack of gratitude and loyalty, while 'Self-Destruction' is about consuming oneself."

"Forget loyalty, self-destruction—no need to elaborate further. As for 'Dragon Devouring Golden Python,' 'dragon' could refer to the dragon race, a surname, or those practicing dragon techniques. Similarly, 'Golden Python' could represent the python race or having acquired golden scales, even ingratitude and reprisal..."

"Shut up..."

Yue Changfeng's eyebrows twitched, and his eyes seemed ready to shoot fire. Was this fortune-telling, or just plain insults?

"Damn thing, tell me, what's your connection with Long Chen?" Tu Meng's face darkened with anger, his teeth grinding.

"Long Chen? Is that the 'Big Brother Long' the giant mentioned? That person I don't actually know, but who manages to unsettle my thoughts, and yet I can't figure out the cause and effect?" The young man muttered to himself.

Lu Qingshuang gazed at the young man, her heart in turmoil. She even began to suspect that the young man intentionally came to humiliate them, pretending to know about her and Long Chen. But the details between her and Long Chen shouldn't be known by outsiders, and knowing her understanding of Long Chen, he wasn't the type to boast about everything. Even if they did know each other, Long Chen might not have told him.

Moreover, the incident of the supposed ingratitude had just occurred, how could this young man possibly know? Looking at the young man's clear eyes, he didn't seem cunning at all, nor did his expression carry any element of mockery. Could it be that he really divined it? If that were true, it would be terrifying.


Suddenly, a spear in the hands of a strong individual was pointed at the young man's throat, and they shouted with authority, "If you don't want to die, confess now."

Runes shimmered on the spear's surface, the sharp tip radiating a chilling intent, barely three inches from the young man's throat.

The young man's eyebrows furrowed as he was targeted by the spear. He gazed at the spear's wielder and coldly said, "What fate has bestowed upon you, you weren't meant to die by my hands. But you've made me quite uncomfortable. Fine, I won't take your money. Let me alter your fate!"

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Yue Changfeng exclaimed. He had been tracking the young man's aura, but suddenly, the young man vanished from his detection. It was a situation Yue Changfeng had never encountered before.


A white light pierced through the young man's forehead, exiting the back of his head, accompanied by a burst of blood, extinguishing his vitality in an instant.

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