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Nine Star Hegemon Body Art chapter 5766


Chapter 5,766: Uncontrollable

The speed of that purple chain was too fast, almost as soon as it appeared, it instantly bound Long Chen.

"What are you doing?" Long Chen exclaimed in anger. He struggled frantically but found that he couldn't exert any strength in this world.

"Struggling is useless; with the bloodline of my Purple Blood clan in your body, you are destined to be the lamb waiting to be slaughtered here!" a man with a sinister face said.

"Don't say that again; what's the point of killing him?" one of the women said irritably.

As soon as the woman spoke, the man who had been intimidating Long Chen was rendered speechless. "This kid is too impolite. Can't I just scare him a bit?"

"This kid has such a strong killing intent; can your expression even scare him? Don't waste time; get to work. The younger generation must have brought this kid here for a reason," the woman said impatiently.


Suddenly, a purple flame surged around Long Chen. At that moment, the scorching high temperature roasted his soul, and Long Chen felt intense soul pain.

"What are you old folks doing?" Long Chen cursed.

"Old folks?" Everyone was puzzled and didn't know what that meant, but looking at Long Chen's expression, they knew it wasn't a compliment.

"Ah..." Long Chen suddenly roared, and black runes emerged all around him. Those black runes emitted a chilling and eerie aura, sending shivers down the onlookers' spines.

"There is indeed a problem; it's the Mark of the Ghost Emperor!" the people exclaimed in shock.

"Young man, how did you come into contact with the Mark of the Ghost Emperor?" one of them asked.

"You don't need to worry about it; stop right now," Long Chen shouted.

"This kid is insane. With the Mark of the Ghost Emperor on you, you will eventually become its slave. Don't be afraid; we'll help you remove it," the leader of the group said, trying to comfort Long Chen.

"Stop talking nonsense! This thing is actually useful to me!" Long Chen roared.

"What are you talking about? This thing will take your life. Besides, as a disciple of the Purple Blood lineage, how can you have the Mark of the Ghost Emperor on your body? It's a disgrace to our lineage," the leader angrily retorted.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't make a fuss; this thing is really useful!" Long Chen exclaimed.

Long Chen had come into contact with the Mark of the Ghost Emperor on the Ghostly Ship. At that time, his strength was weak, and he didn't feel anything. He was unknowingly marked. Later, during an advancement, a portion of his blood soul power was secretly drawn away, all due to the influence of the Mark of the Ghost Emperor. The Chaos Dragon Emperor had advised Long Chen not to pay it any attention, saying, "Sow one seed in the spring, and you will reap a bountiful harvest in the autumn."

At that time, Long Chen didn't understand the meaning, but as his cultivation gradually improved, he began to understand the intentions of the Chaos Dragon Emperor. The Mark of the Ghost Emperor on his body was like a link, and if it was removed, he would never be able to recover the lost blood soul.

Seeing the people intending to kindly remove the Mark of the Ghost Emperor, Long Chen was terrified and shouted, "Don't do good deeds with bad intentions! I really need this Mark of the Ghost Emperor; it's related to a huge investment!"

However, no matter how loudly Long Chen protested, these people didn't believe his words. They thought he had been corrupted by the will of the Ghost Emperor and had lost his sanity.

"Don't waste time talking to him; if we don't help him now, it'll be too late," they said. Long Chen looked ferocious, as if he were about to go mad. They believed it was the will of the Ghost Emperor struggling within him.

Long Chen was both shocked and angry, but this space was extremely peculiar, and he couldn't use his formidable abilities. Even his perception of the Chaos Cauldron and the Evil Moon Dragon Bone had been stripped away.


Just as everyone was about to remove the Mark of the Ghost Emperor with all their might, a noble and sacred will suddenly appeared.


Suddenly, the chain binding Long Chen shattered with a deafening roar. In that moment, everyone stared in disbelief at Long Chen.

"This is..."

"Thump, thump..."

The ancestors of the Purple Blood lineage slowly knelt before Long Chen. Long Chen, who had been seething with anger moments ago, was now stunned by this unexpected turn of events.


At this moment, that sacred will gradually dissipated, and the entire world returned to its original state.

"Um... Although you were in the wrong initially, you are after all the ancestors of the Purple Blood clan. If you do this, I'll feel very embarrassed," Long Chen said to the group, feeling somewhat awkward.

He had been too consumed by anger earlier and didn't know what had happened. He only knew that he had struggled desperately, and an invisible force had shattered the chains. He thought it might have been the Chaos Pearl sensing his danger and coming to his aid.

The group slowly stood up, and when they looked at Long Chen again, their eyes were filled with profound awe.

"Since you insist on keeping the Mark of the Ghost Emperor, then so be it. But I must remind you that as your strength grows, the Mark of the Ghost Emperor will erode your will and nourish your inner demons. You must be very cautious," the middle-aged man leading the group cautioned.

Long Chen nodded and said, "I understand, and I will be cautious."

At this point, Long Chen also put away his previous arrogance. On one hand, these people had genuinely meant well, and on the other hand, they had abandoned their condescending attitude. Long Chen couldn't afford to be arrogant anymore.


Suddenly, the world in front of Long Chen transformed. His consciousness withdrew from the totem pillar, while Luo Yanfeng and the others remained asleep.

Long Chen gazed at the totem pillar for a long time, unable to find the right words. Why would the ancestral elder of the Purple Blood lineage suddenly show him such great respect, and furthermore, it seemed like he wasn't the intended recipient of this reverence?

Seeing Luo Yanfeng and the others still asleep within the radiant aura of the totem pillar, their bloodline power seemed to have entered a state of dormancy. Since there seemed to be nothing more for him to do, Long Chen left the totem hall.

Just as Long Chen departed, the figure of the elder clan leader appeared within the hall. He approached the totem pillar, respectfully bowing to it, and then he appeared within the totem space.

"Greetings, Ancestor."

Upon entering the space, the elder clan leader knelt down in deep respect. These were the spirits revered by the Purple Blood lineage, beings who had sacrificed so much for their clan, and this respect came from the depths of their souls.

"Please rise." The middle-aged man at the forefront helped the elder clan leader to his feet and asked, "Why did you bring him here?"

"Currently, our lineage is at a critical juncture of decision and choice, and Long Chen is the key to it all. I have sensed strong malice and evil aura from him, but there is a power within him that blocks my investigation. I cannot determine whether we can trust him or not. After all, this matter is related to the rise and fall of our lineage. I have no choice but to trouble the ancestral spirits," the elder clan leader explained.

"He is trustworthy, that's beyond doubt. However, I must remind you, he cannot be controlled," the middle-aged man said before disappearing.

The elder clan leader was also ejected from the totem space, and he looked at the totem pillar with a trace of confusion in his eyes, murmuring to himself, "Cannot be controlled? What kind of guidance is this?"


Today marks the eighth anniversary of the serialization of 'Nine Stars Hegemonic Body Art.' A double release for the occasion, after eight years of ups and downs, more than 2,900 days and nights, I thank everyone for their unwavering support and companionship along the way. The 'Old Devil Plan' will conclude next year, and I will do my utmost to give a satisfying conclusion to Nine Stars and Long Chen. Thank you, everyone.

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